Saturday, November 28, 2020

What Will YOU Do, And How Will You Respond If Biden/Harris Hold The White House Hostage??

 As in the Catholic church, we must resist -- to the face! -- this rogue, errant pope Francis, we must also be willing to resist -- to the face! -- a rogue, errant, potential, president Biden, whose hands are dripping with the blood of the pre-born, planning to turn our beloved nation into a third-world hell-hole of socialism, beholding to the likes of the murderous monster dictator, Xi of Communist Red China.  

There is no choice here, but to not accept the results.  We are witnessing a massive election and voter fraud, to such an incredible extent, that has never before been seen in our nation's history.  Will they -- the Demonrats -- get away with it?  We will see, in  the next couple of weeks, when the electors cast their votes in the Electoral College on December 14th.  If all of the challenges of President Trump's legal team fail, we will have a corrupt, compromised Biden, taking the helm of the ship-of-state, that is, until he can no longer put one, single cohesive sentence together.  At that point, the radical anti-Catholic bigot, Harris, will take over.  If that happens, all Catholics -- in fact, all Christians of any stripe -- should get ready for actual persecution and denial of our First Amendment right to practice our religion without coercion or interference from the government.  I should add that our rights do not come from government, but from God almighty as enshrined in the Natural Law.  It is the job of government to safeguard and protect those rights, not infringe or destroy our right to worship God the way He wants us to worship Him!  

The tyrant, Xi, of Red China, recently complained that Americans have too many guns!  Did you get that?   Why would he think and say that?  He knows that a disarmed citizenry cannot stand up to the regime, hell-bent on enslaving its people, that's why.  I don't think he realizes the number of veterans still living and loving their fatherland, as well as the millions of hunters throughout our great land.  There just might be an actual "Red Dawn" in the not-too-distant future, and, maybe, a new generation of "Wolverines" fighting to take back the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Communist dictators and leftist politicians hate the fact that we Americans have the Second Amendment -- the right to keep and bear arms.  That fact upsets and frustrates their plans to make us completely subservient to their every illicit, un-natural whim.  There are already plans in the works to register -- and confiscate -- our weapons!!  That will not happen!  

The so-called "devout Catholic" Biden, and the self-described same, Pelosi, are emboldened by Bergoglio, holding the Chair of St. Peter hostage, as a Biden administration will hold the White House hostage for a possible four-year-term of office; that horrible thought just might become a reality...

Even if President Trump is not successful in winning the Oval Office for a second term, there is no need to completely despair, as we have Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and His most Blessed Mother to sustain us in times of tribulation and persecution!  That is a winning combination that cannot be defeated!

 Pray for strength and honor and pray for President Trump!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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