Monday, November 9, 2020

Conspiracy Of Evil...

 The word conspiracy is thrown around these days, helter-skelter, with the actual meaning obscured by overuse and abuse.  So, to clear things up, here is the meaning of the word in question: a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

Let me now list some of those elements and people that have taken part in the recent presidential election, uncovering a conspiracy of evil to defraud the American people of their licit votes, replacing them with illicit votes -- almost every single vote! -- favoring Biden and Harris, over President Trump and Vice President Pence.

First and foremost is J. Biden... He may be the head, but he is being wagged by the tail of his handlers!  In effect, he is a useful idiot, as are those who support him, and that includes apostate "Catholics" -- see here: over 50 percent of apostate "Catholics" of the novus ordo (new world order "Catholic" church).

Can I identify these apostate "Catholics"?   


Law enforcement uses a term to describe the boss of all bosses in the Italian mob (Mafia): capo di tutti capi. 

The same can be applied to the hierarchy of the parallel "Catholic" church, only in this instance, it would be the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops).  These apostates -- with very few exceptions -- are responsible for the ecclesiastical chaos we see in the U.S. among those who still claim to be Catholic in some way, shape or form.   In Rome, the head of all heads, would be Bergoglio, occupying the Chair of St. Peter, and as such, is considered to be the head of what passes for the Catholic church in the world at large.  Their support for Obama, and now Biden, is unbelievable!   

What despicable traitors of Christ!

In the U.S. government, we have the "deep state" consisting of an entrenched hierarchy of previously appointed career politicians of the former anti-life, Muslim president, Obama.   But it goes even deeper than that... In the intelligence community, the real handlers of agencies such as the CIA, NSA, the FBI, and the other ten or so bureaucratic institutions are a cabal of evil, war-mongering, anti-Americans: it is called the military industrial complex that former President Eisenhower warned us about just before he left office.  He declared that they "live" for war and death, and the almighty dollar.  Their allegiance is not to the American people and our nation, but to the world, the flesh and the devil!

What despicable traitors to America!

These apostates -- whether Catholic or not -- are traitors to our country!  This is only the tip of the massive iceberg that is hidden just below the surface and when the ship-of-state rams the steel-hard-frozen sea water, calamity and death occur, as did the "unsinkable" Titanic that slipped under the two-mile-deep North Atlantic in less than two hours, swallowing up nearly 1,500 victims and sending them to their watery graves... 

Without Christ, Our Lord, there is chaos and despair.  He has promised that the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church, that promise gives succor and hope to His faithful...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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