Monday, November 16, 2020

From The Mouth Of Biden: "...We Have...The Most Extensive Voter Fraud Organization In The History Of American Politics"...

 Where do I begin?   Read Biden's own words about his deep, deep, arrogant, and overt corruption...

 Judge for yourself: do you want a corrupt politician that has been sitting in the Congress of the United States for 47 years, with hands dripping with blood from aborted babies, occupying the White House for four years?

I don't!

The following is taken from a Breitbart article, but there are numerous organizations that have reported the following, same words.

"Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together — and you’d [sic] guys, did it for our, the president Obama’s administration, before this — we have put together, I think, the most extensive and and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

If I was a prosecuting attorney, I could very easily use the words of this felon to cement a conviction, and send him to a federal penitentiary for the rest of his natural life.  Yet, the mainstream media has a very short memory, or, to more accurately describe their dementia: they conveniently overlook his crimes -- and, are in fact, complicit in them.  

The fight for the presidency of the U.S. is much more than a changing of the guard.  It is more of a radical transformation from a representative Republic, to that of a Socialist/Marxist hell-hole, that is, if Biden does, in fact, gain the votes of the various state electors of the Electoral College, reaching the magical 270 mark.  

It is my opinion, if there is any justice remaining in our beloved nation and the corruption, graft, fraud, and election shenanigans are proved and rectified, President Trump will remain at the helm of the ship-of-state for the next four years.  

But that is only one aspect of the current dilemma; the other is to see that those responsible for the attempt at a coup d'etat, to remove a duly elected president, through voter fraud, are brought before a jury of their peers, to pay the price for their treason.  Remember, those elected officials, as well as those who overlook the election process, have violated their sacred oath to God to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

As the time approaches for the electors to cast their votes, pray for justice and for our country...

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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