Thursday, November 19, 2020

Dignity: The State Or Quality Of Being Worthy Of Honor Or Respect.

 And, a sense of pride in oneself; self-respect...

I Ask: do these two definitions fit those reporters; those journalists that report the "news" in the mainstream media?  

Can you trust that their reporting is fair and unbiased?  

It has become quite clear that the answer is absolutely not.  

The attacks on the President of the United States, Donald Trump, over the past four years -- even when he first considered running for the highest office in the land back in 2015 -- have been non-stop.  If their theories were correct about collusion with Communist Russia, or that he conspired to establish a quid-pro-quo with Ukrainian officials in some way, that would be one thing.  Then, nearly all those "journalists" jumped on the impeachment band-wagon, supporting wholeheartedly, the unrelenting attempt of the deep-state and the corrupt Democratic congressmen (and women) to remove a duly elected president from office, in a coup d'état.

The grand irony of all these attacks on Mr. Trump, is that the very ones doing the attacking are the ones committing the treasonous acts, not the president!   But this is right out of the Marxist playbook where there is little or no chance -- at least not in the mainstream media -- to get a fair shake in the court of public opinion...

Of course, another clear indication of the hypocrisy of the leftist media is the free-pass given to the actual perpetrator of high crimes and misdemeanors, and, as part of those crimes, an actual quid-pro-quo that Biden and his cronies (including his son, Robert Hunter) was bold enough to state in a video for all to see and hear!!

I titled this short article -- Dignity: the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect, along with the second definition: a sense of pride in oneself; self-respect... 

Sorry, I don't hear anything from those reporters that even hints at fairness or self-respect.  On the contrary, they don't even try to hide their bias and their disdain for the president.  Moreover, they despise tradition and moral values, and, most importantly, disrespecting the dignity of pre-born children!

What to make of all the voting and election fraud now plastered all over the TV and Internet?  Another coup d'état is unfolding right before our eyes, with fraudulent vote counts, as well as incredible numbers of votes that magically appeared overnight when you and I went to bed!  Nearly ALL those newly-found votes were for Biden; that is a statistical impossibility!   Without fair and unbiased elections, our beloved country will sink to the level of the Socialists/Marxist hellholes that pass for nation-states...

We must continue to pray for our President Trump and for a true counting and reconciliation of the vote totals, if that is done, he will continue to be in the Oval Office for the next four years...

Pray for strength and honor -- dignity and self-respect!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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