Thursday, December 30, 2021

Modern-Day Murderers... They Are Not Bonnie and Clyde, Or Al Capone, Or Dillinger, Or Ma Barker, But The Results Are Much Worse...

 We know from the Natural Law and the criminal justice system, that the pre-meditated (planned) killing of an innocent human is deemed murder -- in the first degree...

In our present times, the horrendous crime of murder is being perpetrated on a massive scale, and yet those whose job it is to stop murder, dead in its tracks, seem to be nearly helpless at least, and unwilling at worst, in stopping one of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance.


Do the investigators and prosecutors fail in their jobs to bring to justice those who commit, or are accessories to the crime of murder, because their hands are tied by state or federal laws that are weighed in favor of protecting the rights of the criminal rather than the victim?  Or is it "simply" a matter of money used to influence the outcome of investigations in the first place?  In either case, their actions or inactions constitute malfeasance of office...

That seems to be the case more often than not.

I contend that there is a two-tier justice system: one for you and me, and one for those whose pockets are bottomless...

Back in the old days of Chicago, the gruesome gangster, Al Capone, was the king of the underworld.  His resources were almost limitless and the crime wave that took place during his reign of terror was a stunning display of death and mayhem that would make the Gunfight at the O.K. Corall look like child's play...

(In today's Chicago, we have a mayor who presides over a city that has over 841 homicides in 2021 alone, yet she remains the mayor.  I would like to be a fly on the wall to hear how she maintains her power -- through threats, perhaps?) 

The number of murders attributed to Capone range from less than 50, all the way up to 700, directly and indirectly.  The majority of those murders were "hits" on his rivals, though some innocents were also wounded or killed as "collateral damage".  It has been reported that Capone paid for the medical expenses of those wounded by "accident" during the exchange of gunfire.  Ironically, Al Capone was never convicted of murder, but went to prison for income tax evasion.

There were many other gangsters of the 1920s and 30s, such as Dillinger, Bonnie and Clyde, the notorious Ma Baker and her brood of viper-sons, not to mention the Mafia bosses of New York and other major cities across the U.S., all the way up the present day...

The gangsters of old were clearly recognizable; easy to spot, so to speak, with the eyes of law enforcement tracking their every move, and eventually, bringing some to justice...

But the murderers of today, are well-dressed, well-spoken males and females in positions of power and influence in the halls of the Congress of the United States, or in state or local offices.  Most of these murderers get away with their heinous crimes because of progressive laws that allow the "legal" killing of the innocent: whether through abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, illegal and legal drug overdoses, filthy "vaccines" that do more harm than good, or the on-going mayhem of gang wars on the streets of some of our major cities, as well as wars attributed to the military-industrial complex, where the bottom line is money, not the spreading of "democracy".  The list is endless...  

It is apparent that we cannot rely on the prosecutors or the courts to stop this slaughter so long as hearts, minds and souls remain hardened and cold to the plight of the innocent they are supposed to represent... 

We just celebrated the birth of our Savior; He is our only real hope to bring some measure of justice to those who cry to Heaven for redress of grievances.  

In the meantime, we can pray for the destruction of the evil agendas of the radical Left and their cronies in political office, but we also have to pray for their conversion, as Christ commanded us to do. 

One more prayer intention: pray for the wayward of the hierarchy of the novus ordo "Catholic" church that they may convert to orthodoxy and a return to the perennial traditions laid down by Christ and His Disciples, and the Church, once more, becoming a moral and spiritual beacon to the entire world...

Pray for strength and honor!  

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




Wednesday, December 29, 2021

One Of President Trump's Greatest Accomplishments, Almost Completely Unreported By The Leftist, Marxist Media...

  If there are any of my readers who still actually believe that the hard Left, Liberal, Marxist anti-Christs, do not indulge in satanic child sacrifice/sexual exploitation/enslavement, then you are living in a parallel universe, unable to recognize truth from propaganda and lies.

There is no getting away from it, a much younger Trump was a multi-millionaire businessman and playboy; "married" several times and enjoyed all that went along with having too much money and time on his hands.  In a secular sense, he was very successful... (Of course, I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with attaining wealth for working hard and supporting oneself or one's family, that would be ridiculous.)

And, people can change, and he did.  If I -- or anyone else who considers themselves to be a Christian -- doesn't believe that, then there is no hope of salvation for us humans.  Because if we can't change, then we are damned...  (How many out there are Calvinists, I wonder??)

I will say this about Mr. Trump (and President Putin of Russia!): there are times when they sound more Christian than the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio.  

However, I am not one of those groupies that claim Mr. Trump is now perfect; he isn't.  Neither is anyone else.  There were only two human beings that were perfect in their adherence to the will of God: Our Lord and His most Blessed Mother!  Some others in Biblical history came close, but were still considered sinners, as we all are, in some way, shape or form...

But even before he became president, it was obvious that he had made major changes in his life... It was also obvious that he loved his country, and, from all that I can see and hear, he still does.

Did he make mistakes while president?  Sure.  More than I can count, but then again, I was judging from the "outside," not from being in the hot seat as the leader of the free world and surrounded by questionable "advisers".  That's a seat that few can handle well and still keep their sanity -- and keep us out of World War III...

One of President Trump's greatest accomplishments, almost completely unreported by the Leftist, Marxist media, and under his direction, were the covert "sting operations" to uncover and bring to justice, those perverted miscreants that smuggled, sold to the highest bidder, and enslaved young females (and males too!) throughout our country... Nearly every week, or month, at least, did I read in the alternative media, stories of those felons arrested and numerous young women and even children, freed from bondage after suffering untold misery of being sexually exploited.  I will also venture to say, that some of those who contracted with these demons, were names that we would recognize; some in high office, or underworld criminals...   

I haven't heard a peep if such sting operations are still going on, but knowing the depraved minds of the radical Left and their Communist allies, in the media and current holders of some of the highest offices in the land, I could safely guess that Biden's so-called department of justice isn't interested in securing the release and freeing those sexual slaves, or bringing to justice those responsible for sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance... 

Too harsh a criticism?  I think not, as some of those politicians, as well as billionaires and those in corporate media, are themselves satanists (devil worshipers) who relish in the sexual exploitation of enslaved youngsters as well as child sacrifice.  Witness the devastating number of pre-born Americans that have been slaughtered in the womb since 1973. Estimates range from 60- to 65,000,000 MILLION!  And, yes, that is "legal" child sacrifice...

I close with this excerpt from President George Washington's farewell address to the nation: "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. ... And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle."

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, December 27, 2021

Bergoglio's Silence On The Genocide Of Uighur Muslims In Communist Red China Is Deafening...

 Why is the bishop of Rome quiet about the holocaust-like concentration camps in Xinjiang, China?

Estimates of over 1,000,000 Uighur Muslims are reported to be undergoing torture, including forced sterilization... 

The following excerpt is from (Read the entire article here: Pope Francis Snubs China’s Uighurs AGAIN in Christmas Message (

..."Yet in this panoramic excursion to call attention to situations of injustice around the globe, the pope once again mysteriously avoided any mention of one of the most egregious examples of the trampling of human rights: the genocide of Uighur Muslims currently taking place in Xinjiang, China.

The pope has kept a sepulchral silence regarding the more than one million Uighur Muslims interned in a network of 85 Chinese concentration camps in the region of Xinjiang, where they are being systematically tortured, raped, enslaved, and forcibly sterilized.

Francis has not budged in the face of significant international criticism for his unwillingness to call out China for its grave human rights abuses, despite his practice of meticulously enumerating the sufferings of ethnic and religious groups around the world.

“As more and more nations have expressed their concern about the growing evidence of concentration camps and even genocide in the Chinese province of Xinjiang, there has been silence from the one entity that has the whole of suffering humanity at the core of its mission. I refer to the Holy See,” wrote Dominic Lawson in the Sunday Times."

I ask again: Why the silence??

I suggest two of many reasons: the 2018 agreement between the Vatican and the Communist Chinese, and the fact of the heavy influence of (Marxist) Liberation Theology that infected the areas of South America -- especially the home turf of the future Pope Francis... 

If anyone is not familiar with the sell-out of loyal Chinese Catholics by Rome to the Communists, a deal that was brokered by Bergoglio, and cemented by sending his emissary, the disgraced, pervert former "cardinal" McCarrick, allowing the Communist Reds to pick and approve "bishops" to represent the Communist "Catholic" Patriotic Church.  Effectively throwing real Catholics "under the bus."  

But that was not the beginning of the treasonous acts emanating from the so-called bastion of Christianity, the "eternal city" of Rome.  One would have to go way back to the infiltration of the Communists and perverts recruited to enter the seminaries and become "priests" to destroy the Catholic Church from within... 

And if any of my readers are critical of my condemnation of the Second Vatican Council, all you have to do is to read the following article from from 2017 and note that this is only one reason I consider that council was inspired -- and taken over -- by the father of lies, Satan...

Vatican II’s lost condemnations of communism revealed to public for first time - LifeSite (

Cross the "t's,"dot the "i's," and see that the infiltration was a complete success -- as we witness what is happening in the novus ordo, new-world-order "Catholic Church"... The church that the world sees as the church of Christ, but in reality, it is an empty shell; a facade; a bastardized version of the true church founded by our Lord, Jesus Christ, and watered with the blood of the martyrs... It has, and continues to be, run by the globalist (Marxist) perverts firmly entrenched in the most powerful and influence wielding agencies, all the way up to and including "pope" Francis...  

The Judas's are everywhere, and the Muslim genocide continues unabated...

Pray for Divine intervention to destroy these traitors and their legions of demons and the restoration of our Lord's true church...

Pray for strength, honor -- and sanctification!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  


Sunday, December 26, 2021

My Mom, Ann DeLalla, R.I.P., Passed Away On December 26, 2007, On The Feast Of The Great St. Stephen, Protomartyr Of The Catholic Church...

  She was 92 years-old, and still mentally sharp as a tack!  

I can describe so many things that make up a Mom, my Mom, and what moms mean to their children, but the easiest and most emphatic way to show the love and importance of a mother, is to listen to the last words of men -- especially those in war -- calling out for "mamma, mamma"...

I'll admit that probably not all do so, but in God's great plan of creation, men recognize where they came from: the body -- and the heart and soul -- of their mothers... 

What I can say about my Mother, is that I always remember her beautiful face and smile, even during the tough times going way back in time to the 1940s and 50s, then again, in the 1960s, as both my brother, Richard, and myself enlisted in the service, albeit five years apart... 

My brother was involved in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, and was stationed on the U.S. aircraft carrier, Constellation, in the vicinity of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, under the dictatorship of the radical communist, Fidel Castro... 

I know that my Mother stormed Heaven with tons of Rosaries on behalf of my brother for his protection, and that tense and dangerous situation didn't turn into World War III... I remember her crying while on the phone with one of her friends in the apartment complex where we lived in the East Bronx, N.Y., knowing that our neighbor's son had also joined the service.

When I joined the Air Force in July 1965, I trained as a Policeman... My first assignment was the Strategic Air Command air base in Blytheville, Arkansas.  Just over two years later, I received my orders for Vietnam.  I remember assuring my parents that there were 500,000 other G.I.s there, so I wouldn't be "alone."

Those numbers don't matter in the mind and heart of a Mother: there was only her son going over to that war-ravaged country...  

There were more tears and more Rosaries storming Heaven for the safety of her son and his eventual return home...

My dear Aunt, Sister Angela Spinelli, also added to annoying Heaven on my behalf.  Even my Father started going back to Mass for my sake, and whether he looked at it in this way or not -- for his! 

As I wrote at the beginning of my missive, I can describe many things that make up a Mom -- my Mom -- and one that stands out in my mind is that she was an incredible cook!  She was from the "old country," Italy, and it showed in the feasts she would prepare for our family, especially when the entire clan got together; aunts, uncles, grandma and grandpa DeLalla... You get the picture, I'm sure!  I can almost still smell some of those great dishes!!  There weren't any canned pasta sauces; she made them from scratch, simmering on the stove with meatballs and sausage, and of course, homemade pasta noodles!

I guess I could write a book here, but the most important thing I can say about my Mom, is that she loved our Lady; she wore the Scapular and always had her Rosary with her.  I feel confident that she is in good hands and is looking after me -- and my family, right now, as I'm writing this...

We all have different memories and stories we can tell about our Moms, this is just one of millions, I'm sure...

God bless you, Mom, and keep the prayers coming until I see you again...

Saint Stephen, pray for us...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Friday, December 24, 2021

A Real Hero: My Father-In-Law, Donald F. Ryder; P.O.W. Held For 28 Months In A North Korean Prison Camp, R.I.P...


It seems that real, genuine heroes are seemingly hard to come by these days, although we do see those who put their lives and reputations on the line, especially combating the governmental and medical tyrants attempting to crush our God-given rights using a faux "pandemic" as a cover to impose a Marxist ideology to destroy the hard-fought freedoms gained by those who went before us...

The gentleman I am writing about, is one "who went before us": my father-in-law, Donald F. Ryder, who spent 28 months behind bars in a prisoner of war camp, deprived of basic human rights and the necessities to keep body and soul together.  Not to mention Communist propaganda pounded into the heads of the American G.I.s day after day...

Mr. Ryder served in the U.S. Army in a Special Tactical Unit (Regimental Combat Team) before he was captured by the Communist Red Army in North Korea...

Donald F. Ryder died in 2015 at the age of 85... Those are the statistics, but there was more to the man; a lot more...

From information provided to me, Mr. Ryder was a scrounger, a "thief", a "doctor", a G.I. who loved his brother prisoners and did what he could to relieve the pain and suffering of his comrades, especially during the bitter, bone-chilling winters of North Korea.  And he did this for nearly two-and-a-half years!

According to the shadowbox my brother-in-law sent me (see below), it does not show a Purple Heart for wounds, but for enduring his numerous trials and tribulations, and his heroics in trying to do everything possible for his buddies, at risk of retribution from the brutal Communist guards, he should have been awarded that badge of honor...  But what I do know is that he had a heart as big and as giving as anyone I have ever known...


This article does not do Mr. Ryder justice, that I know, but I wanted to bring to my readers the fact that there really were -- and still are -- heroes among us, willing to go the extra mile, all the way to the ultimate sacrifice.  

Baby Jesus, have mercy on us all...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

December 16, 1967: The Beginning Of My Tour Of Duty In Vietnam...

 War is hell on earth: it is not glorious; it is not "exciting"; it is gruesome; it is deadly; it takes the lives of the good, the bad and the ugly...

Another milestone: 54 years ago, I arrived in Vietnam beginning my tour of duty that would last a full year... It seemed like an eternity, but then again, it flew by!  A contradiction?  Perhaps, but there were times on the perimeter when situations could go from boredom to all out chaos in nanoseconds!

When I got off the commercial jet at Cam Ranh Bay, I was still in a half-daze... I didn't like the security setup I saw and was happy to get out of there, pronto... And I (we) did... 

Ironically, I was transferred back to Cam Ranh Bay for the second half of my tour of duty...  

I, and my police buddies, boarded a C-130 troop/equipment transport and headed north to my first base: Tuy Hoa (pronounced: two-ee-wa), in the II Corps theater of operations... 

It was after-dark-thirty when the 130 hit the tarmac...

When we stepped off the plane, the first thing -- the very first thing! -- we saw were .50 caliber heavy machine guns, manned by Army gunners, pounding the enemy with tracer rounds, flying 1,000+ yards into the foothills.  It was called harassment fire... And any enemy that might decide to sneak through the jungle to transport troops, arms and ammunition, or to set up their own firebases to shell our air base, or the army installation to our south, knew they could be shot to pieces by the big .50s...

What was my very first thought?

This was the real thing; I was really in Vietnam; this was not some magazine article; this was no Hollywood movie script; I'm here, and here I'll have to survive for a year, at least that was my hope...

After processing in at the personnel office, and assignment to a flight (equivalent to an army company), and additional weapons familiarization, I was assigned to various positions, including but not limited to machine gun bunker, observation tower, participating in sweeps (search and destroy) or machine gunner on escort convoys that seemed to take forever to get to our destination, all the while easy targets, exposed to sniper fire or mortar or rocket attack...

As the days morphed into weeks, January 1968 rolled around, and the Viet Cong in conjunction with the North Vietnamese Regular Army, launched the "Tet Offensive"...

(If you want to know what that was like, you can read my short story: The Battle For Oscar Six, available on Amazon...

I survived Tet, but some of my G.I. police buddies didn't...

In all, I lost one-hundred-eleven brother Air Force Police during the protracted Vietnam War. I pray for them every day...)


Pray for peace and strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Fauci’s War On Science: The Smoking Gun...

 Here is an excerpt from an article by Jeffrey A. Tucker of the Brownstone Institute...


Please remember that Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins are not just two scientists among hundreds of thousands. As the NIH site says, itinvests about $41.7 billion annually in medical research for the American people.With that kind of spending power, you can wield a great deal of influence, even to the point of crushing dissent, however rooted in serious science the target might be. It might be enough power and influence to achieve the seemingly impossible, such as conducting a despotic experiment without precedent, under the cover of virus control, in overturning law, tradition, rights, and liberties hard won from hundreds of years of human experience... 

Please understand that these tyrants are not good people!

That is the understatement of the century!

They are despots who will stop at nothing to achieve their demonic agenda to absolutely control our lives and make us slaves to the Marxist globalists, intent on destroying our God-given rights enshrined in the Natural Law and our Constitution -- a Constitution, by the way, that is in the process of being torn to pieces and is now nearly worthless -- without the separation of powers, allowing the courts to legislate from the bench...

Tie this in with illegal "mandates" (mandates are not laws!) that strip away our freedom of movement or our ability to purchase goods and services without the infernal "vaccine passports" being pushed by the radicals, and you have a recipe for moral, physical and spiritual disaster.

Not to mention the one, major avenue for these evil, wicked people to accomplish their ends: injections of filthy, potentially deadly "vaccines," developed on the backs of aborted babies, accompanied by booster shot after shot, wrecking the lives of the adult population that have been so brainwashed to the point of swallowing the propaganda and submitting their precious children to get the jab.

What will happen in the long run to these little ones, is anyone's guess.  But evidence is mounting that there have already been serious -- and deadly -- consequences!  The end goal of "vaccinating" children: destroy their immune system and eventually make them sterile.  What better way of de-populating the U.S. -- and the world!?

There is only one way to defeat these monsters: resistance, and, if necessary, fight for our rights, through the ballot box, or otherwise -- especially for our families!  

I used to live in New Hampshire... On the license plate is the following motto: Live Free Or Die!  That says it all...

Freedom, as they say, is not free!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Our only real hope!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Profiles In Courage: Dr. Tess Lawrie...

 A New Series, An Honorable Woman, Ode to a Whistleblower, & Meltdown...

“Among other common lies, we have the silent lie—the deception which one conveys by simply keeping still and concealing the truth. Many obstinate truth-mongers indulge in this dissipation, imagining that if they speak no lie, they lie not at all.”

—Mark Twain

Introducing Profiles in Courage

With Julian Assange now facing extradition to the United States, valiant whistleblowers routinely being fed to the BigPharma/Big Media/Big Tech wood chipper, and ignoble liars deploying every weapon of mass deception in their forbidding arsenal, unmasking corruption is one of the most perilous adventures you can embark on in these totalitarian times.

As the quote misattributed to Orwell goes:

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

 Mercifully, there are a few valorous lions roaring out, but they’re being drowned out by the masses of baaing sheep, mooing cows, and clucking chickens. We need a groundswell of truth-tellers to sound our barbaric yawps together if we wish to be heard above the telescreen’s “enormous, unbearable, ubiquitous commercial break.”

In the comments at the Glenn Greenwald post on Assange linked above, one commenter observed, “these days, there [is] no bravery and there are no heroes.”

I replied:

“I can name almost a million, including Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and everyone he and his Berlin Corona Investigative Committee have interviewed; all those I cited as examples in Letter to a Colluder; and RFK and everyone he listed in the Acknowledgments of The Real Anthony Fauci.…

“Plus every ordinary human being who chooses not to comply in the face of astronomical pressure and especially those who are brave enough to speak out against tyranny.”

I then cited nearly a hundred people off the top of my head, and that list scarcely grazes the iceberg. Contrary to the commenter’s statement, I have witnessed more gallant heroes rising up over the past two years than over the preceding half-century. But if people on the side of the resistance don’t even realize how many noble truth warriors we have fighting beside us, how can we expect normies to?

Thus was born Profiles in Courage, a new series celebrating whistleblowers; truth-tellers; and all who choose facts, scientific evidence, reality, human beings, and love over propaganda, disinformation, illusion, GloboCap, and fearful loathing. (Only later did I realize this series is not unlike Tessa Fights Robots’s Honest People Series, whom and which I also recommend :-)

I am going to try and keep these profiles brief because there are so many people to cover and I am already plate-spinning dozens of other articles in progress, including entries in other series (e.g., my popular Letters series, Recommendations Roundups, a new interview series, and the Behind-the-Scenes exchanges I teased a while back) as well as podcasts and videos of my articles.

Profiles in Courage is intended to introduce you to people you may not know about, honor individuals who are audaciously challenging authoritarianism, and share examples of superstars we can be proud to call allies as we try to awaken the sleeping.

Dr. Tess Lawrie

Meet the embodiment of integrity, Dr. Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, DFSRH, PhD:

If you are one of the few people on the planet who hasn’t yet read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s The Real Anthony Fauci (hardcoverKindleaudiobook), then start doing so now and get it for everyone on your Christmas list (along with my fairy tale :-)

In that book, you will discover one of the boldest examples of courage I have encountered in the scientific community: Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy director, physician, Cochrane Library contributor, and WHO consultant Dr. Tess Lawrie.

Her 120 peer-reviewed publications have garnered 5,091 citations and 177,634 reads as of this writing, putting her in the top 5 percent of ResearchGate members. Dr. Lawrie’s credentials, reputation, and passionate advocacy for patients are unassailable, but that doesn’t stop the BigPharma propaganda machine from trying.

Over the past two years, the formidable Lawrie has worked to save lives from every possible angle, whether by exhaustively researching and recommending life-saving ivermectin or taking on the UK’s near-worthless Yellow Card Scheme adverse events reporting system.

In a Zoom meeting with BigPharma lackey Dr. Andrew Hill (whose employer, University of Liverpool, had recently been awarded a $40 million grant by Gates Foundation vehicle Unitaid), Dr. Lawrie fearlessly confronts Hill about his fraudulent meta-analysis on ivermectin, which she warns him will be responsible for “many, many deaths.”

Below are some salient excerpts (full transcript here):

Dr. Tess Lawrie: This is what I don’t get, you know, because you’re not a clinician. You’re not seeing people dying every day. And this medicine prevents deaths by 80 percent. So 80 percent of those people who are dying today don’t need to die because there’s ivermectin.

Dr. Andrew Hill: There are a lot, as I said, there are a lot of different opinions about this. As I say, some people simply …

TL: We are looking at the data; it doesn’t matter what other people say. We are the ones who are tasked with looking at the data and reassuring everybody that this cheap and effective treatment will save lives. It’s clear. You don’t have to say, well, so-and-so says this, and so-and-so says that. It’s absolutely crystal clear. We can save lives today. If we can get the government to buy ivermectin.

AH: Well, I don’t think it’s as simple as that, because you’ve got trials …

TL: It is as simple as that. We don’t have to wait for studies … we have enough evidence now that shows that ivermectin saves lives, it prevents hospitalization. It saves the clinical staff going to work every day and being exposed. And frankly, I’m shocked at how you are not taking responsibility for that decision. And you still haven’t told me who is [influencing you]? Who is giving you that opinion? Because you keep saying you’re in a sensitive position.…

TL: But, Andy—know this will come out. It will come out that there were all these barriers to the truth being told to the public and to the evidence being presented. So please, this is your opportunity just to acknowledge [the truth] in your review, change your conclusions, and come on board with this Cochrane Review, which will be definitive. It will be the review that shows the evidence and gives the proof. This was the consensus on Wednesday night’s meeting with 20 experts.

Hill protests that NIH will not agree to recommend IVM.

TL: Yeah, because the NIH is owned by the vaccine lobby.

AH: That’s not something I know about.

TL: Well, all I’m saying is this smacks of corruption and you are being played.

AH: Okay. Yeah. I mean, it’s, it’s a difficult situation.

TL: No, you might be in a difficult situation. I’m not, because I have no paymaster. I can tell the truth. How can you deliberately try and mess it up … you know?

AH: It’s not messing it up. It’s saying that we need, we need a short time to look at some more studies.

TL: So, how long are you going to let people carry on dying unnecessarily—up to you?

TL: You’d rather risk loads of people’s lives. Do you know if you and I stood together on this, we could present a united front and we could get this thing. We could make it happen. We could save lives; we could prevent [British National Health Service doctors and nurses] people from getting infected. We could prevent the elderly from dying.…

I can see we’re getting nowhere because you have an agenda, whether you like it or not, whether you admit to it or not, you have an agenda. And the agenda is to kick this down the road as far as you can. So … we are trying to save lives. That’s what we do. I’m a doctor and I’m going to save as many lives as I can. And I’m going to do that through getting the message [out] on ivermectin. Okay. Unfortunately, your work is going to impair that, and you seem to be able to bear the burden of many, many deaths, which I cannot do.

TL: Would you tell me? I would like to know who pays you as a consultant through WHO?

AH: It’s Unitaid.

TL: All right. So who helped to … Whose conclusions are those on the review that you’ve done? Who is not listed as an author? Who’s actually contributed?

AH: Well, I mean, I don’t really want to get into, I mean, it … Unitaid …

TL: I think that … it needs to be clear. I would like to know who, who are these other voices that are in your paper that are not acknowledged? Does Unitaid have a say? Do they influence what you write?

AH: Unitaid has a say in the conclusions of the paper. Yeah.

TL: Who are these people? Who are these people saying this?

AH: Yeah … it’s a very strong lobby …

TL: … You’ve taken a position right to the other extreme calling for further trials that are going to kill people. So this will come out, and you will be culpable. And I can’t understand why you don’t see that, because the evidence is there and you are not just denying it, but your work’s actually actively obfuscating the truth. And this will come out. So I’m really sorry.…

TL: So, how long do you think the stalemate will go on for? How long do you think you will be paid to [make] the stalemate go on?

AH: From my side. Okay … I think end of February, we will be there, six weeks.

TL: How many people die every day?

AH: Oh, sure. I mean, you know, 15,000 people a day.

TL: Fifteen thousand people a day times six weeks … because at this rate, all other countries are getting ivermectin except the UK and the USA, because the UK and the USA and Europe are owned by the vaccine lobby.

AH: My goal is to get the drug approved and to do everything I can to get it approved so that it reaches the maximum …

TL: You’re not doing everything you can, because everything you can would involve saying to those people who are paying you, “I can see this prevents deaths. So I’m not going to support this conclusion any more, and I’m going to tell the truth.”

AH: Okay. Well, that’s where we’ll, I guess we’ll have to agree to differ.

TL: Yeah. Well, I don’t know how you sleep at night, honestly.

This is an electrifying example of how to demand accountability of a colluder. Dr. Lawrie has no compunction about calling Hill out for falsifying conclusions to appease his BigPharma owners—not only revealing the mechanism by which science is transformed into $cience™ in this corrupt industry but also unflinchingly assigning him guilt for the half a million lives he would be responsible for consigning to death.

And Dr. Lawrie’s fight to save lives didn’t stop there. She continues to relentlessly expose the putrefying erosion of her field while articulating an inspiring vision for a new model of research unsullied by conflicts of interest—as in this rousing speech she delivered at the First International Ivermectin for COVID Conference:

A Parting Poem, Scene, & Song

Below is a poem I wrote for all intrepid individuals who raise their voices to expose malfeasance, harm, and murder.

I close with a clip from the 1999 film The Insider (Prime Videoblu-rayDVD), in which Russell Crowe plays Big Tobacco whistleblower Jeff Wigand. With Wigand revealing the ways in which Big Tobacco manipulated research and concealed the knowledge that its product was killing its consumers, you could not find a closer parallel to contemporary BigPharma crimes—except you would never see 60 Minutes giving voice to a Pfizer whistleblower, and BigPharma would never be held legally or financially liable for the fraud, extortion, millions of injuries, and hundreds of thousands of deaths it has caused.

(Incidentally, that clip also features the song I consider the gentlest balm in times of grief, loss, or despair: Meltdown, sung by the seraphic-voiced Lisa Gerrard with music composed by Pieter Bourke as part of the sublime Insider soundtrack (mp3CD). So if you ever need to be enveloped in a healing dulcet embrace, play that song and consider reading the poem “Love Abides,” featured in my first Recommendations Roundup.)

Ode to a Whistleblower

by Margaret Anna Alice


It starts as a whisper.

A tickle in your throat.

A glissando down your spine.

A quiver in your stomach.


The hairs on your arms rise up.

A tremor pulses through your nervous system.

Nausea washes over, engulfing you,

Until you can no longer contain it.


What you’ve seen cannot be un-seen.

What you’ve heard cannot be un-heard.

What you’ve felt cannot be un-felt.

What you know cannot be un-known.


To speak that knowledge,

to sing that secret,

to roar that truth

is to risk all—

career, reputation, security, relationships,



And yet to stifle it,

to tamp it down,

to suffocate it

is to sap your integrity,

to stoke your guilt,

to stab your soul.


So you release it,

let it fly,

and it wings its way

round the globe,

waking, shaking,

taking flight.


You know your peace

will be shattered.

You know your days

may be fewer.

You know this could be

your last song.


But you belt it out


You bellow it out


You whistle it to the stars,

and the stars echo it back.


You’ve rippled the ocean.

You’ve whipped the wind.

You’ve sparked the volcano.


And even if the Goliaths target you,

even if their thugs assault you,

even if their scientists spike you,

your truth will swell to a seismic wave,

traveling upon the sea of the awakened,

swallowing up our tyrannizers.


We will trill your truth.

We will warble your song.

We will whistle your secret

to the world, until there are

too many of us to silence.

End of article...
Pray for strength and honor!
Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...
Gene DeLalla

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