Monday, December 20, 2021

A Two-Pronged Attack On The God-Fearing...

  The first prong, comes from a corrupt and Christ-hating faux president along with the demons that surround him, pulling his strings as the bought-and-paid-for puppet that he is.   The second avenue of the attack is emanating from what should be an unbelievable source: the Vatican, that is, from the bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, pushing his new-world-order religion composed of apostate Catholics, attempting to actively strangle the former Ecclesia Dei communities as well as those who attend the Mass of the ages, and impose the novus ordo "mass" -- a blasphemous, idolatrous, globalist religion of man.

For faithful Catholics, it seems beyond belief that such an even could happen in our lifetimes, but then again, we might just be living in the end times.  Sure, I know that there are those who might wonder what psychedelic drug I'm taking; I'm not, but I don't have my head buried in the sand either, disregarding the facts that surround us...

If we don't resist these tyrants; governmental, medical and ecclesiastical, then we will willingly give up our freedoms for "security," and if we do, then we deserve neither (as the Founding Father, Ben Franklin once quipped).

If we do submit without a fight, then we will get what we deserve. 

Let's face it, our country is undergoing a massive chastisement from our God Who will not be mocked...

How on earth can we expect Him to bless our nation, when we kill His gift of life to us in the gruesome procedure known as abortion -- and now infanticide -- being forced on us by those very same apostate "Catholics" who claim to be "devout"?

These murderers have become emboldened by the anti-Christ, Bergoglio, giving aid and comfort to the enemies of his real master, Satan.

We know that many of the abortionists and their supporters, are in fact, devil-worshipers.  Witness the chanting of "hail Satan" in the Texas statehouse when a pro-life bill was being debated, and ultimately defeated several years ago.  Fortunately, it passed the second time it was introduced, and signed into law by the governor.  And now, the Texas Heartbeat Law is under constant attack from -- you guessed it -- the apostate "Catholic", Biden and his evil and wicked "justice department," run by another Christ-hater, Garland...

Devil-worshipers are also firmly entrenched in the "eternal city" of Rome, along with the homosexual Mafia committing the sin of Sodom -- unchecked -- and covered up, sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance...

These apostate "Catholic" baby-killers, communists and homosexuals, still present themselves to receive the Holy Eucharist when they attend "mass" committing yet another grievous sin, that of sacrilege, adding to the enormity of their crimes against the Holy Ghost! 

And yet the silence of the bishops is deafening!

They are not so silent, however, and quick to condemn -- and muzzle -- the good priests that preach the truth from the housetops, putting their reputations and, in many cases, their only means of support (room, board and benefits) on the line to fulfill the command of Christ to preach and baptize all nations for the salvation of souls...

As Christmas 2021 quickly approaches, and the Nativity of our Lord becomes a reality, it is a time for reflection -- and HOPE!  It is also time to realize that we have not been left orphans and the gates of hell itself will never prevail against His true Church and His flock. 

We can look toward the faithful Catholics of the "underground Church" in communist China, as an inspiration, as they continue their journey toward the Beatific Vision, even after being thrown under the bus by those very same demonic, apostate hierarchy serving the devil, rather than Christ...

My exhortation to all my readers is a familiar one: Pray for strength and honor for yourselves and for your families!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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