Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Needle Nazis: Covid Vaccine Derangement Syndrome (CVDS)...

 Read the following article from  posted on 

 The World Gone Mad: The Covid Vaccine Derangement Syndrome - LewRockwell  (And be sure to go to: The Best of Vasko Kohlmayer.)

There must be a diabolical agenda here; what else can it be???

The question begs, however: how virile men can let a tyrannical government bureaucrat force multiple injections into his body against his free-will that defies the Natural Law and God-given common sense, is beyond me??  Of course, the same holds true for women...

Perhaps one of the reasons is fear of losing a job, but is there another reason: the loss of male virility?

The Marxist media and its constant nonsensical, evil attacks on males, especially fathers, on T.V., the movies and print media, have portrayed real men as objects of patriarchal monsters, or worse, as effeminate, limp-wristed males bowing to the demands of Caesar with little or no pushback.  This horrendous situation is also noted in the clergy, whether Catholic or not, as proven by the recruitment of the communists over the years to get fellow commies and pervert males to enter the seminaries to get "ordained" as "priests"... We know what that has led to...

This could explain why there are still fathers and mothers walking around with their little children in tow, all wearing face-diapers, and I'm sure, all have their required number of jabs to fight the supposed "covid" plandemic...

Here are excerpts from the article: "Last Friday the government of the United Kingdom began administering a fourth Covid shot to its citizens.

That makes it four Covid injections in barely 11 months.

As a result, now you can encounter the quadruply jabbed walking around England.

The fourth shot, however, is not the last one. Apparently, there are many more to come.

The UK government now recommends that those 18 and over, take a shot every three months."

And this: "You would think that the UK government is doing this because these shots work, but the opposite is, in fact, the case.

A highly vaccinated country with an inoculation rate of 70 percent, Britain has been suffering from Covid surges.

Worse yet, the vaccinated fall seriously ill and die at higher rates than the unvaccinated. Eighty percent of hospitalizations and deaths in the UK have recently been among the double and triple vaxxed."

..."This disease also happens to have a survival rate of more than 99.6 percent for those under 70 years of age. The survival rates of healthy active individuals of productive age are greater still.

Whatever this is, it not a sane vaccination program. This is sheer madness in a world where things have gone topsy-turvy."

Again, please read the entire article...

If anyone thinks that this lunacy is restricted to the U.K., think again... It is worse in Australia, New Zealand, Austria and other formally free countries, where those who are unvaccinated are now being forcefully trucked to "covid internment camps."  This crushing of human rights is already in the works here, in the U.S.  We cannot let these maniacs -- these Needle Nazis -- have their way.  The long-term prospects in living in such an environment is too scary to comprehend for entire, freedom-loving, God-fearing families, not to mention the long-term consequences of getting the filthy, deadly jab...    

If we don't resist these satanists, then we get what we deserve...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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