Monday, December 13, 2021

VERY Easy Targets...

 The following excerpt is taken from an article from the website: The Eight North American Martyrs...

(Read the entire story here: The Eight North American Martyrs -

..."Not many days after, the hungry and aching captives were exultantly displayed to a band of two hundred or so Mohawk braves, who met the returning war party on an island in Lake Champlain (northeastern New York). When the canoes landed, the howling barbarians danced about in sheer frenzy, slashing the prisoners with their knives and tearing at their flesh with their long fingernails. Then, picking up knotty clubs and thorn-studded rods, they formed two parallel lines up the slope of the hill ascending from the beach.

"One by one the captives were forced to run between the columns of club-swinging brutes who delighted in nearly pounding their victims to death. This was the traditional Indian “welcoming committee” for prisoners of war. It was known as “running the gauntlet.” Jogues was put last in line. He was a special guest; for him was reserved the worst punishment. With head bent low he darted wildly through the mass of swinging cudgels. Blows fell hard and painful on his head, back, neck, and arms, while his sides ached from the sting of the thorny rods being slapped into his flesh and tearing it to pieces. He stumbled to the ground stunned, and they had to drag his unconscious body the rest of the way up the hill.

"When he regained his senses, some of the tormentors burnt his arms and legs with a torch; others dug their fingernails into his wounds. Someone then took this thumb and crunched it between his teeth with such ferocity that he tore the skin to shreds, exposing the crushed bone. The failing priest was so weak that he could scarcely stand. His fellow prisoners, twenty-one in all, had likewise been so mercilessly tortured, that many of them were half-dead. But the captives could not be killed; for they had not as yet been triumphantly paraded before the entire Iroquois nation.

"With little rest and no food, they were hastened along the trail to the land of the Mohawks. While enduring such torments Father Jogues was not altogether bereft of consolation, for along the way he was able to baptize some of his pagan Huron companions.

"Rene’ Goupil, at this time, expressed his desire to extend his promises as a donne’ to the perpetual vows of a religious. His profession was joyfully received and blessed by Father Jogues, who marveled at Rene’s constancy and holiness. When Jogues suggested that Rene’ attempt to escape, his counsel was in vain. Goupil replied pleadingly, “Allow me to die with you, my Father, for I cannot desert you.”

End of excerpt...

The North American Martyrs died for Christ, bringing Baptism and the Catholic faith to the pagan Indians... They were, you could say, easy targets of the demonic tribes that eventually killed them and their converts.   

Today, we are witnessing more "easy targets," they are the faithful Catholics, and the enemies are just as demonic...

But wait; you say: "I don't see priests and the faithful being hacked to death by savage Indians?"

No, not yet, at least not here in the U.S., but look at what is happening on the continent of Africa to Christians of every stripe: capture, torture and death almost on a daily basis.  Some, never more to be seen alive, or sold into slavery.    

On the North American continent, we see what is happening in Canada, and the U.S., with priests, pastors, and the faithful, being the object of persecution from despots -- governors of Demonrat-controlled states -- shutting church doors (with barely a whimper from weak-kneed bishops!) because, they say, a variant of the flu bug, or some other respiratory ailment, is a threat to our existence, as if we will all die if we don't wear a face diaper, or get jab after jab after jab of a filthy, potentially deadly "vaccine"...

One way that vile and wicked blasphemy and persecution takes place, is on the TV or movie screen by the writers and producers in Hollywood and New York.

As a prime example of this, there was a recent "show" on Saturday Night Live, depicting a Nativity scene with our Lady, St. Joseph and, of course, our Lord as the Babe in the Manger... I will not attempt to describe what took place on that stage in front of laughing goons, clapping their hands to their own destruction, but suffice to say, Catholics -- and others who declare themselves to be Christian -- are, and will continue to be, easy targets of the satanic Left...

There are many reasons for this diabolical display of prejudice and blasphemy, but I ask this question: does anyone think that the writers of that filth would use Mohammad or the Chief (Jewish) Rabbi of the U.S. or Israel as the butt of such trash presented as "comedy"?

I think not.... If the Muslims or Mohammad were used, I can assure you that there would be a Jihad -- a "holy war" -- taking place in the streets of the Big Apple, before the "show" even ended!

Just as the early martyrs for Christ were easy targets in Rome and environs, the same is true today for the faithful laity and clergy who know that only those who finish the race will win the eternal crown...

Our Lord commanded us in Scripture that we must love our enemies and pray for their conversion...  (But we don't have to like our enemies!  Everyone should know the difference!)

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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