Thursday, December 16, 2021

So, How Many Have Died From The "Covid" "Vaccine"??

 See the stunning statistics in this article by Steve Kirsch at Latest VAERS Estimate: 388,000 Americans Killed by the Covid Vaccines - LewRockwell

Can this be true?  If it is, then that figure represents nearly half of all the deaths (797,517), supposedly, from covid itself!  

Where is the outrage?  Where are the calls for investigations into this planned slaughter?

Where are our elected "representatives"?

They should be screaming from the housetops to stop this murderous attempt to depopulate and make sterile the American populace!?

We must be living in an alternate reality if these data are ignored.  

Even the hierarchy of the novus ordo (new-world-order) church have encouraged their flocks to get the filthy, deadly jab.  Some have gone to the extreme of prohibiting the faithful from attending Mass unless they get the abortion-tainted "vaccine" developed on the backs of dead, pre-born babies.

The amount of blood money filling the coffers of big pharma is itself stunning.  And more "vaccines" are in the pipeline to handle the new "variants" to continue the fearmongering and ultimate control of every aspect of our lives...

How long will a free American people allow this to continue?

How long before it is too late to stop or reverse the potentially deadly side effects of these "vaccines"?

How long will it be until we see hundreds of thousands -- or millions? -- start dropping dead on the streets or in their homes from these chemical-ridden jabs?

In fact, we are seeing professional athletes suffering debilitating effects and even dropping in their tracks from a "vaccine" that is supposed to protect, not maim or kill and reports continue to filter in on a daily basis about athletes in the U.S. and the U.K. suffering from such phenomenon.

I used to be a big boxing fan... Recently, the great boxer, Marvin Hagler, got the "vaccine" and died shortly thereafter.  He was 66-years old.  The greatness of the baseball Hall of Famer, Hank Aaron, was known far and wide, also died after getting the shot.  Admittedly, he was in his 80s, and I don't know about any co-morbidities, but why did he get the shot in the first place?  Was the motivation fear, or being brainwashed into thinking that if he didn't get the shot, he would get sick and die?  We see the results of that thinking...

Isn't that what we healthy Americans are being told day after day after day??

We must resist, not only for ourselves, but even more importantly, for our children and their future children...

Pray to our good God for Divine intervention to stop this madness, and pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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