Saturday, December 11, 2021

Another TRAITOR! "Chief Justice" John Roberts Is A LIBERAL!!

 I have written time and time again, the most egregious, vile, wicked traitors to Christ and to their country, are "Catholics" -- more precisely, apostate Catholics -- who have sold their immortal souls for power, position and influence in this life, and to hell with the price they will have to pay in the next...

Again, "Chief Justice" of the U.S. Supreme Court, John Roberts, appointed way back -- it seems like an eternity! -- by President Bush, has sided with the liberals on the court once again... In light of his recent inhumane decision, it is now time to stop saying that "he sided with the liberals," he is a liberal!  

What am I talking about??

See if you can fathom this cruel, anti-Natural Law ruling from Roberts... There is a four-year-old autistic boy that has to fly from their home to Boston for his treatment but cannot tolerate wearing a face diaper.  His parents obtained an official note from the boy's doctor stating that fact, but that didn't seem to make any difference whatsoever to the airline.  Twice now, he was denied boarding the plane!  According to a video, the tyrant tells the father that the face diaper exemption does not override the corporate mandate!  

Did you get that?

A four-year-old boy who needs treatment for his autism, is denied travel on a plane because the corporate mandate overrides the boy's exemption and need for treatment!

What airlines have denied this family to fly on their planes?

Spirit and Frontier!  

The parents then launched a lawsuit against this inhumane treatment, and it went all the way up to the Supreme Court... And you guessed it, "Chief Justice" John Roberts denied blocking the federal face diaper mandate.  In effect, he sided with the TSA and the airlines!!!  The face diaper mandate will be in effect until March of 2022...

By the way, mandates are not laws... We live in America and are guided by laws passed by the legislative branch, and not by unlawful, illegal, un-Constitutional "mandates" issued by power-hungry, tyrannical maniacs...

Please watch this video and see and listen, beginning at minute 1:06, this despicable sequence of events... Where is the mercy and compassion of "chief justice," Roberts??  Hint, it doesn't exist!


This is not the first downright stupid ruling coming from Roberts... The first egregious ruling was that "Obamacare" was "constitutional"... If you read what he said regarding that devastating decision, he had to use verbal gymnastics to justify his final decision -- a decision that wiped-out most private health care plans, forcing the American populace to find succor at the government trough -- at much higher insurance premiums... 

Remember Obama saying, "if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan, and if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"??  

We really get what we deserve, don't we...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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