Thursday, December 30, 2021

Modern-Day Murderers... They Are Not Bonnie and Clyde, Or Al Capone, Or Dillinger, Or Ma Barker, But The Results Are Much Worse...

 We know from the Natural Law and the criminal justice system, that the pre-meditated (planned) killing of an innocent human is deemed murder -- in the first degree...

In our present times, the horrendous crime of murder is being perpetrated on a massive scale, and yet those whose job it is to stop murder, dead in its tracks, seem to be nearly helpless at least, and unwilling at worst, in stopping one of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance.


Do the investigators and prosecutors fail in their jobs to bring to justice those who commit, or are accessories to the crime of murder, because their hands are tied by state or federal laws that are weighed in favor of protecting the rights of the criminal rather than the victim?  Or is it "simply" a matter of money used to influence the outcome of investigations in the first place?  In either case, their actions or inactions constitute malfeasance of office...

That seems to be the case more often than not.

I contend that there is a two-tier justice system: one for you and me, and one for those whose pockets are bottomless...

Back in the old days of Chicago, the gruesome gangster, Al Capone, was the king of the underworld.  His resources were almost limitless and the crime wave that took place during his reign of terror was a stunning display of death and mayhem that would make the Gunfight at the O.K. Corall look like child's play...

(In today's Chicago, we have a mayor who presides over a city that has over 841 homicides in 2021 alone, yet she remains the mayor.  I would like to be a fly on the wall to hear how she maintains her power -- through threats, perhaps?) 

The number of murders attributed to Capone range from less than 50, all the way up to 700, directly and indirectly.  The majority of those murders were "hits" on his rivals, though some innocents were also wounded or killed as "collateral damage".  It has been reported that Capone paid for the medical expenses of those wounded by "accident" during the exchange of gunfire.  Ironically, Al Capone was never convicted of murder, but went to prison for income tax evasion.

There were many other gangsters of the 1920s and 30s, such as Dillinger, Bonnie and Clyde, the notorious Ma Baker and her brood of viper-sons, not to mention the Mafia bosses of New York and other major cities across the U.S., all the way up the present day...

The gangsters of old were clearly recognizable; easy to spot, so to speak, with the eyes of law enforcement tracking their every move, and eventually, bringing some to justice...

But the murderers of today, are well-dressed, well-spoken males and females in positions of power and influence in the halls of the Congress of the United States, or in state or local offices.  Most of these murderers get away with their heinous crimes because of progressive laws that allow the "legal" killing of the innocent: whether through abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, illegal and legal drug overdoses, filthy "vaccines" that do more harm than good, or the on-going mayhem of gang wars on the streets of some of our major cities, as well as wars attributed to the military-industrial complex, where the bottom line is money, not the spreading of "democracy".  The list is endless...  

It is apparent that we cannot rely on the prosecutors or the courts to stop this slaughter so long as hearts, minds and souls remain hardened and cold to the plight of the innocent they are supposed to represent... 

We just celebrated the birth of our Savior; He is our only real hope to bring some measure of justice to those who cry to Heaven for redress of grievances.  

In the meantime, we can pray for the destruction of the evil agendas of the radical Left and their cronies in political office, but we also have to pray for their conversion, as Christ commanded us to do. 

One more prayer intention: pray for the wayward of the hierarchy of the novus ordo "Catholic" church that they may convert to orthodoxy and a return to the perennial traditions laid down by Christ and His Disciples, and the Church, once more, becoming a moral and spiritual beacon to the entire world...

Pray for strength and honor!  

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




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