Monday, December 6, 2021

Right Before Our Eyes!!!

Wake up!

Their plan is to kill you and I -- and destroy any future generations that may resist their elitist, demonic, Marxist masters, and fight back!

What we are talking about, is pre-meditated evil; an anti-Christ agenda that is being waged against the population of the world with the use of injections containing who knows what, with documented "injuries" that now numbers in the hundreds of thousands!  In reality, that number is underestimated...

How do we know?  

Because the reporting system only accounts for 1-10 percent of the actual numbers reported!  So, if we take the low number of, let's say, 150,000 injuries, and multiply that by up to 10x, we are talking about 1,500,000!  That's ONE-AND-A-HALF MILLION serious, debilitating "injuries," not to mention actual deaths that are being hidden or mocked by the communist, mainstream media as a conspiracy theory...

I have seen number of deaths between 5-10 thousand in the U.S. alone... Again, if we take that number and multiply by a factor of 5-10x, we get 25,000-100,000 deaths!  

Does anyone realize that if a new vaccine causes under 50 deaths, trials are shut down until further investigation is undertaken!  

So, what is going on here???

Get your tin-foil-hats out of the closet, and place it firmly on your head because you must tune-in to a massive move by the new crop of Hitler's, Mao's, Stalin's, Pol Pot's, Xi's of the world in league with the father of lies, Satan.  They owe their allegiance to him.  They want, not only to kill our bodies, but also our souls and cast them into hell -- if we let them...

And who makes up this new crop of killers?  Look no further than the "medical establishment," our "elected politicians," and anyone who surrenders to the official government narrative of fear-mongering and absolute control of our lives...

Now, little babies are being targeted with the experimental, filthy and potentially deadly "vaccines," aimed at making our newly born children infertile at the least, and kill them in the long run, at worst...

Like I wrote: get your tin-foil-hats out of the closet and tune in, or be left out in the cold -- and potentially be taken out of your homes and placed in planned "internment camps" for the unvaccinated ... This is not a conspiracy; it is happening now in several Western countries: including Australia, New Zealand, Germany, coming soon to the U.K. -- then, the U.S. of A???   

Think that cannot happen here??

Think again... See my article here: Remember The History Of The Disgusting, Anti-American, Disgraceful Treatment Of Japanese-Americans Rounded-Up And Forced Into Internment Camps?

We must resist peacefully -- if we can -- to defend our God-given rights enshrined in the Natural Law and listed in the Constitution of our Republic...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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