Saturday, December 4, 2021

Pelosi On Possibility Court Overturns Roe: ‘It's Really Scary--And I Say That As A Practicing Catholic’...

 Once again, this evil, wicked female is getting away with bloody murder -- literally!  And her bishop does nothing but request prayers for her conversion??!!  Yes, you read that right, instead of publicly ex-communicating this poor excuse of a "devout Catholic" -- her description, not mine -- she continues in the demonic pursuit to make damn sure that pre-born babies can be slaughtered at the whim of the "mother" and "father" for any reason whatsoever, all the way up to and including birth.

Why doesn't Archbishop Cordileone (of San Francisco) do what he is supposed to do???

Do the powers that be in the Demonrat Party have something on the archbishop, as apparently, they do on Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court -- another Catholic??? 

I truly believe it's time for this 81-year-old female to leave politics, retire to a convent, and do penance for the rest of her days in preparation for meeting our Lord at her Particular Judgment...

People like this female are a reflection of the weakness and compromise that infects the novus ordo "church," and its failure to live up to the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church and the prime reason for the Church in the first place: the salvation of souls...

We must all realize that our God of mercy is also a God Who demands justice, and He will have it, one way or the other, for mercy without justice is a spiritual impossibility...

God will not be mocked!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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