Friday, December 3, 2021

Culpable Ignorance, Or Pure Planned Demonic Madness?

  I know we are in the season of Advent, awaiting the celebration of our Savior's entrance into the world Who saved and set us free, but, at the same time, we must face the realities of those cultists who want to enslave and control us to the point of complete dependence and eventual despair.

Let's face it: we, and our families, are under attack from both those in secular society, as well as those in the ecclesiastical realm.

It is a sad day that we can no longer depend on our shepherds to guide the flock to the Heavenly Beatitude... Just the opposite: it seems that evidence is pointing to repression of the faithful and surrender to the spirit of the age, rather than standing fast to the traditions we have learned, either from the word (oral tradition), or our epistle (St. Paul).

The perennial leadership from the Vicar of Christ, is no longer extant in today's modernist church, leading us to fend for ourselves to protect the spiritual well-being of those souls entrusted to us by our good God.

(See this article from, written by Dr. Mrs. Maike Hickson...

Vatican source: Pope to attack Ecclesia Dei communities in February - LifeSite (

Things are worse in society when we see and hear, almost on a daily basis, our "elected representatives" selling out patriotic, law-abiding citizens by illegal, un-lawful "mandates" (mandates, by the way, have no place in our Republic!  Mandates are not laws!  And if a "mandate" contradicts the Natural Law and our religious beliefs, it is automatically null and void, and must be resisted and rejected outright!).  These bad guys are emboldened by the lack of spiritual direction and weakness from those in the church...

The governmental and medical totalitarians are hell-bent on introducing "variant" after "variant" of whatever virus or flu bug that has been unleashed on Americans, and the entire globe for that matter... 

What is the aim of these diabolical actions?   

I think it has become painfully apparent that the intent is to completely reject God, and make a new species of mind-numbed robots entirely dependent on the elites for sustenance -- both physical and "spiritual," with those in-charge as the new "god-men"... Only this time, devoid of all holiness and reverence due our true God, Jesus and His eternal Father...

Are those in the process of attempting to enslave us culpably ignorant, or, are their actions a planned form of demonic madness??

Don't these miscreants know that they might have some temporary victories, but in the long run, they will lose, and have to answer to their Creator for their anti-human, satanic actions, that is, if they don't repent before they leave this earth?

This is why we must all strive for personal sanctification -- and that of our families entrusted to us... 

Is a white -- or red? -- martyrdom on the horizon?  Perhaps, but then again, a martyr for the faith of Christ has nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Bring it on!!


Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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