Monday, December 27, 2021

Bergoglio's Silence On The Genocide Of Uighur Muslims In Communist Red China Is Deafening...

 Why is the bishop of Rome quiet about the holocaust-like concentration camps in Xinjiang, China?

Estimates of over 1,000,000 Uighur Muslims are reported to be undergoing torture, including forced sterilization... 

The following excerpt is from (Read the entire article here: Pope Francis Snubs China’s Uighurs AGAIN in Christmas Message (

..."Yet in this panoramic excursion to call attention to situations of injustice around the globe, the pope once again mysteriously avoided any mention of one of the most egregious examples of the trampling of human rights: the genocide of Uighur Muslims currently taking place in Xinjiang, China.

The pope has kept a sepulchral silence regarding the more than one million Uighur Muslims interned in a network of 85 Chinese concentration camps in the region of Xinjiang, where they are being systematically tortured, raped, enslaved, and forcibly sterilized.

Francis has not budged in the face of significant international criticism for his unwillingness to call out China for its grave human rights abuses, despite his practice of meticulously enumerating the sufferings of ethnic and religious groups around the world.

“As more and more nations have expressed their concern about the growing evidence of concentration camps and even genocide in the Chinese province of Xinjiang, there has been silence from the one entity that has the whole of suffering humanity at the core of its mission. I refer to the Holy See,” wrote Dominic Lawson in the Sunday Times."

I ask again: Why the silence??

I suggest two of many reasons: the 2018 agreement between the Vatican and the Communist Chinese, and the fact of the heavy influence of (Marxist) Liberation Theology that infected the areas of South America -- especially the home turf of the future Pope Francis... 

If anyone is not familiar with the sell-out of loyal Chinese Catholics by Rome to the Communists, a deal that was brokered by Bergoglio, and cemented by sending his emissary, the disgraced, pervert former "cardinal" McCarrick, allowing the Communist Reds to pick and approve "bishops" to represent the Communist "Catholic" Patriotic Church.  Effectively throwing real Catholics "under the bus."  

But that was not the beginning of the treasonous acts emanating from the so-called bastion of Christianity, the "eternal city" of Rome.  One would have to go way back to the infiltration of the Communists and perverts recruited to enter the seminaries and become "priests" to destroy the Catholic Church from within... 

And if any of my readers are critical of my condemnation of the Second Vatican Council, all you have to do is to read the following article from from 2017 and note that this is only one reason I consider that council was inspired -- and taken over -- by the father of lies, Satan...

Vatican II’s lost condemnations of communism revealed to public for first time - LifeSite (

Cross the "t's,"dot the "i's," and see that the infiltration was a complete success -- as we witness what is happening in the novus ordo, new-world-order "Catholic Church"... The church that the world sees as the church of Christ, but in reality, it is an empty shell; a facade; a bastardized version of the true church founded by our Lord, Jesus Christ, and watered with the blood of the martyrs... It has, and continues to be, run by the globalist (Marxist) perverts firmly entrenched in the most powerful and influence wielding agencies, all the way up to and including "pope" Francis...  

The Judas's are everywhere, and the Muslim genocide continues unabated...

Pray for Divine intervention to destroy these traitors and their legions of demons and the restoration of our Lord's true church...

Pray for strength, honor -- and sanctification!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  


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