Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Fauci’s War On Science: The Smoking Gun...

 Here is an excerpt from an article by Jeffrey A. Tucker of the Brownstone Institute...


Please remember that Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins are not just two scientists among hundreds of thousands. As the NIH site says, itinvests about $41.7 billion annually in medical research for the American people.With that kind of spending power, you can wield a great deal of influence, even to the point of crushing dissent, however rooted in serious science the target might be. It might be enough power and influence to achieve the seemingly impossible, such as conducting a despotic experiment without precedent, under the cover of virus control, in overturning law, tradition, rights, and liberties hard won from hundreds of years of human experience... 

Please understand that these tyrants are not good people!

That is the understatement of the century!

They are despots who will stop at nothing to achieve their demonic agenda to absolutely control our lives and make us slaves to the Marxist globalists, intent on destroying our God-given rights enshrined in the Natural Law and our Constitution -- a Constitution, by the way, that is in the process of being torn to pieces and is now nearly worthless -- without the separation of powers, allowing the courts to legislate from the bench...

Tie this in with illegal "mandates" (mandates are not laws!) that strip away our freedom of movement or our ability to purchase goods and services without the infernal "vaccine passports" being pushed by the radicals, and you have a recipe for moral, physical and spiritual disaster.

Not to mention the one, major avenue for these evil, wicked people to accomplish their ends: injections of filthy, potentially deadly "vaccines," developed on the backs of aborted babies, accompanied by booster shot after shot, wrecking the lives of the adult population that have been so brainwashed to the point of swallowing the propaganda and submitting their precious children to get the jab.

What will happen in the long run to these little ones, is anyone's guess.  But evidence is mounting that there have already been serious -- and deadly -- consequences!  The end goal of "vaccinating" children: destroy their immune system and eventually make them sterile.  What better way of de-populating the U.S. -- and the world!?

There is only one way to defeat these monsters: resistance, and, if necessary, fight for our rights, through the ballot box, or otherwise -- especially for our families!  

I used to live in New Hampshire... On the license plate is the following motto: Live Free Or Die!  That says it all...

Freedom, as they say, is not free!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Our only real hope!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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