Sunday, February 28, 2021

Deafening Silence From "Conservatives"...

 Clap your hands!  Shout for joy!  

CPAC does it again!!  Let's see the Golden Calf -- I mean the golden statue of former President Trump!!

I love you "conservatives," because I am one of you -- or am I?

I have a question: where is Rush Limbaugh when you need him?   (We know that he went to his Maker to be judged -- as we all will be judged...)

But we need him back!

Or, at least someone that can speak some measure of truth as he did on many occasions.

Look, Rush wasn't always right on all things to all people -- he was no St. Paul: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. (King James Version.)

However, numerous times I heard Mr. Limbaugh defend Catholic Church teaching on abortion and homosexuality.   That's more than I can say for the majority of Catholic bishops and priests.  This is especially true in the runup to the 2020 presidential election, with those shepherds knowing that Biden and company had the most radical agenda when it came to supporting those criminals deliberately snuffing out the innocent lives of babies in the womb.

Yet most of the clergy were silent.  Why?

As for the secular "conservatives," sure, there were some leaning toward the right on the political landscape who pointed out the radicalism that would be written by executive orders on day one of the new "administration," fulfilling their deranged promise to promote "reproductive rights" as payback to their cronies, i.e., "planned parenthood," et al...

So, it took a former "planned parenthood" manager, Abby Johnson -- a convert to the Catholic faith -- to shout from the housetops, that CPAC was, for all practical purposes, gutless, when it came to preaching the Natural Law, Christ, country, and traditional family values.  Her main point was that the powers that be at CPAC, took the low road, and pandered to the LGBT and homosexual "communities" in order to garner sponsorships (money) for their organization, as well as claiming "diversity," sort of...  

As she boldly pointed out, there is no real "diversity" or genuine equality, without Jesus Christ! 

Good for you, Mrs. Johnson!

Now more than ever, we should not -- and cannot -- remain silent in the face of moral and spiritual evil.  If we do, then we will certainly have much to explain when we face Christ at our Particular Judgment...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, February 27, 2021

More Heterodox Insults Hurled At Christ, Emanating From The Vatican...

 It's pretty difficult these days getting up in the morning and facing another onslaught of bad news, not only in the secular realm, but also in the ecclesiastical world.  Such constant negative news can directly affect our mood, which, in turn, can affect our interactions with family, friends, and business associates.

Unfortunately, a good deal of that news is generated by Catholics, especially those in politics.  But what about Catholics in the hierarchy of the Church; our shepherds and pastors?

I might be mistaken, but it seems to me that ever since Bergoglio (Francis) took the papacy hostage back in 2013, there has been an almost continuous flow of heterodoxy and idol worship emanating from the Vatican, hurling insults at Christ.  And there have been many... 

Bear with me as I point out just a few such incidents that have plagued the Catholic world, and confused, not only the faithful, but also those outside the Church that may have had thoughts of entering the Spotless Bride of Christ -- of the divine Founder...

A caveat is necessary here regarding the scandals and misrepresentations of authentic church teaching: the actions of evil men (sinners) does not make the church herself evil or corrupt; that, as I have written many times, is a spiritual impossibility.  How so?  Simply, because Christ, the Perfect Head, cannot have a rotten, gangrenous, corrupt Body.  (This is where Martin Luther screwed-up.  He equated the evil that men do with the supposed corruption of the Mystical Body of Christ -- the Church.)

I said that I would point out several incidents and actions that Bergoglio and his subordinates perpetrated on the Catholic -- and secular -- world...

A couple of years ago, there was the scandal of idolatry with the Pachamama "phenomenon," basically worshiping a piece of wood in the shape of a pregnant woman.  Some apologists for the pope and his cabal of corrupt hierarchs, claimed that no one actually bowed down to that piece of painted wood.  But videos show otherwise.  The following is an excerpt from an article on from December, 2020: "Pope Francis had, on October 27, 2019 – at the closing Mass of the Amazon Synod – placed on that very same altar a highly controversial bowl of plants that had been offered up to the false goddess Pachamama at the beginning of the Amazon Synod. Many saw in this bowl an occult sign, an offering to a demon, that was scandalously placed on God's altar on which the Pope offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass."

Let us continue...

Just recently, Bergoglio declared that the Second Vatican Council is the Magisterium of the Church!

As a further insult, he then admonished (warned?) faithful Catholics that if they (we) don't accept Vat. II as the Magisterium, they (we) are not Catholic!

And the last insult to Christ, comes this apostacy: there will be an "interreligious" gathering of "Catholics," and who knows who, at the ancient city of Ur in Iraq, just a stone's throw from the Tower of Babel.  I wonder, is this by accident?  Another Assisi 2.0, or worse, perhaps?  

So, what are faithful Catholics to do when confronted with this heterodox nonsense?  

First, Christ has commanded that we pray for our enemies.  Number two, cling to orthodoxy and the real Magisterium of the real Catholic Church, and, three, stay away from those who would kill, not only the body, but can kill the soul and cast it into hell...

Remember, the buck stops here -- at the pope's desk...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey -- now, more than ever!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Have You Noticed That The Most Radical Abortion Supporters Are "Catholic"?

 Why is that??

I could give a million answers to that question; some are so obvious, while others are a little more complicated.

I use the word complicated, not as an excuse to support the killing of the pre-born, but to point out the  systemic (not racism, necessarily) of the evil that fills men's hearts when they reject their Lord and Savior in favor of the world, the flesh and the devil; power, position, and influence in this life.

You now have one of the reasons.,,

The second reason falls on the shoulders of those who wear the Roman collar, especially the bishops -- our shepherds -- who have failed miserably to preach from the housetops, the reality of sin, death, judgment, Heaven and hell.  And now, with Francis sitting in the Chair of St. Peter, the apostates feel very much emboldened to further embrace this ongoing, massive slaughter of the most defenseless of our species, the pre-born.  Not only that, it seems that the sin of Sodom has gotten a booster-shot with dissidents riding roughshod over the Natural Law and God-given common sense, spewing their filthy, anti-Catholic drivel from the bully pulpit of the multi-faceted media.

I will give two prime examples of the irony, if you will, of those who purport to be practicing, devout Catholics, and yet are the most radical supporters of the killing of the pre-born, not only in America, but also compared to those in other Western, "civilized" countries.

The first, and most obvious -- and most recognized around the world -- is that of "president" Biden.  This incoherent, babbling malcontent, is aggressively reversing any pro-life initiatives that President Trump was able to put through, via executive orders, or by promoting the pro-life, pro-family cause by his in-person, public speeches supporting that aspect of the Natural Law: the fundamental right of the pre-born to breathe air...

The second example is the current nominee to head the Health and Human Services (HHS), Xavier Becerra, the present Attorney General of the State of California... 

This character couldn't find it in him to answer a simple question from Sen. Steve Daines on whether he supported any restriction whatsoever on abortions, including those intended to end the life of babies with a prenatal disability diagnosis of Down syndrome or partial-birth abortions.   

Of course, he beat around the bush and never answered the question -- after being asked several times, but he did make reference to the following in an attempt to distract the senator with references to his Catholic faith, including that his mother “blessed” him before he left for his confirmation hearing and that she “prays the rosary every day” and “said a prayer and included me in that prayer.”

Did you get that, real; practicing, faithful Catholics?  

Becerra is, perhaps, the most radical of all the pro-death politicians in the history of our nation, bar none!  His record supporting the likes of "planned parenthood," as well as the other organizations that kill the pre-born for blood money, is public record. 

His mother prays the Rosary for him, that's a good thing, that is, if it's for his conversion and to amend his life and do penance, but if it's for his confirmation to head the HHS as he is, without renouncing the evil of his support for baby killing, then she is also one of the reasons this slaughter continues unabated and is increasing...  

There are other well-known "Catholic" pols that I could list here, but suffice to say, these two examples are sufficient to make the point that when one apostatizes from the faith, all bets are off.   God-given common sense leaves, and the door is flung wide open for the evil one to enter and make his abode in his new, and willing host...

Do we think that our Savior will bless our nation while we destroy His gift of life to us?   I don't think so.  What we have to do, is to beg for mercy, knowing that any mercy is always tempered with justiceAnd justice should scare the heck out of all of us!!

Pray for forgiveness, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Chink In The Armor Of The Plandemic May Be Leading To An All-Out Rebellion Against The Lies And Disinformation Of The Covid Hoax...

 Could it be that the formerly indoctrinated, brainwashed American populace is beginning to wake-up out of their stupor?

Even with the draconian measures taken by authoritarian -- mostly Democrat -- governors and mayors regarding the covid plandemic still in place after nearly 10 months, some legislators, as well as the average Joe Sixpack walking down Main Street, U.S.A., are beginning to at least question the efficacy of such measures. 

It is not only Democrat "authorities," however, that have caused havoc among their citizenry; far too many Republicans have fallen under the spell of misinformation and outright lies perpetrated by the likes of the rogue "doctors" Fauci, Birx, the CDC, NIH, et al...   

There is now a move afoot to diminish or completely cancel polices that have led to the mass destruction of our economic base, including small businesses, which has led to drastic job loss among what is left of the middle class in America...

It is now coming to light that the seasonal flu, for instance, is almost non-existent, not only here in the U.S., but also in the U.K.!  

How can that be?    

As an example, the CDC reported that in the week ending 2/23/2021, three people died from the flu; the previous week, eight!   

There are approximately 330,000,000 (MILLION) people living in the U.S. but only three people died from influenza?  I find that statistically impossible.  The same can be said in the U.K. where medical "authorities" are reporting that deaths from the flu are practically non-existent this flu season, and may, in fact, be zero!

Isn't this a good thing?  

Of course... if it were true.

It's a lie, and that's the point.

What those "authorities" are doing are manipulating (stealing) the numbers of those with flu symptoms, and simply adding  them to the covid column, so to speak, in order to continue the hoax of the covid "pandemic". 

I'll go one step further... I contend that the CDC hasn't got a clue of what they are doing, as far as correctly reporting the facts of the flu or covid.  If you take a look at their own figures and footnotes, for instance, you can readily see they are manipulating numbers to keep everyone in a panic and fear mode.. 

As a prime example, in the covid column, for the week ending in 2/20/2021, they list 1,350 people dying from covid, with a high of nearly 23,000 dying in the week ending in 1/2/2021.  That sounds pretty scary, but if you look at footnote no.1, you will see the following: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19! 


If I were a rocket scientist/engineer, and I was replacing an "O ring" for the space shuttle that supposedly caused the explosion of the shuttle in 1986, killing all onboard, and I said that I presume that the new "O ring" will work just fine for future space shuttles, do you think I would still have a job after I said that?  I think I would be fired on the spot, and rightly so!

That's exactly what is happening, and, for the most part, we -- the American populace -- are letting them get away with it.   But changes are in the wind... 

In recent days, there have been several articles written by those on the "right," as well as those on the "left" that indicate a recognition of data that indicate the complete failure of such unnecessary, radical measures to squelch the supposed Wuhan coronavirus, covid-19 virus. 

We should always question the establishment narrative, not only for our own sake's, but also for those entrusted to us as parents and grandparents; for our children and their children, if we want them to live in a free republic where we can worship God as He demands, and not as the state tells "allows" us... If we don't exercise our God-given, constitutional rights, we will lose those rights forever...

Pray for strength and honor -- and common sense...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, February 22, 2021

The Preborn Babies Used For Vaccine Development Were ALIVE At Tissue Extraction!

 When Cortez and his troops arrived from their homeland of Spain, they encountered the ancient Aztecs sacrificing living human beings to their blood-thirsty gods, filling those Catholic soldiers with absolute horror. 

(The obviously skewed, anti-Catholic history books have attacked Cortez accusing him, and his detachment of troops, of acts of violence and abuse of the native Central American Indians, wiping out their "civilization," but not the barbarism of the Aztecs.) 

What is it that their gods demanded?  The beating heart of the poor, sacrificial soul!

The only way to get a beating heart out of the body, was not by any modern medical technology, using anesthetics that could be used to kill the obvious pain that such an immoral operation would entail, but by cutting the victim's chest cavity open with a filthy knife and ripping out the still-beating heart

If we fast forward to our modern era, we encounter the development of vaccines, supposedly for the treatment of various diseases that have plagued mankind for millennia.  The idea, of course, is to improve the survivability of a patient suffering from some sort of debilitating, life-threatening disease.  In some cases, however, the treatment was worse than the disease itself, with the patient dying after receiving the vaccine.

This is exactly what is happening today with the hastily developed coronavirus (covid-19) vaccine.  I say hastily -- at "warp speed"! -- because there was no animal testing which is the standard for any new vaccine before it gets to the public...

The mainstream media is now in an active cover-up of the adverse reactions that have occurred after taking the covid vaccine.  The numbers of reactions -- and deaths -- have increased dramatically over the last few weeks.  In fact, the actual reported numbers of those suffering from deadly reactions to the mostly untested vaccine, are grossly under-reported, for obvious reasons...

We have to face the fact that there are big numbers involved when it comes to the money that is being charged for the development and administration of the vaccines, and getting it to the public at large.

What is not generally known, is that the fetal cell lines that were used in the development of most of the vaccines, were obtained from pre-born babies, not adult stem-cell lines.  

But now, it has come to light that those cell lines came from, not aborted, dead babies, but from living, breathing little babies -- who were left to die and disposed of as human "waste"! Please let that sink in!!

I would urge my readers to watch the attached interview that was presented on January 12, 2021, on  I do expect those who watch this video will feel sick to their stomachs -- and souls...

The unborn babies used for vaccine development were alive at tissue extraction | Blogs | Lifesitenews.

God help and have mercy on us!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, February 20, 2021

Mass Psychosis, Or Mask Psychosis? Or, Is It Both?

 Does this sound familiar?

From a standard dictionary... The word psychosis is used to describe conditions that affect the mind, where there has been some loss of contact with reality. When someone becomes ill in this way it is called a psychotic episode.

I asked if this definition sounds familiar, but you might ask me: why should this sound familiar to me?  

The answer is not that we generally use this word in our daily conversations; for what reason would we?

Now, we have a reason, if not to use it in a sentence, but to see it in action, not thinking that it is a psychosis.  And you don't have to be a psychiatrist or some type of mental health professional to recognize this mental disorder, just the average citizen going to-and-fro, living out our daily lives according to our state in life...

Another question: why is it that we see so many Americans walking around wearing face-diapers?  Is it because of a scientific reality that says doing so will prevent or help prevent the spread of a certain strain of the flu bug?  Or is there a much more sinister agenda at work here, namely, to continue the fear and control of our lives by diminishing our right to move about without "showing our papers"?   In this case, the "papers" are the face-diapers, and now the real possibility that we will have to show actual papers to prove that we have been vaccinated -- against our wills -- so we can travel, buy food at the grocery store, go to church, or even go to work!  This is not hyperbole on my part; it is already in the works in some Western nations, and proposed right here in the U.S. of A. (by the elitists) -- formerly, the land of the free and the home of the brave...

Before anyone thinks that I am not being a true American patriot, understand that I am a veteran, and it pains me to use the word formally...

It may be difficult to believe that we have come to this -- it is for me -- but that is now the reality; we can now see this mask psychosis in action.  

There is a scene in the movie: The Hunt For Red October, where the executive officer asks the captain if he can travel from state to state (in the U.S.) without showing papers.  The captain assures him that you don't need any papers to travel at will.  

Here is the actual exchange from the movie:

Capt. Vasili Borodin:
I will live in Montana. And I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me. And I will have a pickup truck... maybe even a "recreational vehicle." And drive from state to state. Do they let you do that?

Captain Ramius:
Oh, yes.

Capt. Vasili Borodin:
No papers?

Captain Ramius:
No papers, state to state.

Capt. Vasili Borodin:
Well then, in winter I will live in... Arizona. Actually, I think I will need two wives.

Captain Ramius:
Oh, at least.

The pretense that the "health authorities" are using to curtail our God-given freedoms, is that we should all be concerned about our health and the health of our neighbors, but what they conveniently ignore are the drastic consequences that we have seen over the past year with a horrendous increase in suicides, domestic abuse, depression and isolation because of the lockdowns, supposedly to slow the spread of a virus that over 99 percent of those who get it, recover!  And what is never talked about by the medical establishment, is that the wearing of the face-diaper brings on its own set of illnesses!

The agenda of the elitists is working far better than even they could have imagined; it will get far worse if we, as patriotic Americans, do not resist this ongoing attempt to enslave us.  And that's exactly what it is: slavery...

I urge all reading this missive: resist!  Stop wearing the face-diaper, and refuse the filthy -- and potentially deadly, covid vaccine...

Pray for strength and honor!

 Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, February 19, 2021

Ash Wednesday And The Four Last Things...

 On Thursday, February 18, 2021, I wrote a short missive regarding the passing of Rush Limbaugh (see here: Rush Limbaugh, R.I.P.), today, I would like to share my thoughts with my readers on the important meaning of Ash Wednesday --and the four last things: death, judgment, heaven, hell...

Some would say that the Catholic Church's acknowledging Ash Wednesday, and the accompanying ceremony, is rather ghoulish, talking about death and what happens to us when we die, instead -- in their minds -- of concentrating on this life and being "happy" and "successful".  

However, it is not only the Catholic Church, but also some mainline Protestant denominations that remind their congregations that this life is a mere blip on the radar screen, if you will, and we will return to the earth -- when God determines that our time in this veil of tears is over.  This undeniable fact should be preached from the housetops, but very sadly -- in most parishes and congregations -- it isn't.  The physical manifestation of the sign used to signify that we will someday return to dust, is by the signing of the Cross on the foreheads of the faithful attending the service.

We can find several Biblical verses from the Old Testament that support the admonition that we will all return to dust -- the end of our own world -- not necessarily the cataclysmic, apocalyptic end of the world.

The following Scriptural verses were taken from the King James and other versions of the Bible... 

Ecclesiastes 3:20 All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return.

Genesis 3:19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

Psalm 104:29 When you hide your face, they are terrified; when you take away their breath, they die and return to the dust.

Psalm 103:14 For he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.

Job 34:15 All humanity would perish together and mankind would return to the dust.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 And the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

The whole idea of Ash Wednesday is to pound into our-sometimes thick heads that we had better stay on the straight and narrow road, and stay off that well-lit, well-paved highway that leads to damnation -- eternal damnation, that is...

So, what are the Four Last Things?

1) Death.

2) Judgment (our Particular Judgment).

3) Heaven.

Or, 4) Hell.

I think it would be prudent to be very afraid of three of the four listed ends, while concentrating on Heaven should make us rejoice, that is, if we do what we are supposed to do in order to achieve that end. This does not mean accomplishing that wonderful end by our own merits; that is simply a spiritual impossibility, but by the merits of our Lord -- who paid the ultimate penalty for our sins -- and by works of charity (love of God and neighbor, etc.).

Our pilgrimage here on earth is a short one... During this Lenten season, it would be a great time to reassess the state of our souls and the commitment to His will, not ours. As St. Matthew admonishes us in verse 22:14: "For many are called, but few are chosen."

More to come...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Rush Limbaugh, R.I.P.

 Yesterday, February 17, 2021, conservative, talk-radio icon, Rush Limbaugh, passed away after a courageous, but losing battle, with lung cancer...

Rush was not a Catholic, yet I personally heard him defend the teachings of the Catholic Church on several occasions, on the topics of life, the moral order and the Natural Law.  Sadly, this is more than I can say for the majority of the Catholic bishops in our country, who seem to have allied themselves with the anti-life Democrats.

His defense of those basic and important teachings drew the ire and condemnation from the radical left from the time he started in A.M. radio nearly 32 years ago... 

But he never shied away from confrontation from those leftists, and always invited them to call in to his show, telling his loyal call-screener, "Mr. Snerdley," to put the liberal callers at the head of the line... 

I have to admit, his support for certain countries and government narratives rubbed me the wrong way, yet I listened to his show on and off since the early 1990's, albeit, with a "jaundiced ear," so to speak...

I could take this opportunity to list his many faults, suffice to say, he was a sinner -- as we all are.  But I'm not in the business of making the final judgment of his soul; that was done at his Particular Judgment -- where perfect mercy and perfect justice meet -- by the Christ that he proclaimed to follow (as he related in an interview in the weeks before his passing).

Last night we attended an Ash Wednesday, traditional high Mass in Kansas City, Missouri.  During that Mass, I prayed that mercy be granted to Mr. Limbaugh.  

All I ask of my readers is to do the same.  I thank you...

Rush Limbaugh, R.I.P...

Pray also for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 The following is an excerpt adapted from the New Book: Celebrating God-Given Gender: Masculinity & Femininity per Nature & Grace...  By Dr. G.C. Dilsaver.

"The most demonic war in the history of the world is now being waged. It is nothing less than a ubiquitous war of terror, but this terrorism is being spearheaded not by the ancient Islamic archenemy of Christendom but by the very Western nations that were the birthplaces and defenders of the Holy Faith itself. This post-Christian era of terrorism is first and foremost a terror against the family and, as such, a terror against gender and marriage. This war of terror’s weapons are truly those of mass destruction, for they are weapons of the mass-media and a pervasive and perverse political correctness enforced by totalitarian political, judicial, economic, and social policies.

"Destroy the meaning of gender and you destroy the meaningfulness of marriage, for gender is what makes marriage possible. Destroy the meaningfulness of marriage and you destroy the sacrosanct integrity of the family, for it is marriage that both animates and binds the family. Destroy the sacrosanct integrity of the family and you destroy a just, righteous, and sound sociopolitical order, for the sociopolitical order is both made up of the family and properly ordered to the facilitation of the family. Thus marriage and family’s given prerequisite—its first principle—is God-given gender. No wonder in these days of “gender confusion” the condition of marriage, the family, society, and the ecclesial community is in such advanced decay.

"The most effective way to destroy the family is to destroy gender distinctions, that is, to promulgate gendercide. Not only does the rejection of gender deal a death blow to marriage and family, which is the basic cell of society and the Church, but it entails the rejection of the most elementary and essential demarcation of the human person as an incarnate being made in God’s image. Rejecting the realities of gender is the final result of rejecting man’s contingent and dependent nature, thus it is the result of rejecting and rebelling against both God and His natural law.

"The gendercidal agenda that is being advanced today in the post and now anti-Christic West is no accident. Yes, the perverse popular culture enables the total State, which in turn controls the kowtowing corporations, mind-numbing mass-media, and politically-correct educational (read indoctrination) institutions; all of which combine in an orchestrated death-blow against the family. But be certain, the conductor of this hellish campaign is no other than the Evil One himself. Believe in this conspiracy, for it is no theory. Utilizing scientific technology, mass-media thought control, and governmental coercion, the demonically orchestrated campaign against gender, against womanhood and motherhood, against manhood and fatherhood, against the sacrosanct family is furiously accelerating. And make no mistake, it is the State’s perverse moral magisterium–the mental health system of psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, et al.–that continue to spear head this ideological assault on gender and the family."

(G.C. Dilsaver, P/M, Psy.D, M.T.S, [send him mail] touted as the “father of Christian psychology” by the Catholic University of America, has developed the antidotal alternative to the failed mental health professions in the Soul-Deep Science of Psychomoralitics.)

Copyright © G.C. Dilsaver...

End of excerpt...

As you can see by Dr. Dilsaver's credentials, he is no "fly-by-night" phenomenon but a brilliant -- Catholic -- psychologist.  My wife and I have been to several of his talks at the St. Benedict Center; his take on what passes for mental health in the U.S. and those professionals who counsel those in need, is certainly eye-opening, and, in a sense, scary!  I would urge all to read his book, as well as other articles at SOULDEEPSCIENCE.COM.

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The New "Ducks"...

We're all familiar with...: If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's most likely a duck!

If I enumerated some of the grievous sins that plague mankind, I believe that anyone with a normal ability to reason could come to the conclusion that evil is a driving force behind those sins.  Further, we could trace that evil to the obvious source: the father of lies, Satan.

Even an atheist will admit that there is such a thing as evil in the world; one doesn't have to believe in God, but it helps.  In fact, there is an organization that touts the pro-life view and the right of the pre-born to breathe air: Atheists For Life!  (I can only wonder why such atheists do not follow the logical avenue that leads to the conclusion that there is a creator of that pre-born baby with the cooperation of the love between husband and wife?)

We can't deny that the Catholic Church is suffering from the evil that men do.  The spotless Bride of Christ is plagued by sinful men doing the work of the demon, rather than the work of their Master.  These treasonous acts have driven many out of the true church as well as confused those who remain within her bosom.  Now more than ever, the liberals and "progressives" that permeate the hierarchy have become emboldened by the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, Bergoglio (Francis), and his outrageous and poisonous writings and mouthings almost on a daily basis.   Most recently, he dared to condemn faithful Catholics who do not accept the demonic Second Vatican Council as the Magisterium of the church!  

Are we living in a post-apocalyptic, ecclesiastical, Mad-Max world, or what?

Faithful Catholics are witnessing the rotten fruits generated from the gangrenous seeds planted several generations ago when those opposed to the laws of God and Nature were recruited by the likes of Bella Dodd, namely, Communists, to enter Catholic seminaries, seek ordination to the priesthood, and bring down the church from within...

Some of those Communists who were "ordained" to the priesthood, eventually rose to the rank of bishop and cardinal, spreading the errors of Russia and heterodoxy within the Church.  But it didn't stop there... The revelation of the attacks on vulnerable youth by homosexual infiltrators has caused much scandal and the destruction of innocent lives.  The sodomite predators have continuously been shuffled around the various parishes by those sympathetic bishops and cardinals, from the 1940's to the present day.  Do I have to name, names?  If I do, then that is part of the ongoing problem in the church.  It is not only the hierarchy, but also the laity that must bear some responsibility for the near-destruction of the Mystical Body of Christ, through blind obedience, and slothful attitudes toward our precious faith.  

At the present time, there seems to be little justice with only a very few "priests," "bishops" and "cardinals" facing the wrath of God, at least in this life... Now, with Bergoglio at the helm of the ecclesiastical ship-of-state, the modernists, as well as the Communists, feel much emboldened to continue their reign of terror on faithful Catholics.   Witness the despicable 2018 agreement between the Vatican and the Red Chinese Communists, selling out the legitimate "underground" Catholic Church and forcing them to endure even more and sustained persecution.  While, at the same time, capitulating to the Communist demands that they should approve and appoint "bishops" to the "patriotic" "catholic church"!!  

I'll leave it to my readers to figure out where the buck stops for this travesty...

Remember, if you don't accept Vatican II as the Magisterium of the Church, you are not Catholic!

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's most likely a duck!

As Lent approaches, let us do extra penance and prayers, not only for our own sanctification, but also for our enemies...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, February 15, 2021

A Belated "Happy SAINT Valentine's Day"!

 I goofed.  I failed to write a missive honoring the Catholic priest who was martyred in 269 A.D. (Anno Domini) for secretly marrying Catholic soldiers in direct defiance of the edict of the tyrannical murderer-Emperor, Claudius II.  Yes, there were many Catholics in the Roman army.  As an example of the brutality of their commanders, -- the buck stopped at the desk of the emperors -- the Theban Legion, consisting of over 6,000! men who had converted to Christianity (Catholicism -- the original Christianity) were all martyred in the year 286 for refusing to sacrifice to the Emperor.

Think about it... over 6,000 men were executed because they would not betray their Master, Christ, and offer sacrifice to a man.  This was, in fact, the fate of many of the Christians (Catholics) of the nascent church founded by our Lord, including those in the military.  It would be a great thing if, in today's military, there were men in the service to their country, that could discern what true freedom really means: having a soul in the state of grace, following the laws of God, to love God and neighbor; receiving the Bread of Life in the Holy Eucharist, and be willing to sacrifice -- and die if necessary, for their Lord and Savior...

(Actually, there were three St. Valentines with the most notable and most recognized being the Catholic priest who was killed in 269 A.D., a bishop, and another St. Valentine who was martyred on the Continent of Africa.)

Getting back to the great St. Valentine, here is a 2014 article from, written by Karen Anderson...

Give Me Back My Valentine!

 I claim there ain’t
Another Saint
As great as Valentine.
     —Ogden Nash

"This Friday, February 14, the universal Church will not celebrate St. Valentine’s Day, even though everybody else will. This even though he has been venerated by Catholics for about 1,700 years as the patron saint of love and marriage.

St. Valentine used to be honored by a Mass on his feast day. But my free calendar from the local Catholic parish simply lists February 14 as “Valentine’s Day,” stripped of its “St,” as if it were some desiccated secular observance like “Administrative Assistant’s Day.”

How did this happen? In 1966, a book written by a Franciscan (ironically named Agostino Amore) claimed that Valentine never existed. Fr. Amore’s thesis was that the ancient Basilica of St. Valentine in Rome was named after a wealthy tribune who just happened to be named Valentine—and not a martyr priest. Apparently it did not occur to Fr. Amore that it was common for a benefactor to give money to build a church in honor of his patron saint. And that Catholics don’t tend to name churches after themselves…

Three years later, in 1969, St. Valentine was dropped from the Universal Calendar of saints of the Roman Catholic Church. His 1700-year popularity notwithstanding, it was argued that there was insufficient evidence of his existence—although officially, the Church did not go so far as to declare that St. Valentine never existed.

Thus, pseudo-educated Catholics could congratulate themselves on their sophistication and a few pious souls could continue praying to him. The indifferent remainder of the world took it as a cue to rededicate the day to mid-February lechery, as in ancient times.

According to most traditions, St. Valentine was a priest and physician who was martyred under the Emperor Claudius II on February 14, 269, for aiding Christians. Some say his crime was marrying couples in defiance of a law forbidding soldiers to marry. That may not be provable, but at that time, Claudius was leading a life-or-death struggle for Rome against the invading Goths, and he had a reputation for brutality—it was claimed that Claudius could knock out the teeth of a horse with a single punch. 

Valentine was beaten with clubs and then beheaded on the Via Flaminia, just outside what is now the Porta del Popolo in Rome (not far from the Spanish Steps). For centuries, this gateway to the Via Flaminia (the main highway into Rome from the north) was named Porta Valentini in his honor.

His body was buried in a pit about a mile up the Via Flaminia, east of the highway below the northwestern cliff of Monte Parioli. Less than 75 years after his death, a Basilica was built over his grave by Pope Julius I. It became the first stop for pilgrims on their way into the Eternal City. It subsequently fell into ruin and a later one was built over the catacombs nearby. This site is not far from the Milvian Bridge, where Constantine—who claimed to be descended from Claudius II—defeated Maxentius and became Emperor about 40 years after Valentine’s death. That battle ended three centuries of persecution and made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

In 496 (a little over 200 years after his martyrdom) Valentine was canonized by Pope Gelasius—who himself was a saint, scholar, and a poet who wrote many hymns. Gelasius canonized not only St. Valentine, but also St. George (who was likewise bumped off the calendar in 1969). He remarked that these two men were among those “whose names are justly reverenced among men, but whose acts are known only to God.” His point was that if a man dies for Christ, he is worthy of canonization, even if he didn’t leave the Summa Theologica behind to keep the cynics quiet.

But archaeological evidence of St. Valentine’s life is still with us. Besides the remains of the original Basilica, St. Valentine’s skull is in Rome’s Santa Maria in Cosmedin—consistent with the tradition that he was beheaded. More relics are kept at St. Praxides in Rome, and a significant casque of relics made its way to Ireland, to the Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel on Whitefriar Street in Dublin.

(To this day, that church celebrates February 14 with a special blessing of rings for engaged couples. To heck with the revised calendar—they aren’t about to spurn the tourists.)

The saint was honored continuously—and not just on greeting cards—until recent times. In the New York Times of February 28, 1905, the paper’s Rome correspondent reported on St. Valentine’s Day celebrations in the city:

The Cultores Martyrum have a special celebration every year on this day at his catacomb, on the Flaminian Way, outside of Porta del Topolo [sic], to the right at the foot of the Monti Parioli. Here, too, above the ground are a few remains of the basilicate raised by Pope Julius I in the middle of the fourth century and dedicated to St. Valentine.

 The Times article goes on to mention that the catacomb had been abandoned, but was recovered and explored in 1880 by Prof. Horace (Orazio) Marucchi, director of the Christian Museum of the Lateran.

Marucchi published many books on Christian antiquities, among them a memorial volume on St. Valentine. So, in 1905 quite a bit about Valentine was known, but for some reason, in 1969 it was forgotten or ignored. 

A modern myth claims that St. Valentine’s feast day was invented just to replace the pagan celebration of Lupercalia. No, actually, Lupercalia was abolished by the Roman Senate in the late 400s and replaced with the feast of the Purification of Mary. Truly, the Catholic-feast-day-invented-to-supplant-the-ancient-pagan-festival explanation is wearing a little thin—maybe they’ve run out of pagan events and are starting to recycle them…

Moreover, some Christian saints were purposely martyred during pagan festivities. St. Perpetua and her companions were killed at the Emperor’s birthday celebration. Would it be a big surprise if Valentine were martyred on the eve of Lupercalia—and that he wound up taking over the party? Think of it this way: Which gesture would you find more attractive—getting smacked with a piece of raw, smelly goat hide, or getting flowers in memory of the patron of lovers, who loved “unto death”?

In any case, why should it matter? If you actually believe in God and his Providence, it makes sense to assume that there is a saint or a feast day for every legitimate custom or desire—since God created both. Some celebrations invented before the Christian feast were valid prefigurements by people searching for the truth and awaiting the Light of the World. Other pagan feasts were debauched riots.

Maybe those persistent legends about St. Valentine are true. Maybe he really was a priest and physician who secretly married couples in defiance of the Emperor Claudius II, and maybe he really was martyred for it on February 14, 269. Maybe it was on the eve of the feast of Lupercalia, or Juno, or maybe it doesn’t matter. Even dead, he seems to have rather handily outlived everything.

Some public schools in New Jersey have banned Valentine’s Day—possibly for fear that some kid will one day ask the forbidden question, “Uh—who is Valentine?” Today’s Catholic Church is likewise too timid to embrace his feast day—and it seems the devil has been more than happy to take it over.

It would be nice to have our Valentine back. With the red vestments, the little prayer for the Mass of the day, and the “St.” back in front of his name on our free parish calendars. I am no theologian, but I suspect it’s time to get over ourselves. Are we going to celebrate Valentine’s Day with or without the guest of honor?"

End of article...

So, my dear readers, next February 14th, be sure to say to the love of your life -- wife, mother, sister, aunt... "Happy SAINT Valentine's Day"!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

SAINT Valentine, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla


Sunday, February 14, 2021

No Mas(k)! No Mas(k)!

 Are you a fight (boxing) fan?

I used to be.  I couldn't wait for the next good fight with known champions.  Rarely did I miss the "big ones."  

One of my favorite fighters, Roberto Duran, held world championships in four weight classes: lightweight, welterweight, light middleweight and middleweight! 

He was a clean fighter with a "hands of stone" reputation -- and well deserved, as was proved by his 103 wins; 70 by KO (knockout)!  He even beat the punk, Cassius Clay imitator, Ray Leonard... I was happy to see that loudmouth get his rear-end upended...

However, in the re-match, somewhere around the eighth round, Duran suddenly stopped fighting, and Leonard took the win.  At the time, Duran was heard exclaiming: "No Mas, No Mas," meaning "no more," "no more."  But years later, he claims what he actually said was:  "I won't go on."  

The "no mas" phrase stuck with me since that fateful fight, now, of course, I know what he really did say...

I wanted to use the "no mas" phrase and apply it to today's crazy rules and illicit dictates regarding the wearing of face-diapers -- face masks, that is...

Maybe I'm mistaken, but it seems to me that there is more and more resistance popping up across the country by American patriots that now know that the face-diaper does little or nothing to protect anyone from anything.  In fact, I can prove that very easily by showing the attached video as well as the screwball, "Dr." Fauci now "encouraging" brainwashed Americans to wear not one, but two, or even three face-diapers, one on top of the other!  This character is loony!   

As an aside, just like his fellow traveler, in evil, Biden, Fauci is an apostate "Catholic" fully pushing the radical abortion agenda of his malefactor boss in the White House.  Notice that when Trump was head of the ship-of-state, Fauci was quiet about the willful killing of the pre-born, but no more.  These out-of-control population-control maniacs can't wait to get their filthy, blood-drenched hands on the next pregnant woman and tear that tiny baby out of her womb.  Demonic!  Diabolical!  Devil worship!

And with the face-diaper scam, they want to control every aspect of our lives through fear and intimidation.  Make no mistake, these are Marxist oligarchs with every intention of destroying the Republic and the most important building block of society; the family!

No mas(k)!  No mas(k)!

Watch this video!  

This video shows


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...