Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Getting What THEY Deserve: STD Rate Is 'Out of Control,' Syphilis Cases Highest Since 1948...

  There are more important issues facing humankind, e.g., the prospect of a thermal nuclear war (World War III), hanging over our heads like the Sword of Damocles by the spiraling out of control of the war between Russia and Ukraine -- with NATO and the U.S. sending weapons and ammo, bolstering the corrupt government of Zelensky.  

One would think that such a catastrophic possibility would be news item number one on the "6 o'clock news" day in and day out, even on the bought-and-paid-for Marxist, mainstream media, but it isn't.  

But what is?

Here is a headline from an article on cnsnews.com, written by Bill Donohue of the Catholic League: STD Rate is 'Out of Control,' Syphilis Cases Highest Since 1948.

(By the way, this is another article that should be covered in the mainstream media but isn't.  I wonder why?)

STD Rate is 'Out of Control,' Syphilis Cases Highest Since 1948 | CNSNews.

(WARNING!  There is some graphic language used to describe certain areas of the body illustrating how STDs can be spread.)

Here are a couple of excerpts from the article...

"As usual, those most responsible are not white people, Asians, heterosexuals or women: blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, and homosexuals have the highest rates. Drug use and alcohol use are contributing to risky behavior."  (My emphasis.) 

"...Moreover, the latest news comes on the heels of monkeypox, a disease that is overwhelmingly driven by gay sexual behavior.

"In other words, self-destructive behavior is taking a toll on those who refuse to tap the brakes that God gave them. Even more bizarre, it was found that condom use is declining."  (Again, my emphasis.) 

And this: "In the fiscal year that ended in 2008, the New York City Health Department under Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave away 39,070,000 male condoms to community groups. That figure was more than double the rate from the previous fiscal year. The result: syphilis cases increased by 20 percent. What lesson did they draw from this? They said they would hand out 51.6 million condoms the next year."

(My emphasis.)

Finally... "Every time we have another increase in STDs we hear about the need to lessen stigma. It never seems to occur to those who voice this position that the less stigma we have, the worse matters get."

End of excerpts...

My comment... It seems that the only response from government officials is to throw more money, i.e., more gasoline on the fire! rather than get to the source and reason for the un-natural sin of Sodom.

Do you think that our elected reps would have the guts to admonish the sinner and instruct them in the Natural Law and God's divinely revealed law in order to save their immortal souls?   

After all, isn't it the job of government to guide its citizens to the heavenly beatitude and the Blessed Trinity?

So-called separation of church and state be damned!

Pray for world peace and for the conversion of the sodomites...

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, September 24, 2022

It Is Absolutely Impossible For A Practicing Catholic To Vote For A Democrat (Demonrat).

  With the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, there is now the MAD (mutual assured destruction) possibility of a nuclear exchange between Russia and NATO (the U.S., that is)!  

Does that sound impossible?  Not really, but what would that look like if such madness actually took place?   

To be honest, we can only speculate, but at the very least, our world would no longer resemble what we see and experience today.  I will say, though, that there is a very good possibility that a post-apocalyptic world be a gruesome exercise in futility and despair where the living would envy the dead...  

What does all this have to do with the title of my article?  Because a Demonrat (Democrat) is a shill for the satanic horror of aborting a pre-born baby.  For doing the work of the father of lies and murder, Satan.  A nuclear war would be an abrupt end to hundreds of millions of people worldwide, the end of their world.  Just as a pre-born baby's world ends in the most heinous of ways, it doesn't matter if that poor little baby is killed by a "doctor" in an abortion killing mill, or by a nuclear detonation!

Ninety-nine-point nine percent (99.9%) of all Demonrats are all for the killing of the pre-born, and some, all the way up to birth!  And, there are some Demonrats, that don't believe that a pre-born baby has a heartbeat after 4-6 weeks in the womb, even though this has been proven and such information is acknowledged.  Here is an excerpt from an article from breitbart.com (Abrams Mocked for Claiming Fetal Heartbeat a ‘Manufactured Sound' (breitbart.com)

"Most ultrasounds detect a fetal heartbeat at eight weeks while some detect it at six weeks. As to the differences between heart and heartbeat, as Fox News pointed out, “even Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, stipulates that at five to six weeks, a ‘very basic beating heart’ develops.”

"Conservatives and pro-life activists immediately pounced on Abrams for her evidence-free argument, pointing out that even the National Institutes of Health (NIH) admits a baby’s heartbeat can be detected as early as four weeks."

The creature featured in the article goes by the handle of Stacey Abrams, an uncultured, pro-death maniac that is dead set on keeping the killing of the pre-born "legal" at all stages of development.  This foul worker of iniquity is a Demonrat candidate for the governorship of Georgia, if she is elected, she will undoubtedly attempt to change the "2019 Georgia law that banned most abortions in the state after doctors can detect a fetal heartbeat, which usually happens around six weeks."

Is Abrams alone in her determination to keep the killing of the pre-born "legal" up to birth, at all costs?  


In fact, there are several very prominent, "devout Catholics," such as Pelosi and Biden, who are hell-bent on making sure that such female "health care" remains on the books, that is, codified in federal law, even though the Supreme Court just recently ruled otherwise!

As I have written many times, it is apostate "Catholics" that are the worst enemies of the Natual Law, God-given common sense -- and most importantly, Christ our Lord and Savior!

Note, too, that it is the Pelosi and Biden types that are continually funding the corrupt regime in Ukraine with our hard-earned tax dollars propping up the military arm of Zelensky fighting the Russians... We are, in effect, fighting a proxy war with Russia, and the saber rattling has now turned nuclear, as Putin has stated that he will use all means necessary to protect the territorial integrity of Mother Russia from all threats, i.e., the nuclear-armed U.S. and NATO...

In light of the threat of nuclear war hanging over our heads like the Sword of Damocles, it is becoming more and more evident that the so-called consecration of Russia by the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, was not properly done nor accepted...

We must continue to pray for the defeat of these anti-Christ lunatics and that God will have mercy on our country!  But do we deserve His mercy or His justifiable wrath?  

You Catholics out there: you cannot be, nor vote for the Demonrats, if you do, you must confess it as a mortal sin and beg for forgiveness!   If you don't, you are jeopardizing your immortal soul by fostering the culture of death -- whether the killing of our tiny brothers and sisters in the womb or supporting policies that could lead to a potential nuclear war... 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

This Is What Happens When The Bishops Do Not Admonish Those Who Commit The Sin Of Sodom And Fail To Warn Them They Are On The Road To Perdition...

  Such a failure to do so, leads to the following... See this video from returntotradition.org and posted by Dr. Stine...

(171) Bishops Of Belgium Kick Off The Apostasy In Flamboyant Style - YouTube.

The Natural Law be damned!

The homosexual agenda is being pushed on whatever remains of the novus ordo "church" by treasonous rat "bishops" who are, for the most part, sodomites themselves, that's only common sense.  

The proof is in the pudding -- and the details... And remember, the document quoted in the video probably had the prior approval of "Rome," otherwise, those clowns would not have published it in the first place!  

One of the salient points that must be made here, is that those rogue "bishops" do not fear any retribution or, more properly, condemnation from the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio.  Why is that?  It is all part of Bergoglio's attempt to remake the true Catholic Church into one that is neither Catholic nor a church in any sense of the word, but a whole new institution that mimics the Zeitgeist, in this case, the new-world-order headed by secular humanist anti-Christs.

I have said it before, and I'll say it again: there will be an Elect, a Remnant, the rest of fallen mankind will be consigned to the fiery pit, along with Satan and his minions.  Those poor souls will be separated from God for all eternity, yet as "harsh" as that may sound, it is still the fulfillment of God's JUSTICE!  

These errant "bishops" will be held accountable at their Particular Judgment for their heinous actions, especially leading their flocks to the father of lies and murder, Satan, instead of bringing the Prodigals back to Christ, our Lord.  

Pray for the defeat of those maniacs -- and for their conversion!  

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

 Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The AMERICAN Culture Of Death And The Russia/Ukraine War...

  If I were to write that things are getting really dicey in the Russia/Ukraine war, and that war may very well spill over into Europe (NATO) and even the United States, would that surprise you?

It shouldn't.

President Putin has had just about enough of the West's poking the Russian Bear and the threat to put nuclear missiles almost at the border of Russia, aimed at the major cities within the Russian Motherland.

Now, Putin is encouraging several "breakaway" -- "pro-Russian" -- territories (Donetsk and Luhansk) in Ukraine to hold referendums to decide if they want to (re)join Russia.

If this were to take place, any Western move against those territories could result in Russia defending those territories as an attack on Russia itself!  If that were to happen, all bets are off as far as the use of nukes against the West (NATO -- and even the U.S.!) 


Who remembers the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962?

I do.  I was in high school at the time...

My brother was stationed on the aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Constellation during those scary times... I remember my dear mother was on pins and needles knowing that things could have gone south very quickly.  In fact, things would have gone south very quickly -- for the entire world -- if the nukes started to fly!

But Kennedy and Khrushchev finally came to an agreement to remove the Russian ballistic missiles from Cuba and the U.S. agreed to remove some nukes from Turkey...

Now, 60 years later, the technology and power of nuclear missiles is almost beyond the imagination!  A nuclear exchange between Russia, NATO and the U.S., would surely bring an end to humanity as we know it, where any survivors would envy the dead, ushering in a "Mad Max," post-apocalyptic scenario...

Will calmer heads prevail if we inch closer to World War Three or will our plans for the future of our families be dashed against the rocks -- and we get the wrath of God that we deserve, as did Sodom and Gomorrah?


What does this have to do with the title of my article: The American Culture of Death and the Russia/Ukraine War?

The U.S. is guilty of mass killing of non-combatant civilians as well as combatants in our never-ending invasion and occupation of sovereign nations, e.g., Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and numerous other attempts to change the regimes and insert American (CIA) puppets to reflect and spread the idea of American "democracy"...

But it's not only that, it is the fact that, here in the U.S., we kill over 300,000 pre-born babies each and every year since the horrendous and deadly 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that opened the floodgates of death, mayhem and the "harvesting" of baby parts from aborted -- but still alive -- babies that survived the attempt to massacre them, then eventually discarded as medical waste.  And with the recent overturning of Roe, it is now up to the states to decide life or death of the pre-born!


The "overturning" of Roe was practically meaningless... It is up to God almighty -- the Giver of life -- to decide when to take it, not state legislatures...

How about the rampant drug epidemic that kills over 100,000 young Americans every single year?  Much of those drugs enter our country through our porous, southern border and with the current Marxist treasonous rats holding our country hostage, the amount of the deadly drug fentanyl coming in from Mexico has increased dramatically, ending up on Main Street, U.S.A., mix that with other illicit drugs and you have a witch's brew of death and sorrow...

The culture of death is further fostered by the liberal elitist, Demonrat mayors and governors handcuffing law-abiding citizens while, at the same time, letting criminals off with a slap on the wrist, literally!

Where is the incentive to change a criminal's life around?  The death penalty has been taken away as a means of protecting the commonweal, and the bad guys know this, killing in those dens of liberalism... 

The American Culture of Death is also being perpetuated by the obvious weakness in what passes for the Catholic Church, specifically, the novus ordo church.  This is the "church" that the world sees as the institutionalized organization -- the Vatican -- headed by the Bishop of Rome, (Francis) Bergoglio... 

There have been numerous articles, videos and even books depicting the contradictory "teachings" of Bergoglio when compared to what the authentic Church has always and everywhere taught and believed for the last 2,000 years...

This is also a spiritually deadly ingredient in the witch's brew I mentioned above.  Those corrupt and wicked shepherds are leading the flock, not to Christ, but away from Christ and to His -- and our! -- deadly enemy, Satan, the father of lies and murder...

There is always hope, but that hope must be tempered with a reality grounded in a rightly formed conscience based on Him Who sacrificed His life for ours... Without Him, we can do nothing...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 







Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Demons Of Hell: They Reside In The California Legislature!

  When Satan and his minions appear to humans, they generally don't have horns protruding out of their heads, nor do they spew fire from their mouths like a military flamethrower.  In fact, most appear as normal human beings, they dress in three-piece suites, or skirts or dresses (of course, that is, if they recognize their birth-sex as dictated by the Natural Law!), and walk and talk just like you and me...

But the devil is in the details...

And here are some details that prove that Satan and his companions, the demons and evil spirits, are "alive and well" in the damned state of California.  

Please take a moment and read the following article from thegatewaypundit.com, written by Julian Conradson... (I will cut and paste the article instead of just posting the link due to far too many questionable ads that permeate that website, but the info must be read, to let the level of moral turpitude that is now prevalent in the depraved state of California, sink in.)

Here is the headline from the artilce...

SICK: Radical California Legislature Passes Bill Allowing State to Subvert Parental Rights and Take Custody of Out-of-State Minors Seeking Trans Surgeries – Awaits Gov. Newsom’s Signature.

"Late last month, the California legislature voted to pass a bill that would allow the State to take custody of out-of-state minors seeking gender transition surgeries and cross-sex hormones – even if these actions go against the wishes of the child’s parents.

The measure, SB 107, which was introduced in July by Democrat state Senator Scott Wiener as part of efforts to turn California into a “sanctuary state” for trans mutilation of children (aka. gender-affirming care), passed both the house and the senate on August 31st with “overwhelming Democratic support.”

The sickening legislation now sits on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk, awaiting his signature. He has until September 30th to sign or veto the bill. Despite not taking action as of yet, Newsom is expected to sign the measure into law before the timeframe ends this month.

When introducing the bill, Senator Wiener – the same radical who introduced pieces of legislation that would allow anyone 12 or older to get vaccinated without parental consent, mandate drag queen story hour in grade school, and relax the punishment for child sex offenders, among others – claimed it was necessary for the state to take action because of laws passed elsewhere in the US that restrict minors who identify as transgender from accessing radical and destructive treatments such as cross-sex hormones and surgeries to remove healthy organs. Wiener characterizes these laws that protect American youth as “brutal attacks on transgender children.”

Unbelievably, there are seemingly no restrictions or qualifications for the law to take effect. In other words, if the whim of any child is to access these destructive sex-change treatments, but one or both parents aren’t allowing it, California’s courts can take custody of that child in order to administer the drugs and/or surgery. All the court would need to prove is that the minor has been ‘mistreated or abused’ which is defined as being ‘unable to obtain gender-affirming health care.’ As of now, it is unclear if the child has to enter California before the law takes effect, or if the state can interfere and assist the child in traveling and accommodations.

The bill states that a child must be present in the state for the measures to take effect, but, continues to say that physical presence in the state is “not necessary” to make a determination about custody. Either way, this law goes far beyond any established form of government intervention in personal family matters.

From SB 107:

“…(c) Physical presence of, or personal jurisdiction over, a party or a child is not necessary or sufficient to make a child custody determination.
(d) The presence of a child in this state for the purpose of obtaining gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care, as defined by Section 16010.2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, is sufficient to meet the requirements of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a)….
…3424.(a) A court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction if the child is present in this state and the child has been abandoned or it is necessary in an emergency to protect the child because the child, or a sibling or parent of the child, is subjected to, or threatened with, mistreatment or abuse, or because the child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care, as defined by Section 16010.2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.”

What’s most troubling is that the bill seemingly incentivizes minors to travel to California behind their parent’s backs in search of this type of ‘care.’ As the California Family Council points out, radical activists in the state can easily “weaponize” the law to prey on out-of-state children.

From California Family Council:

It’s not hard to see how activists could quickly weaponize SB 107. Since the bill instructs state agencies to ignore the circumstances of how a child came to the state for gender transitioning, SB 107 invites children to run away from their families or even be trafficked across state lines.

As for the children’s wellbeing, once the state takes custody, the text of the bill does not describe any specifics when it comes to how these children will be cared for, let alone where they will be housed. The only information given is that the out-of-state minors would be under the “temporary emergency jurisdiction” of the state.

Opponents of SB 107  rightly view the measure as a direct assault on parental rights and a gross overstepping of authority by the notoriously ‘progressive’ state. Additionally, the issue goes much deeper than parental rights, as the very notion of gender-affirming care has been widely proven to cause severe long-term consequences (sterility, bone loss, other health issues) and increased suicide rates among young people who are coerced into medically transitioning.

Thankfully, several notable advocacy groups in California are mobilizing against the legislation and are already gearing up their legal challenges for if, and when, Newsom signs the bill into law.

Jonathan Keller, the president of California Family Council, called the measure “one of the gravest threats to parental rights in recent years” and vowed to fight the state through the courts in a statement last week. In addition to his and others’ efforts to reverse this bill, Keller called on the Attorney Generals of other states to come together and figure out a solution.

From Keller:

“If Gov. Newsom foolishly signs this measure, California should brace for lawsuits. Other states’ attorneys general will not sit idly by as California steals children from parents who don’t want them sterilized with these trans-treatments.”

Many are also pointing out that the law is undeniably unconstitutional, as it strips away several rights that are enshrined in our country’s founding document. In a damning statement released last week, the Alliance Defending Freedom, a legal advocacy group, hammered the California legislature and called into question the measure’s ability to stand up to the most basic legal challenges.

From ADF’s statement:

“SB 107 violates parental rights protected by the U.S. Constitution by giving California courts the ability to strip parents who reside in another state of their parental rights if their child travels to California to obtain gender transition procedures…

 …[SB 107] would override the jurisdiction of courts in a family’s home state that are usually the proper forum for custody determinations. SB 107 could also conflict with various federal laws, including those governing which state courts have jurisdiction to determine child custody and federal laws governing extradition requirements between the states.”

At no other point in history has a government entity seized custody of children from parents at the behest of a child’s manipulated views about reality. Not only that, but, the reasoning behind it – to allow children access to these destructive and life-altering medical treatments – is making the issue worse, not better.

It shouldn’t take a scientist or a clinical study to see that we should not be giving young children, who don’t have the faculties to make these types of life-altering decisions on their own, drugs that are used to chemically castrate pedophiles (Lupron, puberty blocker) – let alone giving young, healthy girls’ double mastectomies in the name of ‘gender affirmation’ – it’s unspeakable what these monsters are doing to America’s children.

And now we have SB 107 thanks to Commiefornia… The precedent this law sets alone should terrify every American."

End of article...

My comment: what sick and demented lunatic would propose such a diabolical bill that threatens the innocence of children??  But it's not only their innocence that the radical Leftist, satanists want to destroy, they want to corrupt and destroy their bodies -- and, more importantly, their immortal souls! -- that is the real goal of these ghouls!

Our dear Lord tells us in the Bible not to fear him that can kill the body but fear him that can kill the body and cast his soul into hell!  

These lunatic California legislators are doing the work of the Satan, the father of lies and murder, their real master.

One more thing, it has become painfully apparent that the worst enemies of Christ -- and the Natural Law -- are apostate "Catholics" -- devoid of any sense of reality as well as God's divinely revealed religion, and that, to their own destruction!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio, Has Now "Taught" Heresy!

 I take no delight in posting the following two videos that "prove" that Bergoglio has now "taught" heresy.

It cannot be denied.  One cannot do verbal gymnastics to try to circumvent the facts of Bergoglio's monstrous declarations that directly violate Church teaching, especially those of a real dogmatic council -- that of Trent, not the phony "super dogmatic" Vat. II.  Yes, believe it or not, that is what some novus ordo Catholics really think that Vat. II is!  This speaks loudly of the poorly catechized generation-and-a-half since that non-dogmatic, non-binding pastoral council that was supposed to let "fresh air" into the Church, but, in reality, let the smoke of Satan into the sanctuary!  

I urge my readers to watch and listen carefully to the following two videos; they are devastating and points out the continuing scandalous papacy of "pope" Francis...

From lifesitenews.com and returntotradition.org...

(67) BREAKING: Bishops show Pope Francis' statement on Holy Communion contains 'HERESY' - YouTube.

(67) Francis Doubles Down On Heresy While Media Slimes Good Bishop - YouTube.

I can post numerous recent articles and videos that can corroborate the disastrous musings of the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, Bergoglio...

What all this boils down to is a pattern of throwing authentic Church teachings under the bus and causing a heinous moral and spiritual relativism, by an ongoing scandal that has led many Catholics down the road of confusion, apostacy -- and perdition

I cannot imagine the accountability that Bergoglio will have to face at his Particular Judgment, we must pray for his conversion, but not for his evil and wicked intentions -- to destroy the Church of Christ...

 Pray, too, for strength and honor to be able to resist such wickedness and discern the truths of the Catholic faith...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Friday, September 16, 2022

"Catholic" Universities Cave To The Sin That Destroyed Sodom And Gomorrah...

 It's long past the point for Catholic parents of college age children to reassess their plan to send their offspring to formerly Catholic colleges and universities and lead them in an alternative direction -- for the sake of their immortal souls!   

It is now painfully apparent that those institutions that have the august handle of Catholic, have sold out to the prevailing lunacy and filth that is the homosexual/lesbian/alphabet soup agenda undermining the Natural Law and God-given common sense, leading impressionable youth away from Christ and toward certain corruption and eventual physical and moral destruction...

Read this article from cnsnews.com, written by Bill Donohue of the Catholic League...

Where Are The Catholic Yeshiva Universities? | CNSNews.

Here is a statistic that should raise eyebrows and cause any right-thinking parent to give pause to sending their child off to a "Catholic" college or university without first doing some heavy research to see if such and such institution adheres to what the Church has always and everywhere taught and believed for 2,000 years... 

"There are approximately 230 Catholic institutions of higher education in America, and according to New Ways Ministry, a dissident Catholic group that rejects the Church’s teachings on sexuality, more than 130 have yielded, in one way or another, to LGBT demands. Here are 10 examples."

When you read the article, you will see that the 10 examples listed are some of the "heavyweights" among the top universities in the entire country...

I have a question: where are the bishops in whose diocese these institutions are located, and what are they doing to stop this madness?   What is their official stance?  Are they condemning this sell-out to the sins that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?  And Heaven forbid, do they encourage or agree with this great apostacy from the faith? 

Here is an answer: It is a known fact that many of the priests, bishops and cardinals of the novus ordo "church," have sold their souls to the unnatural lusts of males for males, completely violating their calling to be faithful shepherds to lead their flocks to Christ, our Lord.  And for what?  For power, position, sins of the flesh and near total corruption of many of these third and fourth generation treasonous infiltrators recruited to bring down the church from within...

This is a hard fact to swallow without losing faith in Holy Mother Church, founded by Jesus and passed on to the Apostles and their successors over the last two millennia.  The distinction, of course, must be made between corrupt sinners and the spotless Bride of Christ, if that distinction is not made, then one can easily fall into the trap of believing that it is the Church herself that is corrupt.  That is a spiritual impossibility, as Christ -- the perfect Founder --, cannot be the Head of a gangrenous, decaying, corrupt body...

Nevertheless, it is very apparent that so many "Catholic" institutions have fallen by the wayside, as the Word -- once heard -- is strangled among the thistles, suffocates and dies... 

Pray for the defeat -- and conversion -- of these apostates and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Big Lie And Controlled Opposition...

  Pilate: Truth, what is truth?

I'm really beginning to wonder if there is any hope for mankind.  

Of course, I know that our Lord will ultimately win the battle with the powers of darkness, but on a daily basis, it seems that the demon has the upper hand in the affairs of men.

How does he do this?  

With the constant drumbeating of lies on top of lies, so many lies that the lackeys of the devil fall all over themselves trying to cover the last lie they told, making them look even more foolish than when they told their previous lie!

A truly vicious circle of lies and stupidity...

With the current anti-American cabal in power in D.C., is it any wonder why there is so much talk -- from the hard-core Left -- about doing violence, or threatening to jail those patriots who have a different opinion, about for instance, the direction in which our beloved country is going?  

For example, in recent days there has been some very disturbing rants from the ultra-liberal lunatics running for office -- or from those who have been in office for far too long and should be thrown out of office, that is, if we can have fair elections not tainted by massive voter fraud including illegal ballots being "harvested" or dead people "voting."   

Here are just two examples of those who want to incite violence against those who support President Trump, or just want to be a free and peace-loving people... 

This headline from breitbartnews.com... (Rest assured that this is only one such article that is in the public domain to show the hate of the Demonrat Left.)

Climate of Violence

Sen. Mazie Hirono Issues ‘Call to Arms’ over Potential Abortion Ban After Tim Ryan’s Call to ‘Kill’ MAGA Movement

Dems Go All In on Dark Brandon’s Dangerous Rhetoric

If you notice the White House has been silent on this lunacy, not one word of condemnation!

But this is to be expected when Biden made a very dark and inciteful "speech" a short time ago, labeling "MAGA" folks as "extremists" and the enemies of the country!  There was a very strong implication that in order to combat the supposed threats, as Biden's rant continued, that the use of the military forces would, or could be used to quell any perceived opposition to federal governments dictates or "insurrection" that might occur... 

Let's face it, it was Biden's handlers and speech writers that blew it for the Demonrats, because now more than half of the country are considered to be the bad guys -- and will vote accordingly!

If you notice too, that the Marxist media always gives a pass to such miscreants but will jump on every single word that either President Trump or one of his supporters utters and take those words out of context, while, on the other hand, the actual call to violence by the Left is ignored... 

Then there is the "controlled opposition"... 

What and who are they?  And what is their job?  

Controlled opposition are those "conservative" talking heads you see and hear on several of the "news" shows that broadcast on Fox and some of the other "alternative" -- but mostly mainstream -- news outlets...

They "counter" the drivel of the Left but stop short and refuse to cross that line in the sand and break through the false narrative and the lies with what some might consider just conspiracy theories, even if those "theories" are the truth itself!

As an example, who on the Right -- again, in the mainstream Right -- labels the 2020 presidential election an outright fraud?  

No one.  They insist on referring to Biden as "president" -- it never fails. 

Or how about the recent anniversary of 9/11?  With all the obvious evidence seen and recorded, not only by those in the know, but also by the heroic first responders on the ground during that massacre, being dismissed or not being called to testify as to what really happened before the so-called 9/11 commission.  Or the taking of physical evidence from the crime scene never to be seen of again and used as scrap or shipped overseas... 

The controlled opposition immediately labels anyone who even dares to mention these anomalies as nut jobs, kooks or conspiracy theorists... I have seen and heard this with my own eyes and ears! 

And finally, the job of the controlled opposition is to please the corporate masters -- so they can keep their jobs

Let's face it, truth is the enemy of the powers of darkness, of the Left who hate America, and want us patriots to disappear from the scene of life forever...  Sorry to disappoint those bad actors, but we are not going anywhere, and we will defend our freedoms and our families with every fiber and strength that our good God gives us! 

Always pray for the defeat of these liars -- and for their conversion!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The So-Called "Respect For Marriage Act" -- National Suicide In The Making, Embracing The Sin That Destroyed Sodom And Gomorrah...

  As the Church goes, so goes society... See this video from Dr. Taylor Marshall: (514) German Bishops decree homosexual acts ‘NOT SINFUL' - Dr. Taylor Marshall - YouTube.

Sick, twisted, evil, wicked, treasonous rats in the Republican Party are ready to sign on to the so-called "Respect For Marriage Act," that, if passed in the Senate, would enshrine -- and codify -- the un-natural act of sodomy into federal law, forcing this filth onto the American landscape!

When will this lunacy end, Lord?  When?  

The "magic" number needed in the Senate is 60 -- 60 votes to avoid a filibuster.  So far, the following traitors to their party -- and to God! -- say they will vote to officially recognize the "right" of homosexuals to "marry."  These maniacs are the usual suspects that frequently undermine God-given common sense when voting in the Senate: GOP Sens. Susan Collins (Me.) and Rob Portman (Ohio) are co-sponsors of the billSen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) supports the legislation, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) has indicated she backs gay marriage.  

Senators Collins and Murkowski are big supporters of the "pro-choice" movement, meaning they are all for the killing of the pre-born in the most heinous of ways, they claim, to make sure that females have access to proper "medical care" wherever and whenever they feel the desire to destroy the life developing within them!    

Yeah, "medical care" -- but not for the baby... 

So, why should anyone be surprised to see these rats lend their evil support to such bizarre and anti-human "marriage" legislation?

Once one is in the grip of Satan, it is very hard to break his chains of lunacy and hate, infecting and possessing the intellect leading to the misuse of the free will given to us by God almighty.    

Here is an article from cnsnews.com that lays out this madness: 

400-Plus Republican Officials Sign Letter Backing Gay Marriage | CNSNews.

Notice the number, 400-plus!

Here is one excerpt from the article, that is, if you can stomach it...

"As Republicans and conservatives, we believe strong families and lasting relationships strengthen communities, and civil marriage is a fundamental freedom central to individual liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We stand with the 71 percent of Americans today, including a majority of registered Republicans, who support the freedom to marry for all Americans."

Seventy-one percent of Americans support the sin of Sodom?  If that's true, we are suffering a moral turpitude worse than I could ever have imagined in my lifetime!

(And we wonder why we are betrayed at almost every turn-- by these same turncoats who are supporting this filth --, including funding the industrial-military-complex to "help" Ukraine fight the Russians.  When, in reality, it is the United States that is fighting a very dangerous proxy war with the Russian Bear, continually poking him with a very sharp stick and forcing him into a corner.  When that happens, that Bear can and most likely strike back -- possibly with nukes.  And if that happens, we can kiss life on earth goodbye as we know it and any survivors will surely envy the dead.)

The Demonrats need ten -- count them, ten -- Republicrats to vote for this heinous legislation, the bad guys already have the four listed above.  Will another six betray the American people -- and God! -- and cast their precious vote for the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance?

Supposedly, this legislation will come up for a vote in the next several weeks, please pray for the defeat of this diabolical measure and for the defeat and conversion of these satanists...

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, September 11, 2022

The Anniversary Of The Second Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Continues To Haunt Us...

 What really happened on 9/11/01?

Well, it's obvious, right?

No, it's not "obvious"...

But according to what we were told -- or even what we saw -- it was very obvious.

Did our brains absorb the data that was fed to us and from those data we came to the conclusion that from what the news media revealed was a terrible attack from the Jihadists who hijacked four airliners filled with innocent Americans killing them by flying those airliners into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and in a field in Pennsylvania?

This is the official story, plain and simple.

But is that what really happened?

If not, then where did all those American passengers go if not blown to bits in those aircraft, crashing into the skyscrapers and the Pentagon building? 

Another question: what happened to Building 7?  And what about Building 6?

First, anyone who saw 7 come down, it was obvious that 7 was an absolutely controlled demolition.  There is no doubt about that.  

Years ago, I saw demolition companies bring down buildings making those buildings come down into their own footprint without any damage to surrounding buildings.  This is exactly what happened when 7 was brought down... Keep in mind that 7 was not hit by any aircraft and the official explanation by NIST said that the steel beams gave way (melted) because of office fires!   

Unbelievable!  And yes, it was unbelievable, it was a lie that most folks to this very day believe, hook, line and sinker...

Remember the "pull it" phrase made by Silverstein?  

Almost no one mentions Building 6.  Have you ever seen an arial photo of 6?   There is a massive hole -- an empty space -- right in the middle of the building?  How did that happen?   Please, correct me if I'm wrong...

A few more facts that need to be considered... One, I was in the Strategic Air Command for two years before I went to Vietnam.  NORAD was SAC's eyes and ears.  It was NORAD that would alert SAC HQ if there was an imminent threat to the U.S., whether an enemy bomber aircraft or missile.  At that point, SAC would initiate certain procedures to protect our country from the incoming, enemy threat.  

What happened with NORAD on 9/11?  

Well, they did their job and reported the rogue aircraft up the chain of command, which, by the way, is ultimately under civilian control.  In other words, all the military forces of the U.S. are under civilian control, with the president as the final authority to launch, etc...

Where were the fighter jet interceptors on 9/11?   

There were no interceptors to take out the planes that struck the Twin Towers.  There were no interceptors to take out the plane (missile?) that hit the Pentagon -- the most protected air space in the world!  



Were they told to "stand down"?  

If it is the case that they were told to stand down, then who gave that order and why?

The number of American servicemen who were killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor was about 2,900, the number of those killed on 9/11 were about 2,900.  I contend that those Americans were sacrificial lambs led to the slaughter in order to fulfil the diabolical agenda of the new-world-order.  Sound farfetched?  Not really, if you look at what has transpired since that horrendous act was perpetrated on our country, such as our loss of our freedoms and liberties once guaranteed under the Constitution, but now relegated to the dictates of maniacal tyrants now in control of our federal government, issuing illegal, illicit "mandates" to control almost every aspect of our lives.  And, yes, that is the major conspiracy of our day!

I realize that uncountable articles and books have been written over the years about 9/11... Many of those articles and books accuse those who have a different opinion (or even facts!) about what happened on that deadly day as being conspiracy nuts and even anti-American bigots.  That will probably never change, but neither will the facts of the Second Pearl Harbor.

I accuse those who perpetrated the massacre of 9/11 on our country as traitors, they were then, and are to this day, treasonous rats...

For a good handle on "9/11," check out this article from Donald Jeffries: 

9/11: The Inside Job That Created America 2.0 (substack.com)

Pray for our country and for strength and honor -- and for the defeat of the real terrorists trying to destroy our beloved nation!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



Friday, September 9, 2022

Playing GOD! And Why The Silence -- From? You Can Fill In The Blanks...

  Believe it or not, the very first Frankenstein movie was aired in 1910 and was made by (Thomas) Edison studios!  

Most people know about the iconic monster that was put together with bits and pieces of other humans, disgusting, I know, but the subsequent Frankenstein movies proved to be quite successful especially the 1931 version starring Boris Karloff... 

If we think about this for a moment, the idea of piecing together some thing made from other humans should be revolting to most conscious folks.  It should be, but is it?

Most have seen or heard about the selling of human baby parts to the highest bidder, exposed by undercover cameras and recordings.  Even though quite a bit of evidence has been provided to substantiate this gruesome "industry," the ones who captured these data are the ones that the bought-and-paid-for "authorities" are going after and not the perpetrators of this horrendous crime!  

Justice, we don't need no stinkin' justice!

And now, it has been recently revealed that the wide-open southern border is supplying a new and even more grotesque harvesting and selling of human organs, again, to the highest bidder...  Only this time, we are talking about walking, talking children that have been either smuggled into our country for that very same reason, or sold into sex slavery to have their innocent lives totally ruined, both physically and spiritually... 

Watch this video, but be aware of the possibility of some immodest ads on the site...

Human Trafficker Says Cartels Harvest Children’s Organs And Stuff Drugs In Their Corpses: REPORT | The Daily Caller.

On the other side of this despicable coin, is the revelation of the effects of those who have had the jab and the dire injuries and death from blood clots and other mysterious elements found in the arteries and veins of the deceased... 

The number of deaths in this country from the jab has been grossly underestimated, grossly underestimated!

Watch this video/interview...

It’s Far Worse Than We Thought - Dr. Jane Ruby Interview (banned.video)

What this all amounts to is that there are unscrupulous, demonic individuals who play God.  But their real master in not our good God and Savior, but Satan, the father of lies and murder...

And whether it is injecting a known and potentially deadly "vaccine," or harvesting organs of still-living babies and children, the fact remains that Satan is having a field day right now and anyone who doesn't think so, has their head buried in the sand...

The question begs: Why The Silence -- From?  Can you fill in the blanks, or should I??

Let's try our elected representatives as a starting point... Where are the calls for a federal grand jury to indict these maniacs for crimes against humanity??  Drag Fauci et al into the courtroom and put them under oath and force them to tell the truth for a change.  And how about the clergy, especially the hierarchy: the bishops, cardinals and popes of the Catholic Church, albeit the novus ordo "church"??  Aren't they supposed to be the defenders of life until natural death?  Why don't they fight for the salvation of souls -- as is their job?!

The silence is truly deafening!

And what about closing the southern border and stop the illegal aliens -- which includes some of the most violent criminals and gangs from entering our country and killing and maiming our citizens through physical attacks and drugs?  Where is the outcry -- and action -- from the "conservative" pols regardless of what the Marxists in the White House say or threaten?  The very soul of the nation is at stake!

The moral and spiritual turpitude is becoming almost too difficult to bear...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...