Saturday, December 30, 2023

Coincidence, Or Divine Comment??

 Have you heard, or seen??

With all the bizarre, scandalous, heretical and outright craziness emanating from Rome these days, one wonders when things will change for the better and the job of the salvation of souls will get back on track.

If there was any doubt about the un-Catholic words, actions and proclamations penned by Pope Francis -- or his henchmen -- that doubt should have been cleared up with the latest insult to God, the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, the family -- and the Natural Law, with the release of still another monstrosity concerning the "blessing" of the heinous sin of sodomy of un-repentant "couples"...

Well, with the schism of the novus ordo churchmen nearly complete -- it is in Germany -- all practicing Catholics, both clergy and laity alike, might be despairing of any Divine intervention taking place to right these egregious wrongs.

But we can't despair, if we do, then that, itself, would be one of the two horrible sins against the virtue of Hope, the other being presumption...

I also know that we are an impatient lot, wanting things now rather than later, but we have to keep in mind that events will unfold in God's time, not ours.

Still, it is hard to swallow the lunacy being perpetrated by the infiltrators (Freemasons and Marxist Christ haters) looking for someone or something to bring the novus ordo church back to some sense of normalcy and sanity embracing the life-saving Deposit of Faith -- Scripture and Sacred Tradition -- and rejecting the poison of novelty.

But it seems that something has occurred in the former diocese of Archbishop Bergoglio...

If you are wondering what, then here are two reports/videos of a "strange" (miracle?) involving a statue of Saint Peter...

Was this just a "coincidence," or a Divine comment!

The first is from Dr. Taylor Marshall: Shocking Twist on Pope Francis's Birthday: Lightning Strikes and Halo Disappears! (

And the second is from Dr. Stine at returntotradition.orgGod Sent A Clear Message About Francis' Satanic Blessing Decree (

Comment: a great Saint once warned us about apparitions and reported miracles, but to stay the course of the Catholic faith and to fulfill the two great Commandments to Love God and Neighbor, an almost sure road to the Heavenly Beatitude!

But what you have seen in those videos are very hard to ignore!

I'll let you be the judge...

If you want to leave a comment, feel free...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Slaughter Of Nigerian Christians Continues Unabated! Close To 200 (Two Hundred!!) Massacred, Possibly More Will Be Found...

  And I complain about an ongoing "white martyrdom" because of the machinations emanating from apostate Rome attacking traditionalists?!

The well-coordinated killing spree started on Christmas Eve and continued on Christmas Day, as many were attending church/Mass, and were attacked in their churches and homes...

It has been reported that entire families were killed in the most heinous of ways.  Of course, much of this horrible story has been almost completely ignored by the major Marxist media and globalist NGOs who despise Christians of any stripe.

They, the leftist/Marxist, know that Christianity is the last "stumbling block" to their demonic agenda, and anyone who believes in our good God must be eliminated!  It seems that they are leaving that satanic task to the radical arm of the Muslim jihadists (holy war) to carry out such death, mayhem and destruction.

The following two articles should give pause to any right-thinking Catholic/Christian and open the eyes of those sitting on the fence failing to acknowledge just who are God's enemies -- and ours!

The first comes from and written by Frances Martel: 

Nigeria: Christmas Massacre Death Toll Hits 195, 1,000 Homes Burned (

The second, from the and written by Warner Houston...

Christmas Massacre: 160 Nigerians Killed by Jihadists in Strong Christian Community (

As we Americans complain about high gas prices and the cost of food, please, let us keep in mind -- and our prayers -- these folks who risk their lives, on the continent of Africa, to follow Christ!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

R.I.P. Anniversary Of My Mother, Ann -- Antoinette -- On The Feast Of Saint Stephen, The Proto-martyr Of The Catholic Church...

 On December 26, 2007, my dear mother, Ann, passed away and went to see the Just Judge, our Lord and Savior...

She (and my father and brother) are always prayed for, always thought of...

I miss my mom.  I hope to see her again... I long to see her again!

She died with her cherished Rosary at her bedside -- the same Rosary I use to this day -- and wearing the Brown Scapular!

What more could I ask of our Blessed Mother as She guided my mom to Her Son?

Please, in your generosity, say an Ave Maria for my mother, Ann...

Here is a short chronicle of St. Stephen from: Saint Stephen (

Saint Stephen is the first Christian martyr, after Jesus. His murder was among the catalysts for the spread of Christianity outside of Jerusalem. The events leading to Stephen’s death somewhat mirrored Jesus’s own life, which may explain his status as a representation of Christian sacrifice.

Saint Stephen lived in Jerusalem as a foreign-born Jewish person. The book of Acts describes him as a faithful man guided by the Holy Spirit.  As such, he was one of the first seven deacons of the church, whom the Apostles ordained.

Stephen’s ability to perform great wonders and signs upset those in the Jewish community that he used to be a part of. Their jealousy led them to slander his name to the point of arrest. Among their reasons was Stephen’s strong defense of Christianity.

Jewish leaders ordered him to be stoned to death for expressing his opposition to movements against Christianity. His death inspired witnesses to carry on his faithful work.

St. Stephen, pray for me -- and all of us!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Worldwide Episcopal "Revolt" Against Francis' Devastating, Anti-Christ, Anti-Natural Law Document “Fiducia Supplicans”...

  Finally, and officially, many of the churches' Catholic bishops are "revolting" against a document, so ambiguous, so wicked and so in-line with the anti-Christ, anti-Catholic maniacs of the globalist agenda, that corrupt Rome will either capitulate, or, in short order, take some drastic measures to corral and punish said bishops, up to and including "ex-communication"! 

Know this, if such ex-communication does occur, it will be null and void on its face the second that it is issued!

Remember, Saint Athanasius was "ex-communicated" several times by the Arien heretics, yet he is a Saint, and they?  Well, if they didn't repent of their heresy, dare I say, are in a very warm place, objectively speaking, of course...

It seems that those in positions of power and influence in the Vatican have left their sanity behind and overplayed their wicked hand in allowing the "blessing" of same-sex couples -- without repentance and without making a firm purpose of amendment not to commit that sin again. 

Such craziness directly contradicts Biblical and Church teaching -- not to mention God-given common sense -- and literally attempts to destroy the sacrament of Holy Matrimony and the family as the foremost building block of human society!

Such diabolical words and actions emanating from Rome, are in line with the demonic modernist, globalist agenda to usher in a one-world religion as well as to bring the world's population to under one billion people!  Translation: kill off over SIX BILLION HUMANS in any way that they can achieve that satanic goal!  

This is not hyperbole on my part but has been stated many times -- especially by those appointed by Bergoglio to various "advisory" boards, tasked with fighting "climate change," "global warming," -- and, yes, in a roundabout way, even population reduction through abortion and contraception!

Can it be that Bergoglio is ignorant of the intentions of the U.N., Gates, Clinton and the numerous NGOs that have planned this lunacy from day one?  

I think not...

Let me get back to a sobering article from and written by Archdiocese Condemns "Evil" Vatican Document and Prohibits Same-sex Blessings - OnePeterFive.

This is just a sampling of the many articles and videos condemning the crazy machinations from the -- extreme left-leaning -- novus ordo hierarchy intent on transforming the holy Roman Catholic Church into just one of many religions that can get -- even un-converted atheists, to Heaven, as well as those who actively live as sodomites!!


We must pray for the conversion of Francis and for strength and honor -- we will need it now more than ever in the very near future!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Friday, December 22, 2023

Driving The Sodomite Money Changers Out Of The Temple!

 The craziness in the novus ordo "church" has gone from bad to worse!

Please understand that the current corrupt regime in Rome is hell-bent on destroying anything to do with Tradition and the unique building block of society, the family, and consequently, the sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

By the way, that's the endgame here!  And isn't that the goal of Marxist communism??

The despicable words, actions and indorsements being fostered on those remaining Catholics in the pews of novus ordo churches, is nothing short of diabolical, being the tools of Satan himself!

Those supposed, high-ranking shepherds in the novus ordo church, have turned the wolves loose on the flock of Christ, scattering them to the four winds, with scandal and confusion, and leading them to perdition, instead of Heaven...

I'm sure that most of you have heard that a very "confusing" document regarding the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, has been hailed by those un-natural, immoral deviants, the sodomites and their supporters in positions of power and influence in the Vatican, now allows for the "blessings" of sodomite partners -- and "their" children! 

(We must pray for those poor children that they will be delivered from such lunacy!)

The media and the blogosphere are not only filled with comments and articles decrying this latest attack on what is normal and God-designed, but also with those "popesplainers" trying their dead-level best to put a positive spin on the diabolical, foolishly using verbal gymnastics to justify -- and deny -- what is obvious!

Here is just one example of this madness (there are many!)

From and written by Michael Haynes: Fr. James Martin announces he will bless his 'friends in same-sex unions' after Pope's new text - LifeSite (

Here is the very first paragraph -- it says it all!

VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Prominently pro-LGBT "Father" James Martin, SJ has become the first American cleric to publicly announce that he will offer blessings to same-sex couples, writing just minutes after the publication of Pope Francis’ document approving such blessings.

(I think you know why I put the word Father in brackets!)

End of excerpt...

Now if Martin was really concerned about his friends, instead of confirming them in the grievous sin of sodomy, he would charitably admonish them to repent and come back to the one Ark of Salvation -- and, hence, the state of sanctifying grace! 

Unfortunately, Martin can't do that, as he is in the grips of the demonic, the Zeitgeist and a student of the (communist inspired) liberation theology!

Is that being too harsh?

Perhaps, but look at the -- eternal -- harshness of his blind obedience to his twisted passions and a theology (ideology) that directly contradicts true Church teachings and the Natural, Moral Law! 

We must reject the bizarre and pray for the defeat of these modernist monsters -- and for their conversion!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



Wednesday, December 20, 2023

It Takes A Brave PROTESTANT To Put In Perspective The Lunacy Of The Emanations From The Chair Of St. Peter Regarding The "Blessings" Of Homosexuals!

 And, yes, this is the same brave Protestant soul who would not close the doors of his church during the "covid" "pandemic," and was fined $300,000 (Canadian) -- about $250,000 American dollars -- by the tyrants in Ontario, Canada! 

This fellow must become a Catholic!  If the church had more of such pastors, dedicated to Christ, the world could be conquered for our dear Lord in short order!


In recent days, the bizarre and absolutely crazy, anti-Christ document issued by those sodomite-friendly clerics surrounding Pope Francis, has caused a massive chain reaction of support from those infiltrator, modernist, monsters, and condemnation from those who remain loyal to the Just Judge, Christ, our Lord...

In the following short, 12-minute video, you will see and hear the hard-core Left echoing support for the heresies and blasphemies of this newest development designed to bring down -- change -- official church teaching -- and attempted destruction of the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, and, consequently, the family unit -- as the building block of the human society.

You will also hear a Protestant pastor explain to Catholics, concerning the Chair of St. Peter, and the need for the authority of the papacy!

So, from and John-Henry Weston:  Homosexual Blessings: Austrian bishop says priests CAN’T refuse & Malawi bishops say NO WAY (

In conclusion, we must all pray for the intervention of the Holy Ghost to get us out of this stunning dilemma currently infecting the (novus ordo) church and that Pope Francis returns to orthodoxy -- and the Catholic faith.

Pray, too, for strength and honor and to resist -- to the face -- any and all clerics who demand obedience to evil! 

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Unity Of The Novus Ordo "Catholic" Church With The Filthy Sin Of Sodom And Gomorrah Is Now A Fact!

  Well, the unthinkable has finally -- officially -- happened...

The noble idea of "church unity" has been turned inside-out, upside-down, head-over-heels, say it any way you want, but recent -- official -- declarations concerning the filthy, anti-Natural, Moral Law, anti-Biblical (church) teaching, regarding the sodomite agenda, has now emanated from apostate Rome!

The sodomites are jumping for joy!  

There are now numerous, secular articles praising the actions of Bergoglio and his henchmen, declaring that the "Catholic" church -- that's the novus ordo "Catholic" church! -- has "changed" and is now more "inclusive," "compassionate," and all are God's children, no matter what lifestyle choices are made, no matter what the state of one's soul, whether in a state of grace, or steeped in unrepentant, grievous mortal sin, just don't worry, be happy...

Sorry, it doesn't work that way... 

Any Catholic who knows at least one iota of the teachings of his precious faith realizes that a soul in a state of (unrepentant) grievous mortal sin, places his or her soul in dire, eternal jeopardy (damnation) if not confessed and a firm purpose of amendment is made not to commit that sin again, period.

Now the sins that caused fire and brimstone to be rained down from Heaven on the sodomites of Sodom and Gomorrah, has now been recognized -- with "compassion" and "inclusion," and has led to the "blessings" of homosexual couples -- living in a state of filth and corruption, not to mention the poor children exposed to this diabolical way of living (dying?)!   

This, by the way, has been going on in the German "Catholic" church for some time now!

Would any right-thinking Catholic expect anything other than what is now happening, scandalizing the entire Catholic -- and non-Catholic -- world, when the Bishop of Rome appoints his fellow cardinal sodomites to the highest offices in the novus ordo church?

Remember, when the world praises, watch out!  

A simple search will quickly reveal the details and travesty of this new "rule" that allows the filth of the sodomites to continue and fester, and corrupt more souls... 

Heaven help those responsible for this unbelievable turn of events!

The following is an excerpt from the Editor of lifesitenews.comSteve Jalsevac Co-founder...

...This has proven to be a big and also strange news day in LifeSite history. I am sorry that the number of positive reports is minimal compared to Friday.

Number one is the report on Pope Francis and his head of the Congregation (now Dicastery) of the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, issuing an official Church text on norms for clergy to “bless” homosexual couples. That is a shattering development in Church history.

We knew from the moment that Francis replaced the faithful Cardinal Gerhard Muller and earlier this year appointed the totally unsuitable Fernández that something like this was certain to eventually happen – with more surely yet to come. Numerous readers have commented their consternation over this serious undermining of constant, natural law Church teaching on homosexuality.

Of course, "Fr." James Martin is delighted, but all the world knows that the Catholic Church has always condemned homosexual acts as being a grave violation of God’s laws on sexual morality. Now what? That is the question.

[My brackets.]

Perhaps it is a good thing. There are still very many Catholics and too many bishops and cardinals who have continued to give Francis the benefit of the doubt and strongly discourage any public and even private criticism of Francis, no matter how charitably stated, as supposedly being harmful for Church unity and the reputation of the papacy.

What excuse do they have now for remaining silent? Perhaps more bishops will finally speak out, disregard Francis’ threats to remove them and their status, apartments and finances and strongly urge Francis to repent and become the Holy Father that the Catholic Church needs rather than the radical reformer that he told us in the beginning that he would be.

After all, the future seems bleak for being a bishop in the Church that is rapidly crumbling because of the actions of a Freemasonic, UN agenda 2030, depopulation and radical LGBT supportive pope and the many very liberal clerics he has placed in other key positions. That is, in the long run, speaking out has no downside from the view of eternity.

Bishop Joseph Strickland has begun the responding – with holiness, love and charity – as he always does.

End of excerpt...

Friends, we must resist and decry these horrible events infecting the (novus ordo) church from the anti-Christ infiltrators intent on destroying, not only the church, but also the sacrament of Holy Matrimony!  That, I'm sure, is the end game here: the destruction of the family and officially implementing the reign of the Ape of the church, Satan! 

We also know that the gates of hell will never prevail against the true church of our dear Lord!

Pray for the defeat of these modernist monsters and for their conversion, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Sunday, December 17, 2023

FBI Targeting Of Devout Catholics Went Way Beyond What Chris Wray Claimed During Testimony To Congress!!!

  On Friday, December 15, 2023, I wrote: 

Need More Proof Of Treason Perpetrated Against America By The FBI? Here It Is...

Here is an excerpt from my article: "Not only that, but it has also come to light that several field offices have been involved in attempting to recruit spies from various traditional Catholic parishes across the country, beginning in Virginia, and reporting any "suspicious" activities of Catholics who attend the Traditional Latin Mass!"

At the end of my article I said to "stay tuned" as more evidence/proof will be coming! 

Here it is! 

And get ready to get righteously angry! 

From the and written by 

FBI Targeting of Devout Catholics Went Way Beyond What Chris Wray Claimed During Testimony to Congress.

Here are some excerpts: "The Weaponization Committee released more information on this troubling development earlier this month.  The committee found that Chris Wray’s FBI targeted devout Catholics because they are pro-Life, pro-family and support biological basis for gender."


“FBI Director Christopher Wray had told congressmen that the memo was ‘a single product by a single field office,’ but the records uncovered by Judicial Watch show that it was “Reviewed by: OGC/CDC [Office of General Counsel/Chief Deputy Counsel],'” Judicial Watch posted in a press release Friday."


“The records also indicate coordination with officials from Portland and Milwaukee,” the press release said.

The FBI Richmond internal memo, titled “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities,” was leaked in January and drew instant criticism from Republicans."

End of excerpts, but not the end of the story!


More to come, I'm sure!

Friends, it should be very clear by now that the "iconic" FBI is one of many enemies, not only enemies of traditional Latin Mass Catholics, but also of the American people, under a Marxist regime currently holding the Oval Office hostage since the stolen election of 2020...

And if anyone pretends that that election was not stolen, you are part of the sinking of America into what the leftist want: the U.S. to become a red communist satellite!

As a veteran who just acknowledged my 56th-year of my Vietnam service, it hurts me beyond words to see what my beloved country has devolved into: a corrupt entity run by traitors and baby killers.  

How can we possibly ask our good God and Savior to bless our nation???

If things don't change, and change quickly, I see no hope of cleaning house...

The social reign of Christ the King -- of individual souls and our country must be acknowledged if the soul of America is to be saved!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Today Marks My 56-Year Anniversary Of Going To Vietnam...

 What can I say?

I survived, but 111 of my brother Air Force Security Police did not, their names are on the Wall in D.C., along with the other 58,000-plus brothers and yes, even some sisters who died during that protracted war... 

The sisters who perished were mostly nurses assisting the wounded in MASH units designed to provide almost immediate aid to the troops wounded in the field, after being flown out by the "Dust-Off" choppers.  

As for me, I didn't fight in the jungles as my brother army and Marines did, though I came close at least one time, however there were times on the perimeter when things got just a little dicey and the guarantee of seeing another sunrise was not promised to me or anyone else assigned to defend that perimeter at all costs.

I also have to say, that I was not wounded in battle, but only in mind and spirit.  The physical "wounds" would occur many years later due to the herbicides, especially the deadly Agent Orange, used to defoliate the forests and jungles to uncover the hiding places of the VC (Viet Cong) and the NVA (North Vietnamese Army) as they infiltrated from the North to the South using the "Ho Chi Minh Trail"...

In fact, a massive cancerous tumor was removed back in September 2020, with 30 consecutive radiation treatments to kill any remaining cancer cells that might have been left behind.

Unfortunately, I was to find out that because of those radiation treatments, my kidneys began to suffer and fall into chronic kidney disease, which, as of this writing, has shown some improvement.

In addition to the above, I have incurred other health issues that I am dealing with, with the help of the VA -- and my dear wife, Kathy... We are following a homeopathic protocol that seems to be helping for the kidneys and prostate...


When my tour was up on December 16, 1968, I flew back to the world (the U.S.) and processed out of the service.  Looking back, I feel that I should have re-enlisted for another four years, but if I did, there was a very good possibility of being sent back to Vietnam a second time.  That is something that I didn't want to experience, but on the other hand, if had orders to go, I would definitely have gone, no questions or doubts about that! 

In closing, I just wanted to write that even though the Vietnam War was not a "popular" war, as World War Two supposedly was, were not the troops who put their lives on the line deserving of being honored and supported as veterans of previous wars?

Sadly, that was not the case and many Vietnam vets suffered even further when they got home.  Some recognition came many years later, but too late for some as many of my brothers have passed away either from health issues or from old age...

All I ask is that a little prayer might be said for those brothers-in-arms, especially for the souls of Vietnam veterans that have gone to their Particular Judgment, standing in front of the Just Judge, Christ our Lord, that He might have had mercy on them -- and me, when my time comes...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



Friday, December 15, 2023

Need More Proof Of Treason Perpetrated Against America By The FBI? Here It Is...

  Not a day goes by that I don't read more evidence and corroboration that the iconic FBI has committed -- and continues to commit, raw, in-your-face treason against our country -- that they were sworn to protect!

The following article is just one of many articles and videos that I have read and seen coming from various sources, except, of course, the bought-and-paid-for Marxist media accomplices, in the plan to take down America and turn it into another communist satellite...

The constant lies and corruption coming from the highest echelon of the legacy of J. Adgar Hoover, the FBI, is nothing short of stunning!

These treasonous scoundrels lie right to the faces of their interrogators with impunity!  But it is also apparent that at least some Americans are waking up to this travesty of (in)justice against those who attempt to live a life free from the all-encompassing tentacles of the federal behemoth, intent on tracking our every move.

Not only that, but it has also come to light that several field offices have been involved in attempting to recruit spies from various traditional Catholic parishes across the country, beginning in Virginia, and reporting any "suspicious" activities of Catholics who attend the Traditional Latin Mass

Did you get that??

Forget about securing our porous borders where thousands of military aged men have been pouring into our country, for what purpose exactly??

No, just concentrate on those moms and dads who are pro-life, attend school board meetings to try to keep filth out of their children's schools and traditional Catholics, and have them classified as possible domestic terrorists!

What we do know is that these treasonous hypocrites are doing the bidding of the tyrant-in-charge, the apostate Catholic Biden and his corrupt cadre of sleezy cabinet and family members, especially the drugged-out, pay-for-play, Robert (Hunter) Biden.

Keep in mind that several hundred Americans are still rotting in the D.C. gulag "awaiting" trial on trumped-up charges of "insurrection," while leftists can occupy the same offices and face no charges or jailtime!  

But there isn't a two-tiered system of justice!  At least that's what the corrupt attorney general, M. Garland, says.  His bootlicker, C. Wray, of the just as corrupt FBI, also makes the same nonsensical claim!

Finally, here is that article from written by  

that chronicled the infiltration of planted FBI agents or informants to dress and act like President Trump supporters on January 6, 2021...

“I’m Confident that Everybody on Those Buses Were FBI Assets..."

Read the full article here: "I'm Confident that Everybody on Those Buses Were FBI Assets - We've Identified One of the Buses - Senior Officials Deeply Involved" - BOOM! Rep. Clay Higgins Tells Lara Logan They Have PROOF of FBI Involvement in Jan. 6 (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft.

There is more proof coming, stay tuned!!  

Friends is this just a dress rehearsal for what is to come just in time for the 2024 presidential election -- that is, if there is one??

The traitors to our country are pulling out all the stops to keep President Trump from a second term in the White House, including threats against his very life!

Pray for the safety, protection -- and conversion! -- of President Trump, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Radical Pro-Abortion Groups Got $2 Billion Of Our Tax Dollars, Getting More Under Biden!

  Even under the Trump administration, the baby killers got tons of taxpayer monies to fund the slaughter of the pre-born, but under the radical maniac, apostate Biden, the haters of life -- and of Christ, are getting even more monies from the American taxpayer!

Here is the horrific proof of this tragedy -- this crime against humanity, from and written by Jake Smith: Radical Pro-Abortion Groups Got $2 Billion of Our Tax Dollars, Getting More Under Biden -

Here is just one excerpt from the article: "The Biden administration increased funding obligations to Planned Parenthood from approximately $5.7 million to $27 million between 2021 to 2022, a total 373% increase, according to the GAO report. The Biden administration also revoked a Trump administration rule in January 2021 that prevented funding from being used by foreign organizations to provide abortion services."

(My emphasis.)

I have said and written many times that the worst enemies of Christ are apostate Catholics.  But keep in mind, as the novus ordo church goes, so goes society.  And when the supposed pope of the (novus ordo) Catholic Church tells Biden and Pelosi that they are "good Catholics" and should keep receiving the Holy Eucharist, then it should be very clear where the source of the evil and wickedness emanates!  

As President Truman once quipped: the buck stops here at my desk -- at my desk!   

I ask this simple question: how can we ask God to bless our nation when we systematically destroy His gift of life to us, His created creatures???

Such blessing would be a spiritual impossibility as God cannot bless evil and sin, period.

So, what is left to do to correct this abomination?

The first step is personal sanctification of ourselves and our families.  We can't give what we don't have!

Second, to hold our elected officials accountable and explain that they will have to answer to Christ at their Particular Judgment for their failure to stop the premeditated murder of the most defenseless of our species.  

Pray for the conversion of our enemies and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, December 11, 2023

Simple Questions: What Can Apostacy Lead To? Is It Just A Question Of The Denial Of Faith?

 I bring up this topic to show the result of apostacy and how it affects the intellect and the use of free will granted to us by our good God.

The following examples reflect the apostacy of the two individuals that I will cite...

First, is the apostate governor of California, G. Newsom... 

Aside from the fact that he is a leftist, radical supporter of the murder of the pre-born, he is also a maniac who supports the sodomite agenda to the nth degree -- especially directed to impressionable children!  

As proof of this, here is an article posted on and written by Calvin FreiburgerCalifornia will fine retailers up to $500 for not adding 'gender-neutral' sections for kids - LifeSite (

Here are two paragraphs of this short article: SACRAMENTO, California (LifeSiteNews) – 'California retailers are slated to face $500 fines unless they establish designated “gender-neutral” sections for children’s goods under a state law set to take effect next year.

Yet for years, LGBT activists have worked to promote “gender fluidity,” the idea that sexual identity is separate from biology and discernible only by personal perception, across public educationlibrarieshealth care, and cultural traditions such as beauty contests, school homecomings, and athletic competitions."

End of excerpts...


Now, who in their right mind would push this un-natural nonsense?

That's the point: the apostate is not in their right mind!  They, have, for all practical purposes denied the natural law which tells us what is good and what is evil and to choose good over evil...

So, we know that Newsom is awash in grievous mortal sin, objectively speaking, darkening his ability to use his intellect correctly and make right judgments with his free will.  We know too, that the demon cannot control our free will, but he can infect the intellect, and that is obvious when the governor signed this despicable, filthy legislation.

Second, is another well-known apostate: "Dr." Fauci... This maniac was responsible for co-creating a deadly "virus" -- with proven gain-of-function monies -- that wreaked death, havoc despair and madness upon millions of U.S. citizens, not to mention the global population in general.

Here is an article from, written by OLIVIA RONDEAU...

Dr. Fauci Says Practicing Catholicism Is a 'Thing That I Don't Really Need to Do' (

Here's two paragraphs that says it all: "During a recent appearance on the channel’s Influential with Katty Kay, President Joe Biden’s former medical adviser said he identifies as Catholic but doesn’t go to church because his “personal ethics” are “enough.”'

And this: ...“A number of complicated reasons. First of all, I think my own personal ethics on life are I think enough to keep me going on the right path,” Fauci answered. “And I think there are enough negative aspects about the organizational Church,” he continued..."

End of excerpts...

Let me see if I understand this... The "Catholic" Fauci thinks that his "personal ethics" are "enough" to keep him on the "right path"?

What path is that??  

I think the answer is quite obvious...

I guess it was his "personal ethics" that lying and pushing a deadly "vaccine" was the right thing to do?

This is another example of a corrupt intellect influencing the use of his free will that helped to create a massive crime against humanity!

His "personal ethics" are "enough"?

Enough for what, exactly?  

To keep him out of hell?

To get him into Heaven?

Let me understand this...

He no longer sees the need for confession, repentance, to receive the Holy Eucharist (without which there is no spiritual life in him!)?

This is what happens when a Catholic apostatizes from his precious -- free gift of faith, leading, in many cases, to the door of the demonic and the enemies of Christ, our Lord...

The agendas of these apostates must be defeated, but we must pray for our enemies as Christ demanded of us!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  




Friday, December 8, 2023

Traitor-In-Charge, Apostate "Catholic" Biden: If Ukraine Aid Is Not Passed, U.S. Troops Will Be Deployed To Fight Russia.

  If any sane person needed any more proof that Biden is a raving maniac dead-set on getting the U.S. into a catastrophic nuclear Armageddon with Russia, then something is very wrong with your critical thinking!

Please read this important article from and written by KRISTINA WONG:  Biden: If Ukraine Aid Is Not Passed, U.S. Troops Will Be Deployed (

This radical, anti-American, phony "president" fails to secure our own borders and has let in millions -- that's millions! -- of illegal aliens, many are military aged men, including Chinese!  (Communist Chinese, no doubt!)  Yet holds the weak-kneed congress hostage by threatening to deploy U.S. troops to Ukraine to engage Russian troops and armor if billions more in "aid" isn't sent to line the pockets of Zelensky and his henchmen! 

Let's see if any common sense prevails over this corrupt so-called president's actions to lead mankind into nuclear oblivion! 

The lunatic, Biden's defense secretary, Austin, threatened the same thing just the other day when meeting with the ultra-corrupt "president" of Ukraine, Zelensky -- under the direction of Biden, or his handlers, of course.  

By the way, Austin is another apostate "Catholic" who has lost all sense of morality and loyalty to his own country, and, most importantly, to God almighty!

Here is the first scary paragraph of the article: ["]President["] Joe Biden echoed the warnings of his defense secretary in an address to the public this week, saying if Congress does not pass $64 billion in aid to Ukraine, U.S. troops will end up fighting Russia in Europe."

(My brackets!)

The American people (or is it sheeple?) cannot let this baby killer-in-charge get away with dealing a final death blow to America -- and the world!

Make no mistake, Biden and his cronies are the enemy of the people, and his insane agenda must be defeated before it's too late -- at the ballot box!

Wake up America!!!

Pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Crito Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Remember??? December 7, 1941??? Pearl Harbor??? You Know, The "Sneak Attack" That Officially Injected The U.S. Into World War II???

 But first, a little family history here... My now-deceased brother was born on Columbus Day, 1942, right smack in the middle of WW2, I, on the other hand, was born 1 year and 11 months after the end of WW2: July 12, 1947.

My dear brother (veteran) enlisted in the U.S. Navy back in 1960 and served on the aircraft carrier, the U.S.S. Constellation, and was involved in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crises which brought the world very, very close to a nuclear Armageddon...

I enlisted in the U.S. Air Force on July 9, 1965, and was trained as an Air Force cop, later to be known as a Security Policeman, and went to Vietnam on December 16, 1967, I returned home (a changed man) on December 16, 1968...

My now-deceased father was exempted from the military for some specific skill he had that contributed to the (WW2) war effort...

My now-deceased mother also contributed to the war effort by maintaining the home front as a loyal American -- and praying!

(I know she did a great deal of praying for my brother back in '62, and perhaps even more for me when I went to Southeast Asia back in '67!) 

My dear, now-deceased uncle Vincent served in WW2 (in my uncle's honor, my brother's middle name was Vincent!).

I want to relay something at this point, something that occurred less than a year ago regarding my Uncle...

First, my Uncle was a Catholic.  I'm not sure how much he practiced his faith, but what I do know is that he appeared to me in a dream... What I clearly remember is that we shook hands -- as one veteran to another.  I took that to mean that he wanted me to pray for him, as if he needed help -- to get out of Purgatory, perhaps?  

Up to that point, I had always included him, and my other deceased relatives, in our daily Rosary, by name!

So, after that dream, I had a Mass offered for him...

I hope that helped him enter the Heavenly Beatitude!  And maybe, just maybe, I'll find out one day?  

I realize this has been a long "intro" to "December 7, 1941," but I wanted to give a little personal background about our military service to our country, for better or worse.


Didn't Our Lady of Fatima warn that there would be another "great" war (WW 2) in which many good men would die, if mankind didn't convert, turn to Her Son and bend our knee in humility at the very mention of His name??  For no one comes to the Father except by Him!  As there is no other Name under heaven by which we are saved! 

As we know, wars and rumors of war are a result of grievous sins committed against God.  The unfortunate result is that it is always -- always! -- the civilian non-combatants who suffer, with lives and homes destroyed, sometimes in the most heinous of ways.  E.g., the fire-bombing of some German cities that caused a horrendous, hellish conflagration that snuffed out the lives of countless men, women and children...

As for the "sneak attack" on Pearl Harbor on that infamous Sunday morning -- yes, it was on Sunday morning when many were attending Mass, church, etc., only to realize that they were being plunged into hell on earth, but was it really a "sneak attack"?  Or was there advanced knowledge of the Japanese heading toward the Hawaiian Islands?   And was that knowledge purposely ignored -- or covered up?  And if so, wasn't that a treasonous act resulting in the slaughter of close to 3,000 American military and civilians alike?

Wasn't it eerily similar to the future "sneak attack" on September 11, 2001, by a bunch of Arabs with box cutters taking over several airliners and flying them into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, defeating our intelligence agencies and NORAD?

Conspiracy theories abound, but we see the results of those "conspiracy theories" and the loss of life, treasure and, most importantly, our freedoms and liberties granted to us by our good God -- not by the government!

The question is, when will we ever learn that we all have to change our ways, repent and treat our neighbors as we want them to treat us???

If only we would fulfill the two great Commandments: to love God and our neighbor, all the other Commandments, the law and the Prophets would be fulfilled and there would be -- dare I say it? -- a real peace on earth...

We are now in the Season of Advent... Let's get ready to welcome the Prince of Peace and Love into our hearts -- and the world!  

I'll now get off my soapbox...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...