Monday, December 31, 2018

Update on Mr. David Knight's heart surgery..

Mr. David Knight's heart surgery was successful!  It was a long and dangerous procedure, but he is now in recovery!!   Thank our good Lord!  I will continue to update his condition.

Why have I asked for prayers for this man?  The answer is simple: there are few journalists that can be trusted these days, that's why.  Most of what we hear and read from the lamestream "news" are outright lies or distortions of the truth, so much so, that the truth is no longer recognizable, that's why.  Because his integrity is beyond question, that's why.  Because he is a Christian (at least he believes in Christ), that's why.

And because the Second great Commandment reads as follows: love thy neighbor, that's why...

Thanks to all who prayed for this man, but please continue to do so...

Gene DeLalla

Immediate prayers for Mr. David Knight...

As most of you know, when I end my articles, I always ask that all pray for our country; that hasn't changed, but today I'm asking for prayers for Mr. David Knight -- a good and decent man that reports the news fairly and accurately as opposed to the biased "news" of the hard Left.  This good man suffered a massive heart attack two days ago, and will undergo extensive surgery today in Texas.

Please pray for this upright man and his family...

God bless to all...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, December 30, 2018

If you read the Bible...

Then my previous post (What did Christ leave us?), talked about those stupendous events that led up to what was to become known as the Eucharist.  If you did read my post, you would see that I didn't use the word "Eucharist," not once.  So now, it is time to "call a spade a spade."

The bread and wine that is consecrated becomes the Eucharist for us to receive in Holy Communion.  You will also learn, if you don't already know, that the elements (or the "accidents") of the bread and wine remain for us to see -- but not touch!  But those elements are then transformed -- transubstantiated -- into what was done on that famous night at the Last Supper.

Remember, Christ is the One Who miraculously transformed those elements, not the Apostles, at least not then.  They were mesmerized beyond anything that we could imagine, after all, their Master just told them to do this in memory of Me.

Do what?

Exactly what He did!!!   Change the bread and wine into His body and blood.  So, the Apostles did do what Christ did after all, just not at the Last Supper.  They were the recipients of the new food that keeps one alive forever!!!

The Apostles were priests as well as bishops!  If you don't believe me, then read the Bible.  The office of priest goes way, way back to the early Old Testament, then, in continuum, into the New Testament.  It is mentioned in Acts, Chap. 1, and in 1 Timothy where St. Paul talks at length about the office of bishop and priest (St. Paul was both!).

But beware!  St. Paul is very specific about just who may receive the body and blood of Christ!  In 1 Corinthians, he tells us that if we eat this bread and drink this cup unworthily, we will be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord!!!

Remember, in my post: What did Christ leave us?  I explained the whole scene about the many disciples leaving our Lord after He tells them unless they eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, they will have no life in them.  And most walked no more with Him, because they found that a hard saying?

So too, if that whole scenario was just a metaphor, then He would have said so, and called them back!  But He didn't.  Now, St. Paul is confirming that Christ really did mean what He said as proved in the previous paragraphs!!

And just who consecrates the piece of bread and the cup of wine into the Body and Blood of Christ?  Priests, and, by extension, bishops (however, it is a bishop that consecrates a man into the priesthood, not the other way around).

In conclusion, it is important to note that when I use a verse, or verses taken from the Bible, it would seem that I am being very selective in order to "prove" my points.  But, in reality, I take the whole of what is revealed in the New Testament in order to show some measure of continuity from the Old to the New Testament.  I do not take a verse or two out of context as so many do in order to support a belief system, or a "religion" that one can hardly recognize anymore as being Christian.

The world, the flesh and the devil is trying so very hard to deceive, even if possible, the Elect.  Don't be fooled: unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will not have life (eternal life!) in you.  I don't know about you, but that shakes me to the bone!

God bless, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla  

PS: all the above info was taken from the King James version of the Protestant Bible, copyright 1897.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

What did Christ leave us?

His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity!


Wait a minute!  He ascended into heaven, so how could He leave us His very Body, Blood -- certainly not His Soul, and Divinity!!

These are not my suppositions, or opinions, but something that happened at the Last Supper...

Remember, He told His Apostles to "do this in memory of me"..

Do what?

Eat His Body and drink His Blood?  Whoa... What's that all about??

Are we cannibals?

Isn't that why many of His disciples walked no more with Him after He told them that..."unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, you will have no life in you!..."

Remember too, that when He said the above, they "murmured" because "this is a hard saying, who can hear it?"

Now think for a moment: was Christ using a metaphor, or did He really mean that in order for us to have life in us, and be saved, we actually had to eat His flesh and drink His blood??

If He was using a metaphor, then He would have called back those disciples that left -- in disgust? -- and say that He really didn't mean, literally, that mankind had to eat His flesh and drink His blood, but He didn't.  He left them to their own devices.. We don't know what their final destiny was; did some come back after all?  We don't know.  But we do know that Christ didn't call them back!

What happened next??

He turned to the Apostles and asked them if they too would leave Him...

Simon Peter answered for the twelve: Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life...

The scene that I have just described is stunning!

Here is the Christ sent to redeem us, telling us that we have to eat His flesh and drink His blood in order to have life (eternal life!) in us!!??

Remember, that He was about to undergo His Passion; but He also told His followers that He would not leave them orphans, meaning that He would send the Paraclete to teach all things (that are not recorded in the Bible)…

But there was something else...

Let's go back to the Last Supper...

After He blesses the bread and wine (consecrates those elements), He tells the Apostles to do this in memory of Me...

Do what, exactly?

Bless (consecrate) any future bread and wine and eat (receive) His body and blood, especially, after He died and ascended...

His bloody sacrifice on Calvary, was to be repeated in an un-bloody manner -- not a different sacrifice, but the same -- IN AN UN-BLOODY MANNER; day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, century after century, down to our present day, and into the future, until He returns...

Now, the question begs: where do you get His consecrated body and blood to eat and drink????

Do you get IT at the local Baptist church, or a Jewish synagogue?  What about a Mosque?

Just where do you get IT?

Believe it or not, you get IT in a Catholic Church, that's where.

My Catholic Church is open to all -- that's true ecumenism for you!  Come home and have life in you this Christmas!!

Peace on earth, to men of good will...

Pray for our country...

PS: most of my quotes are taken from the King James version of the Protestant Bible, copyright: 1897...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Is it appropriate to talk about the death penalty at Christmastime?

There's enough bad news bombarding us every single day, so why is it appropriate to talk about the death penalty during Christmastime?  To do so is just more bad news; who needs it, right?

Take the reason for Christmas in the first place: the birth of the Savior; the Babe that we see in Nativity scenes all across the country, that is, for now.  But it has to be said, that if the atheists and other secular humanists have their way, such visual celebrations will be a thing of the past -- over my dead body! 

It just so happens the death penalty is in the news these days, especially coming out of the Vatican; that's in Rome, for those who don't know.  The Vatican is also the mouthpiece, if you will, for Pope Francis; his speeches, writings and off-the-cuff remarks that seem to get him into trouble more often than not, with the Vatican trying to explain or clarify just what Francis meant...  And when the "Vatican" speaks; the world usually listens, but should it?

First, let's see what happened when that Babe grew up, began His ministry, then finally fulfilled His destiny: to die on the Cross for ------------------------- US!  Please think about that at least for a moment or two...

How, a non-believer might ask, would, or could, the "so-called" Son of God allow Himself to be subject to the death penalty??   And DIE!

Second, remember what Christ said to Pilate when standing right in front of him: you would not have any power over Me (to put me to death -- to enforce the death penalty) if it wasn't given to you from my Father!  The translation here, of course, is that there was a death penalty in Judea during the time of our Lord, just as there is a death penalty today.

But the arguments coming out of the "Vatican," is saying something different, or, should I say, the pope is saying something different... The Church has always taught -- always taught! -- that a death penalty can be used in certain cases and carried out by the civil authorities not only in order to protect the commonweal of society, but also to prevent the criminal from committing more heinous crimes if his life is not forfeited.  There is, however, another reason for the enforcement of the ultimate penalty: the potential for the criminal to convert and amend his life before he meets his Maker.  Think about it: if someone has no fear of being put to death (in the many states that no longer have a death penalty) there is no real reason to transform his/her life; to convert and change their ways.  What they do get is three-square meals a day for the rest of their miserable lives...

Third, what is often left out of the equation of the death penalty debate, are the murdered victims or their families that have been deprived of their loved ones.  There seems to be little empathy for those victims, but lots of sympathy for the criminal.  Go figure that one out, I can't...

Pope Francis is now excoriating the previous teachings of his predecessors as well as the perennial teachings of the Catholic Church on such important matters such as the death penalty, basically saying that it is cruel and inhumane.  Yes, it is "cruel" and "inhumane" -- but necessary!  It is completely naïve -- or is it planned? -- to attempt to condemn those who implement the death penalty in modern times, forgetting -- or not caring -- for those who die at the hands of the criminal.

This pope is hell-bent on changing, always and everywhere, taught and believed teachings and beliefs since the founding of the Church on the Rock of Peter.  He will not succeed!

To those who think that we Catholics are bound in conscience to believe every single thing the pope says or opines or writes, are gravely mistaken.  In fact, we have an obligation not to obey that which counters the faith: False obedience is a vice, not a virtue!  

At this Christmastime, I ask all of good will to pray not only for our country, but also for the man that currently occupies the Chair of Peter...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, December 17, 2018

Follow-up: family of deceased seven-year-old migrant girl owes money to...

It has now been reported by the grandfather of the seven-year-old migrant girl, who died after she and her father entered the U.S. at a New Mexico check-point, owes money to the coyotes (human smugglers) that helped to transport them through Mexico.

The grandfather, Domingo Caal, says that the family owes a large debt that has to be paid, or else the smugglers will confiscate their meager possessions, leaving them almost completely destitute and homeless, no doubt.

As I previously reported (seven-year-old migrant girl), the Demonrats are using the death of this poor girl to push their open borders agenda thereby destroying what is left of our sovereignty, and allowing who-know-who into our country unvetted.

(I must reiterate that my own father entered the U.S., not long after the turn of the previous century, as in immigrant from Italy, processing through the iconic Ellis Island, New York in 1913.  All such immigrants were vetted, that is, they were checked for diseases, in addition, they had to have a place to live and sponsors to help them assimilate into the American culture, without loosing their own heritage.  This is certainly not the case today, as the estimated at 30-45 MILLION illegal aliens now residing in the U.S. in a "subterranean," shadow society, do not assimilate, but rather continue to speak their foreign tongue.   They do not become American citizens for obvious reasons, and put an enormous strain on welfare and other social services, including education and health-care, in some cases, causing the shutting down of small medical facilities because of lack of monies owed by the illegals.  Remember, the law states that when someone comes into an emergency room, they have to be treated regardless of whether or not they have health insurance.)

I have seen with my own eyes, the coyotes ply their trade in San Diego county (Chula Vista, Imperial Beach, San Ysidro and the Otay Lakes area) loading illegal aliens into their vehicles to transport them to destinations throughout California and beyond. These human smugglers do not do this for free!  In fact, some of the migrant women have been "taken advantage of"... In other instances, the illegals have been found near death in hot, dry desert areas of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.  Some have been rescued by the Border Patrol who do their best to supply water, food and medical care when caught, and sadly, recover bodies of those who died while in the custody of the coyotes, or left to fend for themselves...

Make no mistake, this human tragedy continues as I write this, but the soulless, unconscionable Demonrats care little for the real health and welfare of these illegals, but only to curry their favor to bolster their own cause: to have more voters in the coming elections.  And if anyone thinks that non-citizens don't vote in our elections, I have a bridge for sale...

Nothing will change unless and until there is a real change of heart of these Demonrats, at least we can pray that this will happen, especially this Christmastime.  Miracles do happen!!

Pray for our country too...

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Demonrats are using the death of a seven-year-old migrant girl...

These despicable, malice-filled Demonrats are using the death of a seven-year-old migrant girl to their own sick advantage, i.e., attacking the Trump administration for attempting to enforce the laws of the country in the face of an invasion of illegal aliens.  Of course, the lamestream media is screaming from the housetops with phony outrage of how cruel and unfeeling President Trump is in the face of this tragedy.

But these blackened souls -- who call themselves Democrats -- have no sense of justice or charity, and will use this poor girl's death to further their call for open borders.  Translation: more potential votes for the Demonrats in future elections!  And that is what this is all about!

For those who are just a bit older, the Democrats used to be known as the party of the people, but no more.  They are now -- and have been for far too many years -- the party against the people!

I would venture to say, that the Democrats of Hubert Humphry's day, simply would not recognize the Demonrats of today: socialists; the party of death (of the pre-born); pushers of the homosexual perversion; welfare-state, another endless list...

And now, the Demonrats are saying that the Border Patrol is responsible for this girl's death?  Not so!  Let us put the blame where it belongs: on those migrants who make a dangerous, illegal journey all in the hope of entering -- whether legally  or illegally -- the United States, for whatever legitimate or illegitimate reason.  First and foremost, the parents of the girl hold the main responsibility for the demise of their precious child, not the Border Patrol and their medics who tried their best to save her.
And by the way, the Border Patrol SAVES uncountable migrants from threats to their well-being every single day, all year long!

And one more thing: the United States of America is the most generous, most charitable, of any nation on the face of this earth.  We continue to feed half the world; doubt me?  Look it up!   And to say that we, as a nation, would purposely allow a seven-year-old girl die because her parents broke the law is beyond pathetic, beyond sick!  But sadly, not surprising.

I urge all of good will to pray for the repose of the soul of this little girl, Jakelin, and pray too for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Friday, December 14, 2018

The Mueller witch-hunt continues unabated...

Never a day goes by that the "collateral damage" associated with the Mueller witch-hunt is exposed on the lamestream media for all to see.  This unabated attack on our president is shameful, disgusting and all based on a false FISA warrant.  And there is the real CRIME!  Yet these creeps, full of malice of forethought, go Scott-free?

It seems to me that Lady Justice has a peep-hole in her blindfold, allowing a two-tiered system of justice; one for the elites, and one for you and I.  Nice.

But thank heaven the real truth, not the fake news, is beginning to swing the pendulum in the opposite direction...

The implications are terrifying for the bad guys; the corrupt politicians and "prosecutors," who have made it their destiny to destroy a duly elected president, concerned, not with his own legacy -- as so many previous presidents consumed by their own vanity -- but putting America first.  All this, is spite of the traitors in his own party, not to mention the Demonrats on the other side of the isle...

Right now, the focus seems to be his possible pay-offs due to his sexual dalliances of his past, single life.  Is that morally right, of course not, but I also believe that a man or woman can change and amend their lives.  Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone... Where have I read that before?

But here is something that the good-old lamestream media fails to report: the Congress has a slush-fund, using taxpayer monies to cover-up their own sexual escapades down in D.C.  Did you know that?   Again, that's our money to the tune of over seventeen million dollars!  Let me express that in actual digits: $17,000,000, used to keep silent those females (and others?) that could easily blow the lid off the career of numerous politicians of both stripes: Demonrates and Republicrats, and send them to jail!

I truly believe that President Trump will be victorious in the remaining time of his first term, and will be with us for another four years, if that is what he wants.

Mr. Trump is not perfect, not by any stretch of the imagination, but the prospect of some radical, anti-life Demonrat becoming president in 2020, is absolutely unacceptable, at least to me; how about you out there in cyber-land?

I will continue to pray for Mr. Trump, and for our country too...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Traitor that is Paul Ryan...

I just wrote an article: Christian Persecution: Can it Happen Here (Christian Persecution), and now, the outgoing Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, is assuring the continuing human disaster that is happening -- right now -- in Yemen.

This "Catholic" recently attached a "rider" to the farm bill that continues the war that the former president, the demon Obama, helped to instigate the human tragedy of that beleaguered nation.

Not only is the "Catholic" Ryan a traitor to his Catholic faith, but, as far as I'm concerned, a traitor to his country.  For one thing, he is for open borders allowing unvetted illegal aliens to enter our country non-stop.  In his zeal to do so, this poor excuse for a man is cementing his future job prospects with the corporations that want ultra-cheap labor, which, in the long run, bolsters their bottom line (translation: MONEY!).

In years past, he was considered "pro-life," whatever that means these days, but to help to continue the war in Yemen, which, by the way, numerous children are victims of that war on a daily basis, shows his true colors: a merchant of death!

Remember what Christ tells us in the Bible: if anyone scandalizes these little ones, it would be better for him that a millstone be put around his neck and drowned in the sea.  Well, that "scandal" includes death and mayhem that is ongoing in a country located on the Arabian peninsula in Asia, across the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden from the continent of Africa.

Even though I welcome his departure from the Congress, the next "devout Catholic" -- her words, not mine -- to take his place is more of a rabid anti-life, pro-death female by the name of Nancy Pelosi.  This mother of five, and numerous grandchildren, apparently has no qualms of conscience (if she has one) about the mass slaughter of the pre-born of others, as well as her support for the perversion that is homosexuality.

I just cannot figure out such abhorrent people, except to say that such types have given themselves over to the demon for power and position in this life, to hell with the next, and the price they will have to pay if they don't repent.

So the prospects of Ryan leaving, and Pelosi taking over the duties of Speaker, do not bode well for our country and for the most vulnerable of our species: the pre-born, but not only the pre-born of America, but also for the pre-born of other nations, as the power and influence of the Speaker of the House is enormous -- another human disaster in the making, I'm afraid...

If there was ever a time to pray for our country, now is that time!!

Gene DeLalla 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Christian persecution: can it happen here?

Yes, it can happen here, and it already is.  There are many examples of this heinous persecution; in the public square, public schools -- especially including at the college level, on-line and social media, newspapers, magazines, and, sadly, even at various state houses across the land of the free and the home of the brave.  And, believe it or not, some so-called houses of worship that have abandoned the tenets of Christ's teaching, in favor of the modernist manifesto of going along to get along, rejecting perennial doctrine so as not of offend!  A true recipe for spiritual and moral disaster!

You might ask: but I thought Christian persecution is only happening in the Middle East or Africa?  You would be correct to think this, but just look around and see -- and hear -- that political correctness has all but taken control in the form of the "thought police" -- this is outrageously obvious on social media.  And yet, the perverse, the obscene, the malice and hatred for God is also obvious on many of these very same platforms.  Sure, this hatred may not name God as their object; but the attacks are prevalent against those who believe in God; the Natural Law; pro-marriage and pro-life advocates in particular.

Look also at what many politicians are pushing in the form of legislation, or their own comments regarding the wholesale rejection of the Natural Law in favor of all things un-natural.  This can be in the sexual realm, or the complete disregard of the prohibitions given to us in the Ten Commandments, remembering that they are not the "ten suggestions".

At this Christmastime, it is all the more important to stand up for the little Babe that came to redeem us; to save us, while at the same time being cognizant of the threats to our liberty to worship Him the way He wants us to worship Him, and not according to our own whims.

We must take on the breast-plate of faith, hope and charity in the face of what might come down the road, right here in our beloved America, not so much from enemies from without, but more importantly, enemies from within!

We, as a freedom loving people, are going to have to be brave; to sacrifice if necessary, for our families and our rights guaranteed, not by government, but by the Natural Law, with God as its Author.

Pray for strength and pray for discernment, and, as always, pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Christmas is approaching, and so are perilous times and trials...

Christmastime should fill us with hope and joy, but, admittedly, there is also a sense of unease amid the peril in the political realm as well as in society in general, not only in our beloved America, but also in many nations around the world, notably, Europe and North Africa.

There is, whether one believes it or not, a real anti-Christ agenda that is now being challenged and fought on various levels by those who see their sovereignty being threatened by unvetted illegal immigration -- aliens entering without permission of those in charge of the nations' security.  And, in addition to that mess, there is also a major backlash against what citizens of those countries perceive as a diminishing of their human rights by the uncontrolled elitists.  (Of course, what some forget is that along with the rights granted under the Natural Law -- not government granted rights! -- there comes the responsibility to exercise those rights according to that very same Natural Law!  And if there is proper adherence to the Natural Law, there will be no abuse or violation of the rights of others, and that includes the pre-born.)

I contend that one of the main reasons for so much chaos in the world is the lessening of the sanctity and dignity of human life in general, but especially that of the pre-born.  For how can a nation be righteous in the eyes of God and humanity, if the value of a pre-born baby isn't even on the same level as a dog, remembering that cruelty to animals can very well be a felony, with fines and jail-time for those convicted?

Now, we see riots in France; wars in Yemen, Syria, Libya, still in Iraq, Afghanistan; the list here is almost endless.  This is due in part because we have collectively neglected our duty to our Creator: to know, love and serve Him in this world, in order to be happy with Him in the next.  Translation: we get what we deserve; He will not be mocked...

Christ said that we will always have the poor with us.  But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to ease their suffering in some way, according to our state in life and our abilities and talents, whether through monetary donations or political action to influence those in positions of power to enact legislation that benefits the most vulnerable of society.

But we can't very well be there for someone else, or other nations, however, if we don't get our own act together as individuals and as a country.  Charity, they say, begins at home.  If we want to make a difference in the world let's start with ourselves first -- as we should all strive for personal sanctity with the help of the grace of God, for without Him we can do nothing...

As He comes to us this Christmas, to fill our lives, not with presents under the tree, but with the real gifts of faith, hope, love (charity) and joy, let us all try to give back to Him by helping others, especially His gift of life to us as co-creators.  What a miracle that is!!

I urge all to pray earnestly for our country in these times of uncertainty...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Immaculate Conception of Mary, THE MOTHER OF CHRIST!

Today, December 8, 2018, is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, the Mother of Christ...

And this from St. Luke's Gospel, 1, 26-28: The angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.  And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women...

Then, later in her pregnancy, she visited her aged cousin, Elizabeth, who was in her sixth month with child (who was called barren!), for with God nothing is impossible...

Here is what happened next...

Continuing from St. Luke's Gospel 1, 41 and forward: And it came to pass that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant [pre-born baby!] leaped in her womb.  And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost [the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity]: and she cried out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.  And whence is this to me, that the MOTHER OF MY LORD should come to me?  For behold, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy.  And blessed art thou that hast believed, because those things shall be accomplished that were spoken to thee by the Lord...

But Mary was just a plain, ordinary woman; no different than any other woman on the earth, right?

I think the facts can clearly speak for themselves.

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee...

And pray for our country too...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Christmas = Santa Claus; Christmas Trees; Presents; Good Cheer?

My mother passed away on December 26, 2007 at the age of 92 (the Feast of St. Stephen -- the protomartyr of the Catholic Church).  My father pre-deceased her, November, 1993; he was 82-years old; my older brother died suddenly just a couple of weeks before "9/11"; he was just shy of 59-years old.

What that means, is that all of my original, immediate family are now gone.  I do, however, have another immediate family for which I am eternally grateful; and I do have much to be grateful for in addition to my "new" family...

But I must say, that since my original, immediate family are no longer with me, Christmastime has never been the same.  And I'm not talking about Santa Claus, or Christmas Trees, or presents, or good cheer -- whatever that means these days.  What I am talking about is that special feeling, if you will, of having my mom, dad, and brother in my life, knowing that I can visit them or call them on the phone, or give some type of support if need be, and, in the case of my brother, lecture him on the way he was living his life (which, I contend, was one of the reasons he died so suddenly.  Note: I am, or I was, being judgmental of his chosen lifestyle; I had a duty to do so for the sake of his immortal soul.  At one point, while on the phone, he told me that no one was going to tell him what to do, or how to live his life; I said someone is: Satan.  The thing is, he didn't tell me to go fly a kite, neither did he hang up on me; he listened to what I had to say.  I just hope that I made a positive impression on him, and that at his last moment on earth, he had a chance to beg for mercy from the Just Judge -- of us all).

I grew up in an Italian/American/Catholic household in the Bronx, New York.  When I was born, the president of the United States was Harry Truman; he took over the presidency when Franklin Roosevelt died while still in office, back in 1945, toward the tail-end of World War II.

Christmas was always a special time for me, and, I suspect, as well for my now-departed brother, and for most little people all across the American landscape.  As it usually goes, there was the Christmas tree, presents under the tree, snow outside our apartment building; visiting the relatives up in Yonkers, or they visiting us, down in the Bronx...

We had to go to Mass on Christmas day, and remember just Who that special day was really for.  As Catholics, there was no question about that, but at the same time, did I really know which was more important: getting gifts or adoring the One that came into the world to redeem us -- the real gift of life, and love!?

Jumping forward to my late teens, I entered the military and just over two years later, I found myself in a strange, war-torn country in Southeast Asia: Vietnam.  I arrived about two weeks before Christmas of 1967; what a Christmas "gift"!  But I was honored to do my part in keeping the South Vietnamese people free from Communist domination, at least for about 10 years or so...

Christmas -- and all other holidays meant little to me, in the sense that I had to concentrate on the job at hand, and not be distracted from my duties: keeping the Viet Cong enemy from infiltrating our air base and killing my brothers and destroying the aircraft that tormented those pagan monsters on the battlefield.  And make no mistake, they were monsters, often killing their own countrymen in the most heinous of ways.

One of my duties was to escort the Vietnamese nationals that worked on base back to their town just after dark. I was usually the machine-gunner in the Jeep.  If the VC wanted to "hit" us, they could easily do so, as we were easy to pick-off from sniper positions hidden along the roadside in the tall grasses and rice paddies...

When we entered the town (or city) of Tuy Hoa (pronounced: two-ee-wha), driving down "main street", it was plain to see all the buildings pockmarked with bullet holes as the result of gun-battles right smack in the middle of town.  And these people lived there??  Yes, they did!

From there, things went down hill, so to speak... But, I survived, and I came back to "the world" just before Christmas of 1968; another gift!

I was a changed man...  I really didn't care about Christmas or anything else, for that matter, and that started a long journey away from my faith.

Time frame: over 20 years of drifting.

I'm back now: the best gift of all!

Back to the title of this article: Christmas = Santa Claus; Christmas Trees; Presents; Good Cheer?

Is that what Christmas is really all about?

What do we tell our children about Christmas?  (We are still allowed to do so, even in this politically correct world we live in.)  Do we put gifts under the tree; drink eggnog, overeat and maybe suffer some heartburn?  Do we think about the real reason for the season?  The birth of the Christ-child, and why He came to us?  We see the Nativity creches on church grounds and elsewhere.  Who do we see?  The Child, of course, but also His Blessed Mother, and the great St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse.   They are called the Holy Family, the same Holy Family that had to flee to Egypt to escape the evil King Herod.  Remember, it was Herod that ordered the killing of all children two-years old and under in an attempt to kill the Child, as he saw Him as a threat to his reign as king.  A Child a threat to this reign??

As tradition tells us, the Family was almost left out in the cold, but was eventually able to find some measure of shelter where the Child was born of the Virgin...  (Think about that for a moment!!!)

Will the Child and the entire Holy Family be left out in the cold -- of our hearts this year?   Will we value our trees, gifts and food, more than the greatest valued gift of all: our supreme chance of attaining Heaven because of this little Child, and what He eventually went through for our sakes?

Do parents around the country at least attempt to tell the story of the Holy Family and what it means, that is, if the parents themselves know.  I wonder sometimes... But it is the duty of parents to teach, nurture and inform their offspring about what is truly important in this life.  The culpability of not doing so will be extreme...

Pray for discernment this Advent and Christmastime, and pray for our country too...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

New HARD evidence that "9/11" was a set-up!!

See my two previous articles on the "9/11" "attacks"...( and here:

It was announced the other day that new, HARD evidence that explosives were used to bring down the three World Trade Center buildings, that includes WTC-7.  If one opens their eyes, and views the actual take-down of WTC-7, you will see that it was a perfect demolition, with the 47-story skyscraper falling into its own footprint.  Same for the Twin Towers!

If anyone doubts this, all I ask is to look at some videos on you-tube or elsewhere, of demolition companies bringing down buildings that have served their usefulness.  If one does a side-by-side comparison of the fall of the buildings, you will plainly see that WTC-7 was a perfectly performed demolition.  


Now, there is a new 52-page report packed with HARD evidence including the eye-witness reports of first-responders, of seeing and hearing explosions just before, and during the collapse of those massive structures.  Keep in mind, as I pointed out in my previous articles, that the designer of the Twin Towers stated that those buildings were designed to withstand multiple jet hits and remain standing.

I think it is important to repeat that critical statement from the man who actually designed those buildings: they were built to withstand MULTIPLE JET HITS AND REMAIN STANDING!  

This "new" information is really not new as such, but it will send chills and, I hope, fear, through some of those murderous conspirators responsible for the killing of nearly 3,000 American citizens who were going about their work-day business, only to become unwilling sacrificial lambs to the new world order, sucking away our liberties for the sake of "security".

This explosive (pun intended) information may now be presented to the DOJ, and then to a federal grand jury.  If that actually happens, watch out!   I do hope -- and pray -- that heads will begin to roll right into federal prison, and maybe to the electric chair or the hangman's noose for capital murder of nearly 3,000 of our fellow citizens.

I ask all to pray for this to happen, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Get ready for more TREASON from the incoming Demonrats...

The following is an excerpt from an article from (December 3, 2018):

See my comments...

"When her party assumes the House majority next term, it will pass a bill to allow illegal aliens to remain in the U.S., make it easier for illegal aliens to seek asylum in the U.S., and end separation of apprehended illegal alien families – all while thwarting the president’s efforts to build a border wall, Pelosi said:

“In the Majority, Democrats will work to reverse the Republicans’ destructive anti-immigrant agenda.
Comment: That's right, "destructive anti-immigrant agenda".   Translation: let everyone in, that wants to come in to our country, regardless of the cost in welfare; jobs; disease, you name it!  The truth: President Trump WANTS legal immigration based on a merit system, and offer same to those that want to become AMERICANS, and to love and serve our country, not take advantage of its generosity...  My dad came to this country through Ellis Island in New York City (harbor) in 1913!  They were all checked for diseases and remained at the Island until they were declared to be healthy.  There was NO welfare; they had to make it on their own (with their sponsors' assistance); they became AMERICANS!  My mother came to the U.S. in the 1920s...

“Our House Democratic Majority will once again pass the Dream Act to end the uncertainty and fear inflicted on patriotic young men and women across the country. We will protect TPS [Temporary Protected Status] recipients and those fleeing unimaginable violence. And we will hold the Trump Administration accountable for their inhuman policy of separating families, and the trauma and anguish they have inflicted on vulnerable children and families at our border.
Comment: "patriotic young men and women".  Is this lunatic talking about Americans?  No, Pelosi, "the incoherent," is talking about illegal aliens coming in, or already in our country -- the "dreamers". Are Americans not dreamers???

Comment: "inhuman policy of separating families..."  There is NO "policy" of separating families.  These Demonrats USE the very children they pretend to be concerned about!
“Of course, we will meet our responsibility to provide strong, smart border security that serves our country’s needs, is consistent with our values, and doesn’t squander billions of dollars on a border wall.”
Comment: Values?  Dirty, rotten liar!  This poor excuse for a "devout Catholic" -- her description, not mine, will reap what she sows. She is a despicable traitor to her country.

Pelosi’s statement does not explain how her party intends to “strong, smart border security” after reversing the Trump Administration’s efforts to do so.

"We will continue to work every day to ensure the American Dream remains in reach for everyone,” Pelosi concluded.
Comment: an absolute contradiction!  She is a shrewd and contemptuous liar, well versed in the art of double-talk!  Makes absolutely no sense at all.  She cannot even speak one, single coherent sentence!  Watch her interviews and see for yourself!  
Final comment: when the Demonrats take over the House of Representatives in January, Mr. Trump will have to fight tooth and nail just to keep Americans first, not second or last.  We will be in deep trouble, to say the least...
Pray for our country, now more than ever!
Gene DeLalla

Sunday, December 2, 2018

George H.W. Bush is dead.

The 94-year-old former president died the other day, and since then, the hypocritical media, and even some "conservative" talking heads, along with the Bush haters back in his day, are now in the process of "canonizing" him right before our stupefied eyes!

I should be stunned, but I'm not...

Let us please keep in mind just who this guy was.  Sure, he served honorably during World War II, but then what?

He got us into wars in the tinder-box that is the Middle East, first attacking Saddam Hussein, and kicking him out of some very disputed territories, including portions of Kuwait.  From there, things have gone down hill at a breakneck speed, leading, to, eventually, Afghanistan, with his son, Bush, Jr., supposedly going after the mastermind of "9/11" -- Osama Bin Laden.

Sorry, I don't buy it, and neither should you!  (See my two articles on  "9/11" on my blog.)  I bet most have forgotten that some character "confessed" to being the "mastermind" of "9/11" down in Guantanamo Bay prison after being, shall we say, undergoing some "enhanced interrogation".  I just might "confess" to being the "mastermind" of "9/11" too if I underwent "enhanced interrogation".

And here's one of the most obvious anti-Christ agendas of Bush senior's presidency: he called for a new world order.  Does that scare you?  It should.  Bush junior continued that for another eight disastrous, war mongering years.  Senior was a globalist; Junior was and is a globalist; Trump, on the other hand is attempting to maintain some measure of sovereignty by putting America first; securing our southern borders; cutting business-killing regulations, and sending more money back to the taxpayers.

I express my sympathies for the Bush family, who wouldn't, but the quick "canonization" -- without the required three miracles! -- sounds awfully fishy to me... (A little sarcasm there...)

May God have mercy on his soul...

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...