Friday, March 29, 2019

It's Not Easy Being Green...

Recently, the federal Senate took a vote on the "Green New Deal"; the result?  57 to 0, or, as I read it: 0 to 57.

There are currently 54 Republican, and 44 Democrat senators, with two listed as Independents. So, in order to correctly come to the 57 total that voted against it, there had to be some combination of Democrats and Independents to vote with the Republicans to defeat one of the most egregious threats to our freedom since FDR's "New Deal" back in the 1930's.

Now wait a minute!  FDR's "New Deal" was a threat to our freedom?  How can that be??  Didn't FDR pull us out of the "great depression"?

Actually, no.  What eventually pulled us out of the "great depression", was, believe it or not, World War II.

I'll not get into any conspiracies, at least not at this point, but suffice to say it took a world war to raise us out of the depression, but in return, the U.S. and the rest of the world would never be the same again.  More later...

What FDR did want to do was to "pack the court", the Supreme Court, that is, with more of his cronies in order to get all of his "new deal" ruled constitutional.  He knew that much of what he proposed was Un-constitutional, thankfully, his plan failed.

Fast forward to the "Green New Deal" as proposed by the more radical elements of the Democrats, especially that paragon of virtue: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the newly elected Socialist (Communist) from the borough of my birth, the Bronx (New York).

This female, known as AOC, just may be the face of the new, and more extreme wing of the Democrat party.  She is one of the most ardent supporters of abortion on demand, as are most of her colleagues.  And, more pathetically, she is a "Catholic".. so what else is new?

The so-called Green New Deal, would strait-jacket our economy, especially our ability to move about freely, and that includes, our cars, trucks, planes, boats, trains, would, for all practical purposes, be banned after a certain period of  years.  But as with the climate-change boogeymen, only the United States would suffer under their diabolical plan, not China or India -- the countries that have some of the most polluted air and water on earth.

So, the "green new deal" has been defeated, but only for now, and only for political expediency.

Keep alert to these miscreants and their Un-American plans for eventual complete control of our lives...

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Self-hating Whites (males)!

It is said that when man makes plans, God laughs.

I say, that when self-hating whites open their collective mouths, Satan laughs.

Maybe the self-hating males are living in a parallel universe?!

Some call this nonsense "white privilege".  What the heck is white privilege anyway?  Can someone explain that to me??

Women talk about "white privilege" too, but not too many females are self-deprecating as their male counterparts seem to relish in their self-deprecation.

I contend that there are several reasons for the white male self-hate: 1) political correctness, 2) the disintegration of masculinity, 3) lack of common sense, 4) guilt?, 5) stupidity.

If you read any of these self-deprecating nuts, you'll see that nearly 100 percent of these guys are liberal Democrats.  That wasn't too hard to figure out...

In fact, one of the leading contenders for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020 is -- Lord help us! -- the former VP of the United States: Joseph (Joe) Biden.

Read any of his ridiculous statements, and you can see for yourself how off his rocker he is.  He literally despises his own white race.  I presume that includes his own white buddies?  His former white senator comrades too?

There is another side to this "Catholic": he is a groper of women and girls.. But don't take my word for it, see for yourself -- the videos are readily available...

And this is the Democratic leading contender for the nomination?

But others can be thrown into the mix of self-hating whites, including the complicit media...

And some of these loonies also talk about "reparation" for their black counterparts for slavery of a 150 years ago.  There is only one problem with this stupidity: slavery ended in 1863, or so we are told in Lincoln's "Emancipation Proclamation".  (In reality, it did not end slavery in the North; it was a façade.  But Lincoln did something much more sinister: he practically destroyed the Constitution.  That's right, way back during the "Civil War" (better known as the war between the states, or more accurately: the War of Northern Aggression) he had newspapers shut down, and editors and owners arrested because they criticized him, or disagreed with his handling of the war.  So much for the First Amendment!).

So who were the first self-hating white males?  Could it be the abolitionists?

Don't get me wrong; slavery was and is an abomination.  I say is, because it is going on right now as I write this article: blacks -- and whites -- are being sold into slavery by other blacks and whites on the African Continent, and other countries as well.

But what is the real, and most important reason, of self-hating males?  It is the loss of faith in God.  Remember what Christ relates to us in the Bible: when the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on earth??

Those white males -- or anyone else for that matter -- who reject Him allow the operation of error to enter their intellects, affecting their ability to make righteous judgments.  In other words, their weakened wills are more inclined to evil, rather than to do good.  

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla


Sunday, March 24, 2019

Fool's Gold...

Gold was discovered in Coloma, California in January of 1848 at a place called Sutter's Mill.

Years later, in August of 1896, gold was discovered in a tributary of the Klondike River in Canada's Yukon, that became known as the Klondike Gold Rush.

In both cases, there were literally thousands of prospectors from the cities on the West Coast as well as many coming from the East to strike it rich, or so they hoped.  In reality, though, there were many more that came and went with little to show for all their hard, lonely work.  In fact, many that ventured into the Klondike area died from exposure or starvation in a vain search for the precious golden metal.  Those that hit the Sutter's Mill area may not have died from extreme cold temperatures, but suffered nonetheless, and returned penniless.

Even back in those days, there were scammers and charlatons that took advantage of the struggling prospectors, charging them outrageous prices not only for food and dry-good supplies, but also for pack animals to carry their tools, additional clothes and medicine.  There were few reputable doctors to look after those that became sick; some coming down with diseases, especially dysentery with some dying from polluted water.

Eureka!  I've found it!   And some did manage to find, and cash in on some of the big gold strikes, but those were few and far between...

In the beginning, many novice prospectors thought they had hit it big when they uncovered what became know as Fool's Gold: it looks like the real thing, but is only a "shadow" of the treasured metal, bringing in very little money for the expended labor, time and money to refine the ore into the finished product.  In other words, it wasn't worth the effort...

Fast forward to the present day, to see the current "fool's gold" in the form of our elected representatives as well as our ecclesiastical representatives, or shepherds, whose job it is to guide the citizenry and the flock to the Beatific Vision...

We have "Catholic" politicians that claim -- and boast! -- that they are Catholic, yet they are submerged in the culture of death, slyly peddling abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, and now infanticide to curry favor with their potential voting constituents.  

On the ecclesiastical side, it is easy to observe those priests and prelates that seem to compromise Church teaching on faith and morals, in order to go along to get along, perhaps?   

The problem is, when such compromise is implemented, the faithful suffer, some to the point of leaving Mother Church for "greener pastures," at least that's what they think is around the corner...

Fool's Gold is a façade; it's not real; it sickens the citizenry; it confuses and frustrates the faithful Catholic; it is deadly to the soul.

Real gold ore is tested, tried and made pure through fire to sift out the impurities, leaving only that which is worthwhile and precious.  The same can be said for the spiritual "gold" of a soul in the state of grace after being tested, tried and made pure through the fire of temptation, leaving a stronger, more resolute individual to battle those fiery darts of the father of lies...

Pray to find the real "gold" of strength to do God's will, not ours, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla


Friday, March 22, 2019

Is It Russia Spreading Her Errors, Or Is It Another Country?

What country allows -- in "law" -- abortion on demand?  A.k.a.: murder...

What country is allowing its states to pass unnatural laws "legalizing" infanticide, especially those poor little souls who survive the heinous procedure known as abortion?  A.k.a.: murder...

In what country are aborted baby parts sold on the market to the highest bidder as just another commodity worse than anything the ancient Aztecs or Incas did in their human sacrifice?

What country now has -- in "law" -- the unnatural, legal unions of sodomites, allowing them to "marry"?  Worse than the reason Sodom and Gomorrah were annihilated and burned off the face of the earth!

What country has states that allow "assisted suicide" -- better known as murder?

What country has invaded and occupied numerous countries all in the name of "national security" or regime change?

What country has now banned, for all practical purposes, prayer in schools?

What country constantly attempts to remove crosses that represent the sacrifices of its veterans who fought and died for the freedom to display those very same crosses in the public square?  (Note: constrary to popular belief, there is no "separation of church and state" found anywhere in its constitution).

What country is attempting to secure its borders but is met with opposition, not only from the opposite party in power, but also from within its own party?

What country is openly attacking Christians who uphold biblical standards of faith and morals?

What country is making inroads to restrict the right of self-defense and to weaken or abolish the right to keep and bear arms?

I'm afraid the list is almost endless...

I am very sad to report that it is not Russia spreading her errors, but the United States of America, or what's left of it.  And I say that as a veteran and loyal American who wants to see the best for his country and his neighbor...

More than ever, pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Illegal Alien, Confessed Killer of Mollie Tibbetts, Receives Taxpayer Money for Defense!!!

This from Breitbart News:

Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Mollie Tibbetts Granted $3.2K in Taxpayer Money for Expert Witness

Tibbetts-alleged killer

Before the jury selection request, the illegal alien’s attorneys said Bahena-Rivera had a “constitutional right” to receive $5,000 in state taxpayer money to hire an independent investigative team to fight the murder charge.

According to prosecutors, Bahena-Rivera was the last person who saw Tibbetts jogging on the evening of July 18, 2018, in Brooklyn, Iowa, security camera footage reveals. That is the night Tibbetts went missing.

The illegal alien told police that Tibbetts was jogging when he saw her, according to prosecutors. That is when he said he approached Tibbetts and started talking to her. After Tibbetts told Bahena-Rivera that she would call the police if he did not stop following her, the illegal alien allegedly chased her and says he “blacked out” after this.
Police believe Bahena-Rivera stabbed Tibbetts to death, then drove to a cornfield where prosecutors say Bahena-Rivera placed cornstalks over her to hide her body. The illegal alien has been held on a $5 million bond, and the murder trial is set for September.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at 
My Comment: this is the result of "open borders" advocates who see closed or walled borders as a hindrence to their political agenda.  Such open border advocates include Robert "Beto" O'Rourke, the radical pro-abortion "Catholic" now running for the Demonrat nomination for the 2020 presidential election.  Heaven help us if such apostate, baby killers get into the White House for four or eight years!!  Say goodbye to your Constitutional rights as well as the once-cherished sovereignty of the United States of America.  And, by the way, you had better hide your weapons because these anti-Natural Law rights miscreants will find a way to find and confiscate your prized possessions that allow you to defend yourself and your family!  Also, keep in mind that such monsters will restrict you and your wife from having any more children, even if it means forced abortions or infanticide, as has been going on in Communist China for decades...
Pray for our country, and while you are at it, say a prayer for Mollie Tibbetts...
Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Diabolical Legacy of Bella Dodd Continues To This Day...

Just who was Bella Dodd?

She was a Communist assigned to recruit fellow Communists/homosexuals/atheists to enter Catholic seminaries to become priests.  The ultimate goal was to work their ministry and slyly climb the ecclesiastical ladder to positions of bishops, cardinals, etc., and bring down the Church and destroy her from within.

Bella Dodd was only one of many "recruiters" to work for the former Soviet Union...

This is not a conspiracy, but a fact, as she testified before Congress, circa., 1960.

Thank God, she repented; entered the Catholic Church, and died in the good graces of the same Church she was commissioned to destroy!   The Lord certainly works in strange ways!

But the diabolical legacy of Bella Dodd, unfortunately, continues unabated to this very day.

Even if there are no longer Communist recruiters, then how can this be?

Very sadly, the answer is staring us right in the face: those that worked their way up to positions in the hierarchy, are now, themselves, recruiting those faceless, effeminate, sodomite males to enter homosexual-friendly seminaries to become "priests".  

Recently, a German bishop publicly stated that he would never allow orthodox, traditional-minded men to enter his seminaries!  The reason is obvious, isn't it?

Currently, there are bishops and cardinals who are homosexual friendly, if not homosexuals themselves; they cover-up for fellow homosexual priests; move them from parish to parish when complaints come to the fore, but rarely, if ever, defrock and throw them out of the priesthood.

A simple search for the views of these criminals will confirm, for yourselves, the treasonous acts of these miscreants.  Treasonous to whom?  Christ, and His flock, the very flock that the shepherds are supposed to guide to Heaven, after all, the primary purpose of the Church is the salvation of souls, not their destruction.

With all the bad news these days, it is more difficult to see the forest for the trees, but the forest and the trees exist side-by-side, until the harvest, that is, when the chaff will be separated from the wheat forever, and thrown into the fire to be burned...

We have our Lord's very words of promise that the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church, no matter how small the numbers of the Elect are left on earth!

I ask all of good will to pray for the Catholic Church, and pray, too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

What Is A "Beto"?

No, I didn't ask what is a potato, I asked: what is a "Beto"?

A "Beto" is a male of the species.

A "Beto" is one that has become a darling of the hard-left media.

A "Beto" has a name too!

His name is Robert Francis O'Rourke.

Supposedly, the nickname "Beto" was given to him by his parents, but when "Beto" decided that had some measure of interest in politics, he started to refer to himself with that nickname in order to sound more "Hispanic".

Actually, "Beto" not only wanted to sound more Hispanic, he wanted to fool them into thinking he had some type of Spanish or Mexican connection with that august race.  In my opinion, he wanted to make folks think that somewhere in his distant past he had some Mexican blood coursing through his veins, instead of acknowledging his Irish and Welsh heritage.  Pretty disingenuous, I think.  Not only that, but insulting to the once-great land of St. Patrick (and Wales!).

"Beto" is a baptized Catholic, or should I say: "Catholic."  The reason for the air-quotes?  He is a radical supporter of abortion up to birth!!   I call it infanticide.

"Beto" may be many things, but Catholic is not one of them!

How dare he present himself to receive Holy Communion with the blood of aborted babies on his hands!

Remember the admonition, or should I say, the warning of St. Paul (1 Corinthians 11; 27, King James version of the Protestant Bible): if anyone eats and drinks of the body and blood of Christ unworthily, he is guilty of the body and blood of Christ!  

"Beto's" god is the prince of this world, the devil. He has sold his precious soul for political power and gain, and to hell with his eternal destiny!

In short, a "Beto" is someone who is not to be trusted in, or for, anything; he is a shyster; a trickster; and a son of the father of lies, Satan.

So, if any practicing Catholic thinks he or she can vote for this scammer, think again, because such a vote would be diametrically opposed to all that the Church teaches on faith and morals.  Translation: it would be a mortal sin, and a matter for confession!

Robert Francis O'Rourke cares not for our precious gift of life: the pre-born -- and now the born!  So how can anyone trust him to look out for the safety and security of our country?  You can't...

Pray for our enemies, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, March 18, 2019

New And More Powerful Evidence Regarding The Sept. 11, 2001 "Attacks"...

Let me first start this short article by saying that it is understandable for a freedom-loving, and loyal citizen of the United States to believe that the government of our beloved country could possibly be involved in, or actually be the culprits in the destruction of, not only the Twin Towers and Building 7 on that terrible day, but also worked hand-in-hand with the enemies of our country, thereby destroying our Bill of Rights and our God-given, precious freedoms under the never-changing Natural Law.

If this is the case, then I would expect that those trusting and loyal citizens would find it very hard to accept evidence, no matter how strong, that the government was, in fact, the guilty party that staged and helped to carry out those "attacks".  Remember, on that infamous day, nearly 3.000 of our fellow countrymen and women were killed, and numerous suffering physical damage then, and for many years after in the form of certain types of cancers or respiratory diseases down to this very day!

In a sad irony, almost the same number of our military and civilian personnel were killed during the attack on Pearl Harbor, on December 7, 1941, causing our nation to enter the Second World War.

Was that a set-up too?  There are many who think so, but that discussion must be for another day and time...

But I digress...

The New And More Powerful Evidence -- that is part of the title of my article -- concerns residue of a very efficient and powerful explosive element called Nano-thermite.  This "new" evidence has been piling up for nearly 18 years, so much so, that now it will be presented to a Grand Jury that has been convened to see if there is sufficient hard, or circumstantial evidence to pull certain people in for questioning and possible indictments in connection with the destruction of those buildings and the murder of our citizens.

I for one have been very skeptical of the official explanation of just how those buildings came down and fell into their own footprint, especially, WTC 7, which mirrored those buildings that I used to see being brought down by demolition experts.  This can easily be seen if one does a search on-line.  The evidence, in my mind, is damning!

No skyscraper -- on the face of the earth -- has ever fallen due to office or structural fires -- None!  Even when some have burned for over 24 hours!

Add to this, the numerous eye- and ear-witnesses that reported multiple explosions before, during, and as the buildings were coming down (again, into their own footprint).

Many of those witnesses were first responders; highly trained personnel who risked life and limb to save others...

I have seen and heard what some of those first responders reported; again, do a search on-line and see and listen for yourself...

Will we ever hear the results of the Grand Jury's investigation?  After eighteen years, a few more months won't make much difference.  Keep your fingers crossed that the truth will finally -- and officially -- be revealed...

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, March 16, 2019

The New Roman Emperors: The Modernists...

Take a look  around, do you see blood and guts all over the arena: the blood and guts of Catholic Christians being thrown to the lions and tigers because they refused to renounce Jesus Christ and bow down to the pagan, idolatrous Roman Emperors?

Here in the "civilized" West, you don't see that, at least not for the most part, exceptions are, perhaps, parts of the "dark continent", Africa, where Muslim war lords torture and kill Christians for fun and games, all in the name of the "religion of peace".

But here in the good old U.S. of A., and western Europe, we have the new Roman Emperors, the new Diocletians, the only difference is that they cannot throw us -- traditionalists -- to the lions -- it's against the law, for now, that is.  But I have no doubt that if they could, they would!

And just who are the new Diocletians?  Those monsters, the Modernists!  Whether politicians or clerics..

Dare any decent, faithful Catholic priest attempt to return to any semblance of tradition as passed on either by word or our epistle (to paraphrase St. Paul) from the pulpit to the faithful in the pews, and see what happens!  The Sword of Damocles will swiftly fall and lop off his head, or send him into hiding, never to be seen or heard from again.

The Modernists are truly the new pagans, poisoning what is left of those filling the half-empty church pews in the new-order rite, driving young families to more traditional parishes, thirsting for the traditional Latin Mass as well as the foundational dogmas that made the Church and Saints from day- one to the present.

I for one, refuse to become subservient, or to submit to those masquerading as Catholics, simply because they might happen to wear the Roman collar and think they have charge over me and my family; that will never happen!

This no exaggeration: the new persecution is upon us!  And it will get much worse before it gets any better.  What is the answer to these new pagans?  Fight for our own personal sanctification and that of our families, and, of course, pray!   But above all, receive the Bread of Life; the Holy Eucharist!

And pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

Friday, March 15, 2019

Are you tired of "Catholic" bashing??

I'm not, and here's why: those that are "bashed" are not, nor have they ever been Catholic, they are a facade.  Real Catholics, on the other hand, embrace Catholicism -- whole and undefiled -- and the authentic Magisterium -- the teaching arm of the Church.

To deny this is to assuredly repeat history, and we've had enough repetitive history over the last 55 years or so, ever since that Modernist monstrosity: Vatican II -- the neutron bomb that spared some of the buildings, but nearly totally destroyed the Catholic faith of our fathers.

The one caveat: unfortunately, the good guys get lumped in with the bad guys, whether it's priests, Baptist ministers, Rabbis, or public school teachers/administrators -- a catch-22, if you will.  As in war, non-combatants suffer along with those troops on either side of the battle.  As our Lady said regarding the coming World War II: many good men will die (along with the bad).

St. Paul tells us to be angry, but sin not.  In other words, we must -- must! -- resist to the face, sin, and all that it entails, especially condemning and fighting with all our might, the author of sin: Satan and his minions.  It is they who have infiltrated our glorious Church with the prime intention to destroy her from within.

The make-believe priests, bishops, cardinals -- and popes? -- may wear the Roman collar, but in reality are Judas goats attempting to lead what is left of the flock over the cliff to certain physical and spiritual death.

But there is another side of the coin: there are faithful priests, bishops, and cardinals who are beginning to fight back and call the phony spade a spade.  They know the true mission of the Church: the salvation of souls, not social "issues" such as immigration, or plastic straws floating in the ocean.  They also know that the real "issue" is abortion: the killing of the pre-born, and now the born!

They better watch out, though, because we now know we only have 10 or 12 years left before the end of the world, that is, according to those who buy into the lie of climate change!  (Man, how can anyone miss that big, old elephant in the room??)

The bottom line: faithful Catholics must continue to fight for the restoration of the Traditional Latin Mass, as well as those dogmas that are the foundation and the cement that fortifies and sustains the Chruch that was founded by our Divine Judge, Jesus Christ. If we don't believe that, we are doomed...

I ask all of good will to pray for the Catholic Church (and come home to it!!) and pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Democrats Refuse to Allow Vote Against Infanticide -- For The 17th Time!!

That headline is taken from a story, but the sad implications of that non-vote is too horrendous to imagine: the killing of the born that survived the attempt to destroy them while in the womb.

So, the Demonrats even refuse to allow a vote on the floor of the House (of Representatives)!  This is what happened when those very same Demonrats gained control of the now-disgraced "peoples house"...

What are they so afraid of?

They are not afraid of anything because they don't believe in anything but their own power and influence peddling all the while enjoying millions in filthy lucre gladly handed over from Murder, Inc., a.k.a.: planned parenthood, and their minions that live in luxury from the blood money of dead babies, and the selling of those poor kid's body parts for bizarre experiments.

Most of those who are vehemently for the taking of pre-born and now the born, are females.  You know, the carriers and bearers of life...

On top of that, many are "Catholics".

They not only have abandoned their roles as assigned by God almighty, they have abandoned their faith to become their own little gods.  They are, in fact, traitors to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness they claim to be in favor of: they're hypocrites.

Remember what our Lord said: it is better for milestone to hung around the neck and thrown in the sea of anyone that scandalizes (or kills!) these little ones...

Please pray for Divine intervention; the only way I see to stop the killing!

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Battle of Khe Sanh, South Vietnam (January - March, 1968)...

I am writing this from memory, as well as from articles and videos that I have seen and read over the years regarding the siege of the Marine combat base at Khe Sanh, located in the northern sector of I Corps, South Vietnam.

(South Vietnam was divided, for military purposes, into four "corps": I (eye) Corps, II Corps, III Corps, and IV Corps.)

I served in the northern sector of II Corps, at two strategic air bases that supported our troops in the field with uncountable sorties (strikes) from our fighter-bombers located at Tuy Hoa and Cam Ranh Bay.

What became known as the Siege of Khe Sanh, lasted for nearly 77 days, that is, just before, during and after the major 1968 Tet Offensive that I saw unfold right before my eyes from an observation tower that was given the designation: Oscar Six.  It was manned by a "short-timer," in other words, by an Air Force Security Police Buck Sergeant with 27 days to go in-country.  I was assigned to stand watch with him that night.  I had a mere 10 1/2 months to go before I could return to "the world" -- the U.S...

Oscar Six overlooked the entire valley to our south and west.  The tower was equipped with an enormous "star-light" scope that could see the light from a cigarette miles away in the bitch blackness of a moonless night.  

Years later (2010), I would write and publish a story entitled: The Battle For Oscar Six (available on Amazon).

As Tet unfolded, we were informed of a major battle taking place at the Khe Sanh Marine base.  It turned out that those Marines were in a world of hurt!  They were surrounded by an estimated 20,000+ force of North Vietnamese Regular army troops as well as numerous Viet Cong forces determined to overrun and take the Marine base.

But the Marines were just as determined to defend their base and destroy the enemy forces that wanted to destroy them!  

From the videos that I have seen of the Khe Sanh battle, it is a miracle that those Marines survived to tell about it, notwithstanding the substantial KIA and WIA suffered by those valiant grunts.

What is lesser known is that the Air Force played a major role is helping the Marines, not only survive, but also achieve a major victory over the enemy forces.  It is estimated that about 10+ thousand NVA and Viet Cong were destroyed by the artillery as well as the bombing and strafing from our fighters and B-52 heavy bombers.  In fact, some NVA soldiers that either surrendered or were captured, told their interpreters how dazed, devastated and demoralized they were after each massive bombing raid from the B-52s.

The Battle of Khe Sanh was a Marine battle, but the efforts of the other services, mainly the death reigned down from the sky by Air Force fighters and bombers, helped to save the nearly 6,000 Marines from almost certain death.  What is even lesser known, is that Air Force C-130s brought in supplies and took out wounded during the ongoing attack, but with heavy losses to some of the planes and crews.  It is said that those C-130s were "mortar magnets" with some hit while landing or taking off the battered and pot-holed runway.  

The siege of Khe Sanh is filled with many harrowing stories from the Marines that lived to tell about it, but it must also be said that their survival was a multi-branch effort, with Air Force, as well as Army (artillery) that pounded the enemy into submission and eventual defeat.  Sure, I've read accounts from various media that the battle was a draw with both sides claiming victory, but facts and statistics don't lie; the media does, and that is one reason why the American people back home turned against, not only the Vietnam war, but to their shame, also the soldiers that fought in that winnable war.

I think of, and pray for my fellow brothers that didn't make it home, and are now engraved on the Wall in D.C...

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, March 11, 2019

Can a practicing Catholic be a "progressive" (a Liberal)?

To repeat the question: Can a practicing Catholic be a "progressive" (a Liberal)?

First, let's take a look at what is going on in the Democratic party right now...

Most -- not all -- Demonrats are for the killing of the pre-born, and now the born!

Second, most -- not all -- Demonrats are pro-sodomite.

Third, most -- not all -- Demonrats are for the indoctrination of the young children (up to the age of 18 or so) in the public school systems all across this country.

Fourth, most -- not all -- Demonrats are socialists, or worse.

Fifth, most -- not all -- Demonrats outright despise God and His Commandments as is evidenced by their hatred for the Natural Law and paleo-traditionalists.

Sixth, most -- not all -- Demonrats want to restrict free speech AND! free movement -- the ability to travel at will.  If you don't think that the ability to travel is not important, think again...

Seventh, most -- not all -- Demonrats would like nothing better than to restrict or outright ban our ability to defend ourselves, i.e., repeal the Second Amendment.  This is not an exaggeration, but a cold, hard fact.  And without our ability to defend ourselves and our families, we are at the "mercy" of the state.  Why is this important?  Because an UN-armed citizen can more easily be enslaved; hence, what is left of the Republic will disappear right before our eyes.

Eighth, most -- not all -- Demonrats want to absolutely transform this country into their own image; they are, in fact, their own gods.

Ninth, most -- not all -- Demonrats were successful in eliminating prayer from all public schools, and embracing evolution, thus "proving" that mankind crawled out of the pond covered with scum, not made in the image and likeness of the Creator.

Tenth, most -- not all -- Demonrats are in favor of open borders; without a secure border, there is no sovereignty; there is no true security, as is witnessed by the attacks and murders of our fellow countrymen and women by illegal aliens that have poured across our southern border, as well as draining our medical and social services almost to the breaking point.

What does the Church teach regarding the "ten commandments" of the progressive agenda just listed?

Casting aside the abomination of the sexual abuse scandals by the sodomites that have infiltrated the Church through her seminaries, and the mass cover-up by those hierarchs who are sympathetic, or are themselves part of the lavender mafia, the Church's perennial teachings on faith and morals cannot be reconciled with the Progressive/Liberal agenda.

I strongly suggest that those who claim to be "progressive", practicing Catholics, read or re-read the Ten Commandments!

One cannot fulfill the second great Commandment to Love Thy Neighbor and, at the same time, continue the slaughter of the pre-born, and extinguish the most incredible gift given to us by God Himself: to be co-creators with Him in bringing new life and souls into the world.

Without life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is impossible...

If you claim to be a practicing Catholic, you cannot be a "progressive" or a Liberal, period.

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Mixed-up "transgender" kid believes he's an alien.

This from

Jareth Nebula might live on earth but he[?] firmly believes he[?] belongs on another planet. The 33-year-old, who was born a woman but transitioned[?] to become a man[?] when he[?] was 29, now believes he[?] doesn’t fit into any human gender and is, in fact, an alien[?].
…Living alone he[?] now just wants people to accept who he[?] is and admits he[?] would rather be called ‘thing’ or ‘it’ rather than he or she.
Jareth, who legally changed his[?} name four years ago, said: “After coming out as transgender and believing I had finally found myself, I realised I was wrong – I wasn’t male or female, or even human. I don’t think or feel like humans. I can’t really explain it to others – I’m simply otherworldly. I didn’t feel comfortable as either gender or even anything in between. I know I’m stuck in a human form and that’s how I’m perceived by others – but to me, I’m an alien with no gender.
My comment: this poor soul has rejected the Natural Law -- which is an extension of God's law -- and, therefore, has opened up his intellect to the most bizarre influences from those demons who roam the earth, as a roaring lion, seeking all those they can devour (paraphrasing St. Peter).
There are also those who claim that anyone who condemns or even points out that they are sliding toward Gomorrah, are judgmental racists.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  In fact, it is a spiritual work of mercy to do so, in addition to being a work of charity (love of neighbor) to bring that lost soul back to the fold as the Prodigal Son returned to his forgiving father...
Who is to blame for this crazy nonsense?  Parents?  Teachers?  The public school system in general?  Lax and anti-life "laws"?  
Rest assured that the devil will be paid his due when the time comes, and it will get ugly.  Many will be dragged to hell, with little recourse and little hope for salvation.  Those who die in their sins will pay the ultimate price.  Those who follow Christ know the answer, and it is not in man-made laws or supreme court decisions, but only in the Savior, and His holy, spotless Bride, the Church!  
Pray for these lost souls and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Can a faithful Catholic serve in the military today?

This is a "bombshell" question!


Because someone has to do it, yet we see how the military has been corrupted to serve corrupted government leaders leading us into endless and destructive wars, displacing the native populations as well as killing far too many innocents in a half-hearted attempt to destroy the bad guys -- that is, if one can tell just who the bad guys are!

There is traditional-minded priest that I know who continually discourses on the anti-Christ U.S. Constitution, and writes that we should not vote in any election (or serve in the military?).  He is entitled to his opinion, as I am mine.

But being a decent and faithful priest, and me, being -- or attempting to be -- a truthful writer of social and ecclesiastical current events, the fact remains that the Constitution and the military are  "necessary evils" if one looks at it that way...

Let's face it: the job of the military is to kill people and break things -- in war, that is.  Someone has to "win" the conflict, or we have another Korea that has lasted for sixty-six years!  Or Afghanistan, or Iraq, or any of the other misadventures we have entangled ourselves in for far too long.  It's obvious that our first president, Washington, was right...

Yet most of the wars and world-wide conflagrations have not been just wars.  This is one of the elements that a good Catholic as well as others who adhere -- at least -- to the Natural Law must take into consideration as to whether or not join the military service.

But again, the military is necessary if a nation is to survive in this veil of tears -- that's a fact --period.

The problem I have with the attitude of this priest is that he has the freedom to criticize the Constitution or military service, or anything else for that matter, precisely because we have a strong military, and a Constitution that guarantees our freedom of speech protected under the First Amendment to that very same Constitution that he considers to be an anti-Christ document.

To him I would say that this is what we have to work with, so to speak; this is what the country has as its founding document; this is what has lasted longer than any other constitution of any other country in the world.

I also took an oath (twice) to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Our form of government is not perfect, and that, of course, is an understatement.  But the fact remains it is also a form of government that was praised by a previous pope of the Church back in the latter part of the 19th- and early part of the 20th-century, for being a country where the Catholic Church can practice freely without government interference or control.  This very same Pope -- Leo XIII -- did warn Catholics about "Americanism": the watering down of doctrine for the sake of "going along to get along" with our separated brethren.  Truly deadly, as there can be no compromise with doctrine as always and everywhere taught and believed for the last 2,000 years.  To do this, would be treasonous to Christ!

I know that I have mixed several elements in this article, but all are connected in one way or another.
To answer the question: Can a faithful Catholic serve in the military?  I would answer, yes.  Some reasons may be obvious, and some may not be so obvious.

It can be looked at in the sense that it can be a Cross to bear, and, at the same time, a faithful, practicing Catholic can be an example to others, possibly leading some to conversion.  Having said that, it can also be a danger to the Faith, because of the many temptations that are readily available to the serviceman, and now servicewoman.

I served in two branches of the military, and a war, but no one promised me a rose garden when I joined.

Gene DeLalla 

Friday, March 8, 2019

A Vietnam Veteran's Poem...

To My Brothers...

Side by side we stood,

Black or white, it made no difference.

Catholic, Protestant, Jew, or Atheist,

I may not have liked you, but I loved you.

Only God can give and only God can take away,

But Charlie took and never gave.

Why did my bunker-mate die and I live?

To fulfill my dreams but not his?

Yet he is with me always -- in my dreams,

Not wanted there, as I struggle to sleep.

Lord help me to live and not just exist.

Take this burden from my soul.

Have mercy on them that stayed,

Some here, some there.

Arlington is their home now,

As mine will someday be.

Author: Eugene R. DeLalla (former Staff Sergeant of Air Force Security Police, Vietnam, December 16, 1967 -- December 16, 1968)...

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Lent, and a message to my Protestant friends, whom I love...

Today, March 6, 2019, is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.  Lent is a time, not just for "giving up" some starchy or sugary foods in order to lose weight, or to revitalize whatever New Year's resolution that has fallen by the wayside after a half-hearted attempt to implement.

This is also a time which portends the coming of Spring, and a re-birth of Nature's beauty with budding trees, flowers, and a raiment that far surpasses that of Solomon in all his glory!

But, most importantly, it is also a time for self-reflection and some measure of fasting and praying in preparation for the coming of the Passion of Christ, and of His victory over death: the Resurrection. 

Unfortunately, in today's world, over-commercialization, and over-secularization detracts from the reason for the season, rather than focusing on the birth of the Savior at Christmastime, and Christ's Passion and Death at Eastertime...

And those who attach the august handle of Christian to themselves and their lineage, seem to forget that the very book they base their belief system on, the Bible, relies on the authority of the Catholic Church in determining which books were authentically inspired, while eliminating those that were determined to be specious at best.

In all honesty -- and it takes honesty!  And good will! -- to accept that fact.  

If I could make a comparison between the Constitution of the U.S., and the Catholic Church, it would be to show the supreme interpreter of the laws, and the doctrine of both institutions as follows:

If all men/women were able to interpret the Constitution as written, for themselves, without the Supreme Court to interpret those laws passed, for better or worse, then there would be hundreds if not thousands of different governments and interpretations of those very same laws.  

On the ecclesiastical side of the equation, if all were able to interpret the Bible on their own and make judgments on what Scripture means, then we would be faced with what we see today: hundreds, if not thousands of different denominations all with differing interpretations of the same Bible.  

But Christ left us with a Supreme Authority -- His Church -- to interpret the holy Scriptures and give a standard and a stability to those very same teachings in the Bible. 

The idea that one can say what a particular Scripture verse means, and another says it means something different, shows that there is a vital need for that Supreme Authority.

Clearly, it is the Catholic Church that is the Supreme Authority!

To my Protestant friends, whom I love: come home, and be filled with life, and celebrate with us, the Eucharist!  The Bread of Life!  For if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, you will not have life in you (St. John, Chapter 6; taken from the King James version of the Protestant Bible)...  

Pray for our country!!

Gene DeLalla

Where Do We Get Such Creatures? From The Pit Of Hell?? "Cardinal" Roche: ‘Nothing Wrong’ With Latin Mass But Church Needed To ‘Move Away’ From It

 From and written by  Michael   Haynes,   Snr.   Vatican   Correspondent , comes this gem:  Cardinal Roche: ‘Nothing wrong...