Friday, March 22, 2019

Is It Russia Spreading Her Errors, Or Is It Another Country?

What country allows -- in "law" -- abortion on demand?  A.k.a.: murder...

What country is allowing its states to pass unnatural laws "legalizing" infanticide, especially those poor little souls who survive the heinous procedure known as abortion?  A.k.a.: murder...

In what country are aborted baby parts sold on the market to the highest bidder as just another commodity worse than anything the ancient Aztecs or Incas did in their human sacrifice?

What country now has -- in "law" -- the unnatural, legal unions of sodomites, allowing them to "marry"?  Worse than the reason Sodom and Gomorrah were annihilated and burned off the face of the earth!

What country has states that allow "assisted suicide" -- better known as murder?

What country has invaded and occupied numerous countries all in the name of "national security" or regime change?

What country has now banned, for all practical purposes, prayer in schools?

What country constantly attempts to remove crosses that represent the sacrifices of its veterans who fought and died for the freedom to display those very same crosses in the public square?  (Note: constrary to popular belief, there is no "separation of church and state" found anywhere in its constitution).

What country is attempting to secure its borders but is met with opposition, not only from the opposite party in power, but also from within its own party?

What country is openly attacking Christians who uphold biblical standards of faith and morals?

What country is making inroads to restrict the right of self-defense and to weaken or abolish the right to keep and bear arms?

I'm afraid the list is almost endless...

I am very sad to report that it is not Russia spreading her errors, but the United States of America, or what's left of it.  And I say that as a veteran and loyal American who wants to see the best for his country and his neighbor...

More than ever, pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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