Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Self-hating Whites (males)!

It is said that when man makes plans, God laughs.

I say, that when self-hating whites open their collective mouths, Satan laughs.

Maybe the self-hating males are living in a parallel universe?!

Some call this nonsense "white privilege".  What the heck is white privilege anyway?  Can someone explain that to me??

Women talk about "white privilege" too, but not too many females are self-deprecating as their male counterparts seem to relish in their self-deprecation.

I contend that there are several reasons for the white male self-hate: 1) political correctness, 2) the disintegration of masculinity, 3) lack of common sense, 4) guilt?, 5) stupidity.

If you read any of these self-deprecating nuts, you'll see that nearly 100 percent of these guys are liberal Democrats.  That wasn't too hard to figure out...

In fact, one of the leading contenders for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020 is -- Lord help us! -- the former VP of the United States: Joseph (Joe) Biden.

Read any of his ridiculous statements, and you can see for yourself how off his rocker he is.  He literally despises his own white race.  I presume that includes his own white buddies?  His former white senator comrades too?

There is another side to this "Catholic": he is a groper of women and girls.. But don't take my word for it, see for yourself -- the videos are readily available...

And this is the Democratic leading contender for the nomination?

But others can be thrown into the mix of self-hating whites, including the complicit media...

And some of these loonies also talk about "reparation" for their black counterparts for slavery of a 150 years ago.  There is only one problem with this stupidity: slavery ended in 1863, or so we are told in Lincoln's "Emancipation Proclamation".  (In reality, it did not end slavery in the North; it was a façade.  But Lincoln did something much more sinister: he practically destroyed the Constitution.  That's right, way back during the "Civil War" (better known as the war between the states, or more accurately: the War of Northern Aggression) he had newspapers shut down, and editors and owners arrested because they criticized him, or disagreed with his handling of the war.  So much for the First Amendment!).

So who were the first self-hating white males?  Could it be the abolitionists?

Don't get me wrong; slavery was and is an abomination.  I say is, because it is going on right now as I write this article: blacks -- and whites -- are being sold into slavery by other blacks and whites on the African Continent, and other countries as well.

But what is the real, and most important reason, of self-hating males?  It is the loss of faith in God.  Remember what Christ relates to us in the Bible: when the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on earth??

Those white males -- or anyone else for that matter -- who reject Him allow the operation of error to enter their intellects, affecting their ability to make righteous judgments.  In other words, their weakened wills are more inclined to evil, rather than to do good.  

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla


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