Tuesday, March 19, 2019

What Is A "Beto"?

No, I didn't ask what is a potato, I asked: what is a "Beto"?

A "Beto" is a male of the species.

A "Beto" is one that has become a darling of the hard-left media.

A "Beto" has a name too!

His name is Robert Francis O'Rourke.

Supposedly, the nickname "Beto" was given to him by his parents, but when "Beto" decided that had some measure of interest in politics, he started to refer to himself with that nickname in order to sound more "Hispanic".

Actually, "Beto" not only wanted to sound more Hispanic, he wanted to fool them into thinking he had some type of Spanish or Mexican connection with that august race.  In my opinion, he wanted to make folks think that somewhere in his distant past he had some Mexican blood coursing through his veins, instead of acknowledging his Irish and Welsh heritage.  Pretty disingenuous, I think.  Not only that, but insulting to the once-great land of St. Patrick (and Wales!).

"Beto" is a baptized Catholic, or should I say: "Catholic."  The reason for the air-quotes?  He is a radical supporter of abortion up to birth!!   I call it infanticide.

"Beto" may be many things, but Catholic is not one of them!

How dare he present himself to receive Holy Communion with the blood of aborted babies on his hands!

Remember the admonition, or should I say, the warning of St. Paul (1 Corinthians 11; 27, King James version of the Protestant Bible): if anyone eats and drinks of the body and blood of Christ unworthily, he is guilty of the body and blood of Christ!  

"Beto's" god is the prince of this world, the devil. He has sold his precious soul for political power and gain, and to hell with his eternal destiny!

In short, a "Beto" is someone who is not to be trusted in, or for, anything; he is a shyster; a trickster; and a son of the father of lies, Satan.

So, if any practicing Catholic thinks he or she can vote for this scammer, think again, because such a vote would be diametrically opposed to all that the Church teaches on faith and morals.  Translation: it would be a mortal sin, and a matter for confession!

Robert Francis O'Rourke cares not for our precious gift of life: the pre-born -- and now the born!  So how can anyone trust him to look out for the safety and security of our country?  You can't...

Pray for our enemies, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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