Friday, March 8, 2019

A Vietnam Veteran's Poem...

To My Brothers...

Side by side we stood,

Black or white, it made no difference.

Catholic, Protestant, Jew, or Atheist,

I may not have liked you, but I loved you.

Only God can give and only God can take away,

But Charlie took and never gave.

Why did my bunker-mate die and I live?

To fulfill my dreams but not his?

Yet he is with me always -- in my dreams,

Not wanted there, as I struggle to sleep.

Lord help me to live and not just exist.

Take this burden from my soul.

Have mercy on them that stayed,

Some here, some there.

Arlington is their home now,

As mine will someday be.

Author: Eugene R. DeLalla (former Staff Sergeant of Air Force Security Police, Vietnam, December 16, 1967 -- December 16, 1968)...

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