Friday, March 15, 2019

Are you tired of "Catholic" bashing??

I'm not, and here's why: those that are "bashed" are not, nor have they ever been Catholic, they are a facade.  Real Catholics, on the other hand, embrace Catholicism -- whole and undefiled -- and the authentic Magisterium -- the teaching arm of the Church.

To deny this is to assuredly repeat history, and we've had enough repetitive history over the last 55 years or so, ever since that Modernist monstrosity: Vatican II -- the neutron bomb that spared some of the buildings, but nearly totally destroyed the Catholic faith of our fathers.

The one caveat: unfortunately, the good guys get lumped in with the bad guys, whether it's priests, Baptist ministers, Rabbis, or public school teachers/administrators -- a catch-22, if you will.  As in war, non-combatants suffer along with those troops on either side of the battle.  As our Lady said regarding the coming World War II: many good men will die (along with the bad).

St. Paul tells us to be angry, but sin not.  In other words, we must -- must! -- resist to the face, sin, and all that it entails, especially condemning and fighting with all our might, the author of sin: Satan and his minions.  It is they who have infiltrated our glorious Church with the prime intention to destroy her from within.

The make-believe priests, bishops, cardinals -- and popes? -- may wear the Roman collar, but in reality are Judas goats attempting to lead what is left of the flock over the cliff to certain physical and spiritual death.

But there is another side of the coin: there are faithful priests, bishops, and cardinals who are beginning to fight back and call the phony spade a spade.  They know the true mission of the Church: the salvation of souls, not social "issues" such as immigration, or plastic straws floating in the ocean.  They also know that the real "issue" is abortion: the killing of the pre-born, and now the born!

They better watch out, though, because we now know we only have 10 or 12 years left before the end of the world, that is, according to those who buy into the lie of climate change!  (Man, how can anyone miss that big, old elephant in the room??)

The bottom line: faithful Catholics must continue to fight for the restoration of the Traditional Latin Mass, as well as those dogmas that are the foundation and the cement that fortifies and sustains the Chruch that was founded by our Divine Judge, Jesus Christ. If we don't believe that, we are doomed...

I ask all of good will to pray for the Catholic Church (and come home to it!!) and pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

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