Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Democrats Refuse to Allow Vote Against Infanticide -- For The 17th Time!!

That headline is taken from a story, but the sad implications of that non-vote is too horrendous to imagine: the killing of the born that survived the attempt to destroy them while in the womb.

So, the Demonrats even refuse to allow a vote on the floor of the House (of Representatives)!  This is what happened when those very same Demonrats gained control of the now-disgraced "peoples house"...

What are they so afraid of?

They are not afraid of anything because they don't believe in anything but their own power and influence peddling all the while enjoying millions in filthy lucre gladly handed over from Murder, Inc., a.k.a.: planned parenthood, and their minions that live in luxury from the blood money of dead babies, and the selling of those poor kid's body parts for bizarre experiments.

Most of those who are vehemently for the taking of pre-born and now the born, are females.  You know, the carriers and bearers of life...

On top of that, many are "Catholics".

They not only have abandoned their roles as assigned by God almighty, they have abandoned their faith to become their own little gods.  They are, in fact, traitors to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness they claim to be in favor of: they're hypocrites.

Remember what our Lord said: it is better for milestone to hung around the neck and thrown in the sea of anyone that scandalizes (or kills!) these little ones...

Please pray for Divine intervention; the only way I see to stop the killing!

Gene DeLalla


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