Monday, March 18, 2019

New And More Powerful Evidence Regarding The Sept. 11, 2001 "Attacks"...

Let me first start this short article by saying that it is understandable for a freedom-loving, and loyal citizen of the United States to believe that the government of our beloved country could possibly be involved in, or actually be the culprits in the destruction of, not only the Twin Towers and Building 7 on that terrible day, but also worked hand-in-hand with the enemies of our country, thereby destroying our Bill of Rights and our God-given, precious freedoms under the never-changing Natural Law.

If this is the case, then I would expect that those trusting and loyal citizens would find it very hard to accept evidence, no matter how strong, that the government was, in fact, the guilty party that staged and helped to carry out those "attacks".  Remember, on that infamous day, nearly 3.000 of our fellow countrymen and women were killed, and numerous suffering physical damage then, and for many years after in the form of certain types of cancers or respiratory diseases down to this very day!

In a sad irony, almost the same number of our military and civilian personnel were killed during the attack on Pearl Harbor, on December 7, 1941, causing our nation to enter the Second World War.

Was that a set-up too?  There are many who think so, but that discussion must be for another day and time...

But I digress...

The New And More Powerful Evidence -- that is part of the title of my article -- concerns residue of a very efficient and powerful explosive element called Nano-thermite.  This "new" evidence has been piling up for nearly 18 years, so much so, that now it will be presented to a Grand Jury that has been convened to see if there is sufficient hard, or circumstantial evidence to pull certain people in for questioning and possible indictments in connection with the destruction of those buildings and the murder of our citizens.

I for one have been very skeptical of the official explanation of just how those buildings came down and fell into their own footprint, especially, WTC 7, which mirrored those buildings that I used to see being brought down by demolition experts.  This can easily be seen if one does a search on-line.  The evidence, in my mind, is damning!

No skyscraper -- on the face of the earth -- has ever fallen due to office or structural fires -- None!  Even when some have burned for over 24 hours!

Add to this, the numerous eye- and ear-witnesses that reported multiple explosions before, during, and as the buildings were coming down (again, into their own footprint).

Many of those witnesses were first responders; highly trained personnel who risked life and limb to save others...

I have seen and heard what some of those first responders reported; again, do a search on-line and see and listen for yourself...

Will we ever hear the results of the Grand Jury's investigation?  After eighteen years, a few more months won't make much difference.  Keep your fingers crossed that the truth will finally -- and officially -- be revealed...

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla


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