Friday, March 29, 2019

It's Not Easy Being Green...

Recently, the federal Senate took a vote on the "Green New Deal"; the result?  57 to 0, or, as I read it: 0 to 57.

There are currently 54 Republican, and 44 Democrat senators, with two listed as Independents. So, in order to correctly come to the 57 total that voted against it, there had to be some combination of Democrats and Independents to vote with the Republicans to defeat one of the most egregious threats to our freedom since FDR's "New Deal" back in the 1930's.

Now wait a minute!  FDR's "New Deal" was a threat to our freedom?  How can that be??  Didn't FDR pull us out of the "great depression"?

Actually, no.  What eventually pulled us out of the "great depression", was, believe it or not, World War II.

I'll not get into any conspiracies, at least not at this point, but suffice to say it took a world war to raise us out of the depression, but in return, the U.S. and the rest of the world would never be the same again.  More later...

What FDR did want to do was to "pack the court", the Supreme Court, that is, with more of his cronies in order to get all of his "new deal" ruled constitutional.  He knew that much of what he proposed was Un-constitutional, thankfully, his plan failed.

Fast forward to the "Green New Deal" as proposed by the more radical elements of the Democrats, especially that paragon of virtue: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the newly elected Socialist (Communist) from the borough of my birth, the Bronx (New York).

This female, known as AOC, just may be the face of the new, and more extreme wing of the Democrat party.  She is one of the most ardent supporters of abortion on demand, as are most of her colleagues.  And, more pathetically, she is a "Catholic".. so what else is new?

The so-called Green New Deal, would strait-jacket our economy, especially our ability to move about freely, and that includes, our cars, trucks, planes, boats, trains, would, for all practical purposes, be banned after a certain period of  years.  But as with the climate-change boogeymen, only the United States would suffer under their diabolical plan, not China or India -- the countries that have some of the most polluted air and water on earth.

So, the "green new deal" has been defeated, but only for now, and only for political expediency.

Keep alert to these miscreants and their Un-American plans for eventual complete control of our lives...

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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