Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Diabolical Legacy of Bella Dodd Continues To This Day...

Just who was Bella Dodd?

She was a Communist assigned to recruit fellow Communists/homosexuals/atheists to enter Catholic seminaries to become priests.  The ultimate goal was to work their ministry and slyly climb the ecclesiastical ladder to positions of bishops, cardinals, etc., and bring down the Church and destroy her from within.

Bella Dodd was only one of many "recruiters" to work for the former Soviet Union...

This is not a conspiracy, but a fact, as she testified before Congress, circa., 1960.

Thank God, she repented; entered the Catholic Church, and died in the good graces of the same Church she was commissioned to destroy!   The Lord certainly works in strange ways!

But the diabolical legacy of Bella Dodd, unfortunately, continues unabated to this very day.

Even if there are no longer Communist recruiters, then how can this be?

Very sadly, the answer is staring us right in the face: those that worked their way up to positions in the hierarchy, are now, themselves, recruiting those faceless, effeminate, sodomite males to enter homosexual-friendly seminaries to become "priests".  

Recently, a German bishop publicly stated that he would never allow orthodox, traditional-minded men to enter his seminaries!  The reason is obvious, isn't it?

Currently, there are bishops and cardinals who are homosexual friendly, if not homosexuals themselves; they cover-up for fellow homosexual priests; move them from parish to parish when complaints come to the fore, but rarely, if ever, defrock and throw them out of the priesthood.

A simple search for the views of these criminals will confirm, for yourselves, the treasonous acts of these miscreants.  Treasonous to whom?  Christ, and His flock, the very flock that the shepherds are supposed to guide to Heaven, after all, the primary purpose of the Church is the salvation of souls, not their destruction.

With all the bad news these days, it is more difficult to see the forest for the trees, but the forest and the trees exist side-by-side, until the harvest, that is, when the chaff will be separated from the wheat forever, and thrown into the fire to be burned...

We have our Lord's very words of promise that the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church, no matter how small the numbers of the Elect are left on earth!

I ask all of good will to pray for the Catholic Church, and pray, too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla


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