Saturday, March 16, 2019

The New Roman Emperors: The Modernists...

Take a look  around, do you see blood and guts all over the arena: the blood and guts of Catholic Christians being thrown to the lions and tigers because they refused to renounce Jesus Christ and bow down to the pagan, idolatrous Roman Emperors?

Here in the "civilized" West, you don't see that, at least not for the most part, exceptions are, perhaps, parts of the "dark continent", Africa, where Muslim war lords torture and kill Christians for fun and games, all in the name of the "religion of peace".

But here in the good old U.S. of A., and western Europe, we have the new Roman Emperors, the new Diocletians, the only difference is that they cannot throw us -- traditionalists -- to the lions -- it's against the law, for now, that is.  But I have no doubt that if they could, they would!

And just who are the new Diocletians?  Those monsters, the Modernists!  Whether politicians or clerics..

Dare any decent, faithful Catholic priest attempt to return to any semblance of tradition as passed on either by word or our epistle (to paraphrase St. Paul) from the pulpit to the faithful in the pews, and see what happens!  The Sword of Damocles will swiftly fall and lop off his head, or send him into hiding, never to be seen or heard from again.

The Modernists are truly the new pagans, poisoning what is left of those filling the half-empty church pews in the new-order rite, driving young families to more traditional parishes, thirsting for the traditional Latin Mass as well as the foundational dogmas that made the Church and Saints from day- one to the present.

I for one, refuse to become subservient, or to submit to those masquerading as Catholics, simply because they might happen to wear the Roman collar and think they have charge over me and my family; that will never happen!

This no exaggeration: the new persecution is upon us!  And it will get much worse before it gets any better.  What is the answer to these new pagans?  Fight for our own personal sanctification and that of our families, and, of course, pray!   But above all, receive the Bread of Life; the Holy Eucharist!

And pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

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