Thursday, March 21, 2019

Illegal Alien, Confessed Killer of Mollie Tibbetts, Receives Taxpayer Money for Defense!!!

This from Breitbart News:

Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Mollie Tibbetts Granted $3.2K in Taxpayer Money for Expert Witness

Tibbetts-alleged killer

Before the jury selection request, the illegal alien’s attorneys said Bahena-Rivera had a “constitutional right” to receive $5,000 in state taxpayer money to hire an independent investigative team to fight the murder charge.

According to prosecutors, Bahena-Rivera was the last person who saw Tibbetts jogging on the evening of July 18, 2018, in Brooklyn, Iowa, security camera footage reveals. That is the night Tibbetts went missing.

The illegal alien told police that Tibbetts was jogging when he saw her, according to prosecutors. That is when he said he approached Tibbetts and started talking to her. After Tibbetts told Bahena-Rivera that she would call the police if he did not stop following her, the illegal alien allegedly chased her and says he “blacked out” after this.
Police believe Bahena-Rivera stabbed Tibbetts to death, then drove to a cornfield where prosecutors say Bahena-Rivera placed cornstalks over her to hide her body. The illegal alien has been held on a $5 million bond, and the murder trial is set for September.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at 
My Comment: this is the result of "open borders" advocates who see closed or walled borders as a hindrence to their political agenda.  Such open border advocates include Robert "Beto" O'Rourke, the radical pro-abortion "Catholic" now running for the Demonrat nomination for the 2020 presidential election.  Heaven help us if such apostate, baby killers get into the White House for four or eight years!!  Say goodbye to your Constitutional rights as well as the once-cherished sovereignty of the United States of America.  And, by the way, you had better hide your weapons because these anti-Natural Law rights miscreants will find a way to find and confiscate your prized possessions that allow you to defend yourself and your family!  Also, keep in mind that such monsters will restrict you and your wife from having any more children, even if it means forced abortions or infanticide, as has been going on in Communist China for decades...
Pray for our country, and while you are at it, say a prayer for Mollie Tibbetts...
Gene DeLalla

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