Sunday, March 10, 2019

Mixed-up "transgender" kid believes he's an alien.

This from

Jareth Nebula might live on earth but he[?] firmly believes he[?] belongs on another planet. The 33-year-old, who was born a woman but transitioned[?] to become a man[?] when he[?] was 29, now believes he[?] doesn’t fit into any human gender and is, in fact, an alien[?].
…Living alone he[?] now just wants people to accept who he[?] is and admits he[?] would rather be called ‘thing’ or ‘it’ rather than he or she.
Jareth, who legally changed his[?} name four years ago, said: “After coming out as transgender and believing I had finally found myself, I realised I was wrong – I wasn’t male or female, or even human. I don’t think or feel like humans. I can’t really explain it to others – I’m simply otherworldly. I didn’t feel comfortable as either gender or even anything in between. I know I’m stuck in a human form and that’s how I’m perceived by others – but to me, I’m an alien with no gender.
My comment: this poor soul has rejected the Natural Law -- which is an extension of God's law -- and, therefore, has opened up his intellect to the most bizarre influences from those demons who roam the earth, as a roaring lion, seeking all those they can devour (paraphrasing St. Peter).
There are also those who claim that anyone who condemns or even points out that they are sliding toward Gomorrah, are judgmental racists.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  In fact, it is a spiritual work of mercy to do so, in addition to being a work of charity (love of neighbor) to bring that lost soul back to the fold as the Prodigal Son returned to his forgiving father...
Who is to blame for this crazy nonsense?  Parents?  Teachers?  The public school system in general?  Lax and anti-life "laws"?  
Rest assured that the devil will be paid his due when the time comes, and it will get ugly.  Many will be dragged to hell, with little recourse and little hope for salvation.  Those who die in their sins will pay the ultimate price.  Those who follow Christ know the answer, and it is not in man-made laws or supreme court decisions, but only in the Savior, and His holy, spotless Bride, the Church!  
Pray for these lost souls and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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