Monday, March 11, 2019

Can a practicing Catholic be a "progressive" (a Liberal)?

To repeat the question: Can a practicing Catholic be a "progressive" (a Liberal)?

First, let's take a look at what is going on in the Democratic party right now...

Most -- not all -- Demonrats are for the killing of the pre-born, and now the born!

Second, most -- not all -- Demonrats are pro-sodomite.

Third, most -- not all -- Demonrats are for the indoctrination of the young children (up to the age of 18 or so) in the public school systems all across this country.

Fourth, most -- not all -- Demonrats are socialists, or worse.

Fifth, most -- not all -- Demonrats outright despise God and His Commandments as is evidenced by their hatred for the Natural Law and paleo-traditionalists.

Sixth, most -- not all -- Demonrats want to restrict free speech AND! free movement -- the ability to travel at will.  If you don't think that the ability to travel is not important, think again...

Seventh, most -- not all -- Demonrats would like nothing better than to restrict or outright ban our ability to defend ourselves, i.e., repeal the Second Amendment.  This is not an exaggeration, but a cold, hard fact.  And without our ability to defend ourselves and our families, we are at the "mercy" of the state.  Why is this important?  Because an UN-armed citizen can more easily be enslaved; hence, what is left of the Republic will disappear right before our eyes.

Eighth, most -- not all -- Demonrats want to absolutely transform this country into their own image; they are, in fact, their own gods.

Ninth, most -- not all -- Demonrats were successful in eliminating prayer from all public schools, and embracing evolution, thus "proving" that mankind crawled out of the pond covered with scum, not made in the image and likeness of the Creator.

Tenth, most -- not all -- Demonrats are in favor of open borders; without a secure border, there is no sovereignty; there is no true security, as is witnessed by the attacks and murders of our fellow countrymen and women by illegal aliens that have poured across our southern border, as well as draining our medical and social services almost to the breaking point.

What does the Church teach regarding the "ten commandments" of the progressive agenda just listed?

Casting aside the abomination of the sexual abuse scandals by the sodomites that have infiltrated the Church through her seminaries, and the mass cover-up by those hierarchs who are sympathetic, or are themselves part of the lavender mafia, the Church's perennial teachings on faith and morals cannot be reconciled with the Progressive/Liberal agenda.

I strongly suggest that those who claim to be "progressive", practicing Catholics, read or re-read the Ten Commandments!

One cannot fulfill the second great Commandment to Love Thy Neighbor and, at the same time, continue the slaughter of the pre-born, and extinguish the most incredible gift given to us by God Himself: to be co-creators with Him in bringing new life and souls into the world.

Without life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is impossible...

If you claim to be a practicing Catholic, you cannot be a "progressive" or a Liberal, period.

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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