Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Havoc that Separation of Church and State has Wrought...

The following is an excerpt of an article written by Bro. Andre Marie... To see the entire article, visit Catholicism.org.  It is well-worth the read!!

Church and State. The concept of statecraft that gave us Christendom was the union of throne and altar. Since the time of Theodosius the Great (ruled: 379-395), one and the same act — sacramental Baptism — made one both a member of the true Church and a member of the body politic of the Empire. To be a member of the Church was coterminous with being the subject of a Christian monarch. It was expected that statecraft, public morals, professional standards (think guilds), and daily life would be carried out as Christians would carry them out. Without making exaggerated claims regarding the success this ideal achieved in every era, we can certainly state that the ideal as such was a given in the society, and that it was good.
The ideal was viciously attacked by Liberalism. In fact, as can be discerned from this excellent definition of Liberalism, the separation of Church and State is, historically and in the Catholic mind, integral to the error of Liberalism.
The Holy Roman Empire embodied this Christian notion of the Sacrum Imperium. The same ideal of a sacral society is embodied in the beautiful Catholic social thought of the Spanish Carlists, among many other movements.
The great divorce of Church from State, of God from politics, has given us evil politics. It can be no other way.
To the person who will object that God did not join Church and State, but that such was a medieval idea jettisoned by the modern Magisterium, let me recall that Vatican II’s Dignitatis humanae said of itself that “it leaves untouched traditional Catholic doctrine on the moral duty of men and societies toward the true religion and toward the one Church of Christ.”
My Comment: Take a look around and see for yourselves just what Havoc that Separation of Church and State has Wrought...
Ever since the 1963 decision of the Supreme Court basically outlawing prayer in public schools, the scandal that was caused has lasted to this day, only things are far worse in matters of faith and morals.
Here is an excerpt of that decision: Because of the prohibition of the First Amendment against the enactment by Congress of any law "respecting an establishment of religion," which is made applicable to the States by the Fourteenth Amendment, no state law or school board may require that passages from the Bible be read or that the Lord's Prayer be recited in the public schools of a State at the beginning of each school day - even if individual students may be excused from attending or participating in such exercises upon written request of their parents. 
My Comment: Notice in this part of the decision, only the first section of the sentence is referred to: "respecting an establishment of religion"...  Only later is the second part of the same sentence mentioned: "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"...
Where in the United States of America has the Congress ever passed a law "respecting an establishment of religion"?  Or, where in the United States of America has a state passed a law "respecting an establishment of religion"?  
Neither Congress or state have passed any law "respecting an establishment of religion."  
But keep in mind the second section of the First Amendment: "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" (of religion!). 
And yet, that is exactly what the Supreme Court has done: "... prohibiting the free exercise thereof".
Dare -- DARE! -- some poor kid in a public school decide that he/she wanted to say a grace or give a simple thanks before lunch or recess and see what happens.  Why is there such an antagonism against offering to God a simple recognition of the bounty of food and the goodness of God Almighty?
Your guess is as good as mine, but I have to say that Liberalism has infected the minds and hearts of many "judges" that sit on the various courts for life (we need term limits!!), and that Liberalism is diametrically opposed to recognizing that it is the Creator of us all that gives us the FREE WILL to shut Him out of our lives, or embrace Him in this life, serving and adoring, and to be happy with Him in the next...
As Brother points out, in the secular realm, politics has become evil... Take a quick look at the hatred and malice directed toward the most innocent and defenseless  of our species: the pre-born, and now the born, in the form of "laws" passed and court decisions!  
And many of the pols are "Catholic"?  
The consequences of this hatred has been shown since the 1973 SCOTUS decision of Roe v Wade: an estimate of over 60 million children have been sacrificed on the alter of "choice".  But it is not "just" abortion, but with the loss of the sanctity of life, comes other perversions such as rampant homosexuality and their "right" -- now enshrined in law -- to "marry".  I'm afraid there is another endless list here...
Only a true change of heart will bring those misguided and lost souls back to the fold, as the Prodigal Son returned to his jubilant and forgiving Father...
Pray for our country now more than ever!
Gene DeLalla


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