Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Facade of the All American Boy Next Door...

Here is a definition of the Boy Next Door from the

"He is unassuming in appearance and behavior. Introverted, quiet, and in some cases, extremely shy. Most would probably just describe him as 'your typical boy'. On the surface, no one extraordinary. Just a minor character in the cast of your life.

Only, when you look closer, he's so much more. His unassuming nature has made it so that his incredible talents are generally unknown to his peers. In reality, he's brilliant, contemplative, and has some kind of hidden talent. As it turns out, he's very clever, giving him a rarely-found mature sense of humor.

Something else that is overlooked: his appearance. You won't notice if you don't look quickly, since he won't draw attention to himself with loud words or loud clothing. But his face is something special. His features are balanced and symmetrical. His skin is clear and smooth. His hair is soft, and so are his eyes. His eyes make your heart skip a beat. His modest smile makes your insides churn."

Definitions can be deceiving!

Enter another Democrat throwing his political hat into the ring now running for the Democrat nomination for president of the United States in 2020: Seth Moulton.

This character is a former Marine; served four tours of duty in Iraq, and is now a congressman from the Democratic Socialist Republic of Massachusetts.

I find it difficult to believe that after potentially seeing death, mayhem and sacrifice during his tours in Iraq, this monster is 100 percent onboard to continue dealing death, mayhem and sacrificing the pre-born baby girls and boys on the alter of "choice", but no choice for the babies he wants to exterminate, of course.

Translation: he is no different than all the other criminal politicians on murderers row, willing to do the bitting of the demon in order to perpetuate the lie of "women's health", or "women's rights," -- excluding the rights of the human children in the womb.

As a brother veteran, I respect his risking life and limb during his military service, but I absolutely condemn his full-blown efforts to support and defend abortion up to birth, and now infanticide!

This, from

The so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act” was introduced in Congress in 2017, with dozens of Democrat sponsors, including likely presidential candidates Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kristen Gillibrand and Bernie Sanders.
Nicknamed the “Abortion Without Limits Until Birth Act” by pro-life groups, the bill would have invalidated nearly all state and federal abortion regulations, including waiting periods, informed consent requirements, bans on late-term abortions and sex-selection abortions and more.
The congressman has also failed to speak out against Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats blocking a request by Republicans to vote on a similar bill to require medical care and treatment for babies who survive abortions. He has failed to sign a Discharge Petition allowing a vote on the bill on the House floor — that puts him on record supporting their decision to allow infanticide to continue unprosecuted.
My comment: You just can't trust the "boy next door," especially when it comes to life and death of the pre-born, and now the born.  

These miscreants are no different than the ancient Aztecs slaughtering humans to appease their gods, only now these slick-talking killers wear three-piece suits, or skirts or dresses.

So much for the "boy next door"...

Pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla  

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