Monday, April 8, 2019

Is it anti-Semitism, or anti-Zionism?

Here's the question again: Is it anti-Semitism, or anti-Zionism?

Are they the same, or are they different?

I contend that the two are used interchangeably, whether implicitly, or explicitly, to describe that one is anti-Jew.  This could not be further from the truth, but the sad fact is, that today, once an accusation is made, then that automatically becomes a fact; the label sticks, and the person is guilty until proven innocent of the charge.

Everyone should despise anti-Semitism -- or any "anti" group that is different from ourselves, whether out of fear or ignorance, but, at the same time, we who follow Christ, must be able to discern those people who are anti-Christ and act accordingly.  In the Christian mindset, that means praying for our enemies as Christ commanded us to do; like it or not!

Are Jews our enemies?  Not anymore than Muslims are, or Druids, or Atheists, or blacks or Asians, or... fill in the blank...

When I was in Vietnam, and posted on a machine-gun bunker, I could care less what color or creed my bunker-mate was; we were brothers; that's all that mattered.  The time for proselytizing and possible conversion could come later if the circumstances permitted.  The idea at the moment was to get through the night, and fight for each other if the Communist enemy attacked with mortars and troops in an attempt to take us out.

Today, we're in another battle of sorts; a different type of war with the enemy attacking from within our shores trying to destroy what is left of the American dream from radical socialists, and from within the Church trying to destroy Her by bizarre clerics who think that it is okay for homosexuality to be part of the priesthood and all that comes with it.

I digress...

There are Jews today that are, themselves, anti-Zionist.  But how could this be?  It is so because they know that the Israel of the Bible is NOT the Israel of today.

For an excellent primer on the subject of Zionism, I strongly suggest the website:

Pray for your enemies, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla


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