Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Beatitude: Suffering for Justice's Sake...

Blessed are they that suffer persecution for Justice’s sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Just what is Justice anyway?

Justice is inherent in our human, natural right to be treated in a Christian way, and to treat others the same way.  This covers "a multitude of sins," so to speak.  And it fulfills the second Great Commandment to Love they Neighbor, the first is to Love God.  All the prophets and laws are based on these two Commandments, and all other admonishments will, in a sense, fall into place; they overlap, and compliment each other.

If one seeks Justice, then he will not commit a fraud or bear false witness against his neighbor; he will not murder him; he will not rob him; he will not covet, etc...

Those are the negatives, but the positives of seeking Justice, and the results of seeking Justice are the things of Heaven; our final goal!

And what of those that seek Justice and are persecuted for its sake?

The Beatitude tells us that those who suffer for Justice's sake are Blessed, and theirs is the kingdom of Heaven!

In today's society, especially in the United States, we have a great disparity when it comes to Justice.

We know that Lady Justice is blindfolded, but is She really?  It seems not.

How can we as a nation, claim equal Justice for all, when we deliberately deny that Justice to the most innocent and defenseless of our species: the pre-born, and now the born?  

All seem to clamor for "equal rights," but when the rich and powerful use their money and enormous influence to subvert and deny that Justice to the tiny girls and boys developing in the wombs of their mothers, can we really say that we are a nation of laws, laws based on the Natural Law as an extension of Divinely revealed law?   Again, it seems not.

It is an injustice to deny the Right to Life to the pre-born, and now the born.

We can philosophize and theorize all we want, but first and foremost is the necessity of Justice to allow life to those we have conceived, without this, all else is meaningless.

Blessed are they that suffer persecution for Justice's sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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