Tuesday, April 30, 2019

"Catholics"/"Christians" Who Defend -- to the DEATH -- Abortion...

Not a day goes by that we DON'T hear of some supposed Catholic, or some other Christian denomination swear by the Bible that abortion is "okay", or "willed by God", or "abortion is the Christian thing to do", all in the name of "women's rights", or some such blasphemy.

Far too many of the current frontrunners for the Democratic nomination for the 2020 election for president, are -- in name only! -- Catholic; there are others...

How discouraging it is to see just how low these murderers have sunk in order to procure votes for public office.  But I contend that it is only because of how low the perennial teachings of Mother Church have sunk over the years, in the way of poor catechesis and failure to uphold the doctrines and dogmas of the Church.  On the other hand, I'm not surprised by this, because Christ was crucified for His doctrine; His teachings...

Not much has changed in 2,000 years, has it?  However, the modernists -- the human element within the Church -- have taken almost complete control of the inner workings of the Church, and, in effect, have reduced to a meaningless formula, the Faith of our Fathers...

Do these names sound familiar: Robert Francis O'Rourke (he takes the handle of "Beto" to identify with the Hispanics.  I don't think they're that stupid!);  Joseph "Joe" Biden (the sexual predator and child groper);   Also, AOC: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (the radical socialist); and Nancy Pelosi (a mother of five and a grandmother!  But she would happily snuff out the life of babies developing in the womb of other mothers-to-be).  I'm afraid this can be another almost endless list of traitors to the Faith and humanity...

I truly fear for the souls of these miscreants... if they don't repent of their grievous sins before they stand before Christ in their Particular Judgment, then they will suffer the pain of eternal loss of the Beatific vision; how horrible is that?  Not to mention the endless attacks from the demons forever!

Pray for these poor souls, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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