Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The RACISM of the Democrat Party...

"We" -- white (and black!!) conservative Americans -- are always labeled as racists, right?  If someone hasn't heard or seen or read that, then that someone is living in a cave!

I'll prove my point post haste...

The other day, some character by the name of Al Green, a Demonrat representative from Texas's 9th congressional district, was questioning seven bankers during a committee inquiry.

But just before he started the questioning of those bankers, he said that his eyes perceive that all those seven bankers were white, and that panel (of bankers) were all white men, and that if he was wrong, please raise your hand (to indicate that someone was something other than white).

There was not one single sound as this racist made those remarks, not one.  And no one from his Demonrat party on that committee made any attempt to counsel their racist colleague.

For those who remember Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., or have read about him in the history books, you would know -- as I do from my own personal experience, and doing my high school term paper on Dr. King back in 1963 -- that he famously stated that there will come a day when a person is judged by his character, not the color of his skin.

Apparently, Green has completely betrayed the goals and struggles of his own black, civil rights icon.

This blatant display of racism I guess is okay if one is of the Demonrat party, but heaven help any "white man" who says what he said, only referring to blacks, and he would be run out of town on a rail -- after he was tarred and feathered!

The hypocrisy of these malice-filled haters is beyond belief, and that is why we must always be on guard to protect our right to free speech backed up by our Second Amendment right.  That is the prime reason why the Founding Fathers saw fit to include that most important (2nd Amendment) right, knowing that there might come a day when such creatures as Green would sit in the House of the People, the Congress of the Untied States of America, and spew racist hate at anyone not black or brown or yellow, etc...

PS: this information is in the public domain, but I viewed a video that contained pertinent information regarding Green that was shown on the David Knight show on

Pray for the defeat of such politicians, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla    

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