Friday, April 5, 2019

The Real Collusion; the Real Obstruction of Justice; the Real War on Women!

So now we have the released Mueller report before the public, at least the summary, and it clearly exonerates Trump from the phony charges of collusion with the Russians, and obstruction of justice.

However, there is the real collusion; the real obstruction of justice, and, I might add, the real war on women!

It is easy to figure out just who I am talking about: the Clintons, the Obamas, and a good number of officials of the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the FBI and their plan to take down a duly elected, sitting president in what is called a "quiet. or soft coup".

In addition to those miscreants named above, there is even a more sinister, more deadly and a more diabolical collusion, obstruction of justice and the real war on women (as the Republicans are so labeled).

The finger points to that self-described "devout Catholic," Nancy Pelosi, the current Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States of America.  The third most powerful office in the land, and third in line to the presidency if the president and vice-president are incapacitated by illness or taken out -- by force?!

I am talking about the refusal to bring to the floor of the House for a vote, the Republican bill that would absolutely outlaw INFANTICIDE of those poor babies that survive the horrific procedure that is referred to as abortion: killing them by either tearing them limb from limb, or by chemically dissolving their little bodies.

Mrs. Pelosi is a mother of five, and a grandmother, yet she is using her enormous power and influence -- and malice -- to derail any attempt to vote on a bill that would, at least, give that little boy or girl a chance at LIFE!

Nearly twenty times the bill has been brought up in the House, and twenty times Pelosi has killed that initiative!

This is nothing short of demonic; it is criminal; it is a horrendous miscarriage of justice; it is the real war on women, by massacring GIRLS as well as boys.

Where is Pelosi's heart?  Where is her soul?  Where is the Justice for the tiniest of God's gift to us as co-creators?

These are rhetorical questions because we know the answers.  But God will NOT be mocked!  He will have His Justice, and those who destroy the little babies will have a high -- very high -- price to pay at their Particular Judgment, that is, if they don't repent of their hate for their fellow brothers and sisters.

These "Catholics" are known to present themselves for Holy Communion at Mass, and yet without renouncing or repenting -- publicly -- of their sins against the Commandment not to murder.   St. Paul tells us that if someone eats the flesh of the Son of Man and drinks His blood unworthily, he or she is guilty of the Body and Blood of Christ!    

God have mercy on these thugs..

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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