Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Enemies Within the (Catholic) Church...

The following is an excerpt from an article by Dr. Christopher Manion, Ph.D. that I recently read on

"To sum it up: The bishops endlessly sing the praises of their Democrat allies, browbeat the faithful about global warming, remain silent about pro-abort Catholic pols and cover up for their guilty brethren in the abuse scandals. But they aren't "hypocrites" and "Pharisees" — we are, because we disagree with their radical left-wing political agenda."

What more can be said?  And I think the above paragraph sums up what we faithful Catholics are up against in the modernist-controlled Church of Our Lord.

But!  It's not only a treasonous clergy that are attacking holy Mother Church from within, it is also the Catholic laity that have lost the sense of what a Catholic should be, according to the perennial teachings of the very same Church they are members of.

In other words, there are church-going Catholics who no longer think that Christ is present in the Holy Eucharist, or, that those Catholics that adhere to the infallible proclamations of the Church are just a wee-bit too extreme for their own good.  After all, it's not just Catholics that can get to heaven, just so long as your next door neighbor is a good guy; family man; a great bowler; charitable, etc., you know, all the things that society considers makes a person "good," well, he can get to heaven too.

I'm not here to judge a person's soul or even his/her heart; that's God's job, if you will.  But we are taught that by their fruits you will know them, and, yes, Virginia, there are nasty people who will never see God after they pass from this veil of tears, except, of course, to see and account for their beliefs or non-beliefs, and, especially, their works, whether good or bad, at their Particular Judgment.   
And I wonder just how many Catholics still believe in a Particular Judgment??

Christ told His Apostles to preach and baptize all nations, and those who believe and are baptized will be saved, and those that believe not will be condemned.  

Those are not my words, but the Lamb's...

But we have to get back to just what we believe... If the Son of God commands us to believe what He taught, that simply means that we have to believe what He taught, not what we think we want to believe.  In other words, we can't make Christ into our image, but must be made a new creation (St. Paul) in His image..   The difference here is titanic! 

So, if someone tells me they are a believer, do they believe all that Christ taught?  Or, do they pick a verse or two from the Bible and form their own belief system?  My dear Protestant friends are notorious for that, but it seems that far too many Catholics have fallen into that trap also.  Hence, if I believe what the Church infallibly teaches, and I adhere to those teachings, why am I labeled a radical traditionalist by other Catholics?   I will, however, accept that handle and wear it as a badge of honor -- and persecution if need be.

In conclusion, I have to say that the enemies of the Catholic Church are ubiquitous -- from without -- but it seems to me that the greater enemy is from within; this is truly horrifying!

I ask all of good will to pray for the Remnant of the Catholic Church (and become part of that Remnant!), and pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla 

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