Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A Cruel Irony!!

"...that anyone who "tortures, willfully inflicts inhumane injury or pain," or "cruelly and unnecessarily beats, maims or mutilates..." has committed a felony punishable by up to five years in jail and a fine of up to $2,500."

Does the above paragraph refer to the killing of the pre-born, and now the born babies that survive an abortion, but still suffer the above atrocities?


What I wrote is taken from an article from

The Democrat governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, recently signed SB1604, named Tommie's Law, into law.  And "Tommie's Law" states that if anyone "...tortures...maims or mutilates..." any dog or cat will be subject up to five years in jail and a fine of up to $2,500."

 Remember, this is the same governor that made no retractions or apologies for stating -- on air! -- that a baby that survives an abortion should be made "comfortable", then it is up to the mother, et el, to decide if the baby should be kept alive or killed (murdered, that is)!  

Governor Northam, I contend, must be intellectually possessed by the demon.  This is a prime example why I use the word "Demonrat" when describing these monsters that feel more for a dog or cat than a defenseless human baby.  He must have a cold, dead heart; a blackened soul, incapable of discerning right from wrong; completely against the Natural Law and the Commandment not to kill (murder).

In the military, we call what has transpired since Roe v Wade, "mission creep."  Why, because it has led to a massive upheaval of the traditional morals, in favor of a selfish culture of death where anything goes.  If it feels good, do it!  That is from the 80's, by the way, but encapsulates a mindset of doing one's will in defiance of God's will, and His plan for us...

Sixty-plus MILLION babies have been destroyed by these demons and their minions, sacrificing tiny babies on the alter of "choice".  Yes, choice, but not for the babies...

Pray for an end to this willful murder of the pre-born, and now the born, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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