Saturday, April 20, 2019

American Dream, Or American Nightmare?

As Easter approaches, we recognize and celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, and His victory of death and sin.  It should be a celebration for all of mankind, but it's not.  Not because some don't believe, well, in reality, some don't, but I'm referring to those American families that have suffered the loss of their loved ones at the hands of illegal aliens.

How so?

Many, by drunk drivers who have been deported time and time again.  Or those poor souls that had their lives taken by the most heinous of means: stabbings, fatal gunshots, and other horrible ways, mostly for money or out of pure malice or uncontrolled lust.

These illegals know how to play the system, and are, in fact, helped out by screwy liberal "civil rights" lawyers who will do everything in their corrupt power to see that justice ISN'T done!

But where is their zeal for justice for those lives brutally taken from their families?   There isn't any...

The Angel Moms and Dads fight for some measure of that elusive justice, only to be frustrated and saddened even more because, in many cases, those illegals are treated with kid gloves and deported once again.  We even have loony politicians who run so-called "sanctuary cities" keeping law enforcement in the dark when it comes to the apprehension or whereabouts of the bad guy illegal.

The question is: how many American citizens have been killed over the last 15 or so years by illegal criminals?

The estimate is quite high, and can be as many as 40,000 to 60,000!  I have also seen the estimate of those illegals in the country placed at about 11 million or so.  The reality is more like 30 to 40 MILLION -- or higher!   This is a more realistic number as the human flood of illegals continue to storm our shores like an uncontrolled tsunami battering ram, knocking down whatever inadequate border defenses we have in place, witch isn't much...

President Trump must -- MUST! -- exercise his Constitutional powers to protect our borders regardless of the complaints of the Demonrats, or the ultra-liberal "judges" throwing roadblocks up at every move the president makes.  Mr. Trump should simply ignore these "judges" and close the border at once, deploy our troops, and build the wall A.S.A.P!!

The hypocrites in Congress cannot be trusted to do the right thing, on the contrary, they continue to do the wrong thing, all for the future votes of those that enter our beloved country illegally, promising "free" money and "free" education at YOUR expense!

Meanwhile, the Angel Moms and Dads will not see their offspring celebrate Easter; they are dead and buried, while the monster, killer aliens go about their miserable lives...

Pray for those families that have lost their sons, daughters, mothers and fathers, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, grandmothers and grandfathers, friends and neighbors to the killer illegal aliens.

And while you're at it, pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

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