Wednesday, April 24, 2019

If There Was Any Doubt...

If there was any doubt about the Democrats losing their minds all because of their extreme malice toward President Trump, and their despicable hate for our country, then the latest lunacy of the Left should clear up any of that doubt...

Just what is going on with the Demonrats?

The "frontrunner" for their party for the 2020 nomination for president, is none other than that socialist senator from Vermont, Bernard Sanders.  Many know him as "Bernie" Sanders.  I prefer not to use his nickname, as I'm not a friend of this maniac.

Why is he a maniac?  For several reasons, not the least of which is that he is in full favor for the killing of the pre-born, and now this poor excuse for a politician (do all politicians fall into the category of poor excuses?) is dead set on allowing convicted felons to vote in all elections, including all presidential elections!

Just recently, he was asked about letting murderers, child rapists; terrorist bombers and others, to vote in various state and federal elections.  He replied, that, yes, they should be allowed to exercise their franchise to vote.  This, directly contradicts the fact that convicted felons lose their right to vote while in prison.  After they pay their penalty and leave prison, some states -- not all -- allow these people to vote once again.

(The Demonrats have nothing of substance to run on, so, they create a tangled web of lies and stupidity simply because they hate the president so much.

No matter what good Mr. Trump does, it is not enough, or not recognized for a good.  While, at the same time, they continue to appose him at every turn, sabotaging his meager efforts at safeguarding  our country from an invasion of illegal aliens at our southern border.)

But take heart!  These Demonrats are so desperate they are digging their own political graves come the 2020 election, and assure the re-election of Mr. Trump.  He is certainly not perfect by any means, but just think if a Sanders-type gets into the Oval Office, you can kiss your freedoms goodbye, and that includes your right to keep and bear arms; free speech; and to keep some of your hard-earned money, not to mention the continued destruction of innocent, little pre-born babies -- and now those who survive the attempt to kill them through abortion: that's called infanticide.

Let us never forget that the hard Left now wants to give the "right" to vote back to those that have killed, raped, bombed, kidnapped, tortured or committed mayhem on society simply because they despise America and all it stands for...

Pray that these miscreants fail miserably in their attempt to gain the highest office in the land... and pray for our country..

Gene DeLallla

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