Friday, April 12, 2019

Celebrating the Arrest of Julian Assange?

If you are one of the many celebrating the arrest and possible extradition of Julian Assange to the U.S. for conspiracy and other "crimes," I suggest you put the cork back in the bottle and wait for some tiny measure of justice before you take that first drink.

Far too many of us have short -- very short! -- memories.

The charge of the supposed release of classified information from hacked DNC servers by Assange, is quite ironic.

Think, first of all, of Hillary Clinton's illegal and dangerous use of her personal server to house classified (some Top Secret!) messages that we now know was hacked and intercepted by the Communist Chinese, leading to the death of more than just a few undercover agents in that country working for the CIA.

How many have ever heard of the deaths of those agents?  Probably few, if any, due to the complicit media and their accomplices failing to report the truth, and, at the same time, protecting the real enemy in the form of the former candidate for president in the 2016 election.

But there is much more to this treason of Clinton and others of the "deep state".

Assange is as pure as the driven snow when compared to the sabotage of these miscreants.

If you want to take a glimpse of the real events, look up the supposed "robbery" and the actual murder of Seth Rich.  Does that name ring a bell?  It should.  Rich worked for the DNC; he was privy to so much intimidating information, that he could no longer look the other way.  In other words, he had a conscience, and it is reported, or at least supposed, that he was getting ready to spill the beans regarding the absolute corruption of those he trusted to do the right thing.

The servers of the DNC were not hacked from an "outside" source, but from within.  There is much technical information that points to this fact...

I'll say it again, I wouldn't be popping the cork to celebrate the arrest of Assange.  Remember, that we have many enemies both foreign, and most importantly, domestic, that would like nothing more than to see this country become another Amerika, where you and I would no longer have the ability to criticize the government and seek redress for our grievances through the courts...

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla 

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