Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Women: The Life Bearers, Have Become The Life Takers...

God's second greatest creation: woman, the life bearers, have now become the life takers.

The first and greatest of all of God's creation is the soul; the immortal soul infused into us by the Creator Himself.  A soul destined to be with Him for all eternity, that is, if we cooperate with Him in this life, to do as He wants us to do; what He commands us to do, in order that we worship Him on His terms, not ours...

All too often we find ourselves "in charge" of our lives, and forget that the One Who gave us life in the first place, is the One in charge; He directs us to do His will, and wants our wills to be in conformity with His.

But is it?

Again, all too often it is not...

This is painfully true when we see a woman, the life bearer, become the life taker.

She will take the life of her baby (read: their baby; it takes a father too!) because she has been brainwashed or pressured into thinking that the little girl developing in her womb is somehow less human than she, and can be disposed of at will as so many on the hard Left propagandize these days.  And as the "law" says "it" can be...

(Let's remember that any man-made law, or court decision that violates the Natural Law is automatically null and void, and is not to be obeyed or enforced.)

Those old enough to remember, or have read in the history books, it was Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., that wrote from the Birmingham jail exactly what I wrote in the above parentheses.  In fact, Dr. King quoted two Catholic Saints to prove his point: St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine as to just what constituted a just, or unjust law...

Have those women, who believe they can take the life of their little baby in the womb, forgotten what is just in this life?   Does her "choice" also apply to her baby?  Apparently it does not; as it should.

In the coming 2020 election for president, we have numerous women, as well as men (have they abrogated their masculinity to the female mindset?  And some of those females, it seems, want to become "men"!) are hell-bent to insure that the "right" to an abortion is kept sacrosanct and untouchable by God-given common sense and the Natural Law.

These lost souls are playing with fire -- eternal fire, that is, if they don't change their minds and, more importantly, their hearts, to recognize that the new human they carry in their womb is, just that, a new human being, created in the image and likeness of God Almighty.

Just as no law can say that a woman has a "right" to an abortion, no law can mend a broken heart or soul after an innocent life is taken out of this world, only true repentance and a firm purpose of amendment to change the course of one's life will suffice...

There is forgiveness, but it must be asked for!  Christ died for all of us; it is up to us to ensure those supernatural merits are not wasted...

Pray for an end to abortion, and pray too for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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