Monday, May 13, 2019

The Death Penalty: Its Absolute Necessity And Justification...

Can a murderer or kidnapper, that kills his victim, or a traitor, be put to death by the state?


The state has an obligation to protect the commonweal of society, even to the point of imposing the death penalty and deprive the killer of his/her own life.

Contrary to what the current pope of the Catholic Church has said, and his attempt to change church teaching on the subject of the death penalty, the Church has always taught that the death penalty can be used as a last resort -- after due process -- in order for the killer to pay with his own life for his crimes against society.

(Sadly, there are more than a few states in this country that have done away with the death penalty, calling it outdated and barbaric!  This is a grave mistake!  And gives a bizarre succor to the potential criminal knowing that he will not be put to death no matter how demonic his actions were in the taking of innocent life!)

Remember, the pope is to be the guardian -- the protector -- of the deposit of faith, not an innovator, thinking that he can change that precious deposit of faith (and morals) because of some modernist agenda to cave to the spirit of the age, is absolutely wrong.

Unfortunately, that is exactly what this pope is doing in many areas of the perennial teachings of holy mother Church.  This is sad and confusing, to say the least.

There are far too many Catholics that do not know their faith, and think that whatever the pope says or writes is binding on the conscience of the faithful.  This is not so!  There are strict requirements that have to be met in order for a teaching to be binding.  Suffice to say, that the pope is human, and like you and I, is entitled to his opinion.  If he says that the death penalty is null and void from this point on, he is not to be obeyed!  Remember, he cannot change any teachings on faith and morals, period!

When Christ was standing before Pilate, He told Pilate that if His kingdom was of this world, His legions would come and protect and save Him.  In addition, He said that he (Pilate) would have no authority over Him if it were not given him by His Father, and consequently, through the state, to him!

Translation: even our dear Lord was subject to the death penalty, but in this case, not because He committed some heinous crime, -- impossible! -- but to render the ultimate sacrifice to His Father for the sins and salvation of all the human race!   His was the sacrifice of pure, unadulterated Love for His creatures!

Today, we have "legal" murder in the form of abortion, and now infanticide in the form of letting a poor baby girl that survived an attempt to kill her through the "procedure" of abortion, left to die a cold and lonely death or thrown into the trash can!

Murder is still murder, and these killers should also be subject to the death penalty, period!

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

Pray for the restoration of the death penalty in all 50 states, and pray for an end to the "legal" murder of the preborn.   And while you're at it, pray for our country!!

Gene DeLalla

1 comment:

  1. As you mentioned above about the states that have no death penalty, take the parallel idea of guns; take away the guns and that leaves the criminal, knowing there are no guns to impede him, to do just what he wants to do; KILL.


Thank you for your comment.

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