Friday, May 3, 2019

America: Where Do I Begin??

America the beautiful?   Yes!

America: the home of the free and the brave?  Yes!

America: the most prosperous nation on the face of the earth?  Yes!

America: the most generous nation on the face of the earth?  Yes!

America: hated by our own media thugs!  They are the useful idiots that will be first to go when the excrement hits the rotating blades.

America: the destination of millions of aliens; legal or not!   (Why?  Figure it out!)

America: my fatherland (and yours?).

America: where I can live "free" and die for that freedom.

America: when I fly the Flag, or, when I hear "America the Beautiful", I still get teary-eyed, .  (Yes, I really do!)

America: where my father came to America, from Italy, through Ellis Island in 1913.

America: where my mother came to America, from Italy, in the 1920s.

America: where I served in two branches of the military, and served in Vietnam: 1967-1968.

America: where I am free to travel at will -- for now, that is!

America: where the killing of the pre-born (and now the born?) is still the "law of the land"!   This must end!

America: where I can practice my Catholic faith -- for now!   And, if necessary, suffer martyrdom for the faith that Christ, Himself, gave me.

America: would you fight and die for Her?  If you are not willing to do so, leave!

I could write a book!

Pray for our America!

Gene DeLalla

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