Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Murderous Demonrats Block Bill to Stop Infanticide For 35th Time!!!!

Yes, once again, led by "devout Catholic" Nancy -- a.k.a.: Murder, Inc. -- Pelosi, the Demonrats have blocked the Republican sponsored bill to end infanticide for the 35th time!!!

Let me repeat that, all who support the Demonrats, I hope you find it hard to sleep tonight, and while you struggle to get that shut-eye, remember all those pre-born -- and now born! -- babies that are torn apart or left to die if they survive the "procedure" --  a.k.a.: the attempted murder -- through abortion.

This has absolutely nothing to do with "women's rights", or "choice," no, it is about murder, plain and simple, and the horror of leaving a born baby to die alone and cold.  Even worse, now leftist politicians have shown their hands for all to see: they are in favor of killing a born baby!  

May God have mercy on their miserable, blackened and cold-hearted souls!!

Pray for an end to abortion, and now infanticide!

Gene DeLalla.  

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